Beginners - November 2013 (Page 14)

by h4ever
unsolved externals
Do you know why this prints unsolved externals error? MSVCRTD.lib(crtexew.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _WinMain@16 referenced in function __...
[3 replies] Last: thanks (by h4ever)
by hilft
Classes question
Is my understanding of the output correct? I am certain that I'm doing this wrong. My explanation is written as notes on the code below. can someone clar...
[4 replies] Last: Your misunderstanding is here: A a; /// this line refers to ... (by dhayden)
by KamKan
Struct Problem CODE! :)
I am creating a struct program where one will input name, contact, item's details and etc, but the code has a problem and the problem is when inputting customer...
[5 replies] Last: What is the purpose of this? void newline(){ char s; do{ cin.get(... (by JockX)
Reading files with code in Dev-C++
I've tried looking for an answer to this question, but maybe I've just searched Google wrong. Anyway, I want to read a file with a piece of code from dev C++. ...
[1 reply] : The Orwell Dev C++ is reasonably ok, it includes the MinGW32 4.7.2 com... (by Chervil)
vector push back issue
Hi guys, i'm trying to write a code, and i am stuck with an issue. I have a vector, and i need to write it's elements in this format: Index Value (these ...
[2 replies] Last: Or is it just as simple as for (int i = 0; i < myVector.size(); ++i) ... (by long double main)
Compile Crash with Unknown Cause
Trying to compile a patch to MythTV, but it's giving a crash I don't understand.: ccache g++ -c -m64 -pipe -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -DPIC -mar...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks, searching on usleep I found in the man page I needed to add #... (by Quantum)
Cstring Uppercase method?
I have this code that will take the cstring from the user. Total limit inside the cstring would be 10 including the null character. I'm trying to convert the us...
[16 replies] Last: In this loop here: for (int index=0; char ch=cstring ; index++)... (by Chervil)
Add 0 to numbers less than 10
Not sure how i would add a 0 in front of the modulus calculation if computing seconds to hours, minutes, and seconds if the values equaled a number less than 10...
[1 reply] : Use setw() and setfill() (by Chervil)
Why will this not run?
I am making this program for school, and I cant figure out why the program wouldn't run. The Debug report, is as follows: Calculator.obj : error LNK2005: _ma...
[7 replies] Last: Well, the error message is pretty self-explanatory. Your compiler is ... (by MikeyBoy)
by crj1
Palindrome Sentences
The user is suppose to input a sentence and im suppose to output the palindrome words. So far, it can only take one word and rejects any sentences. here is ...
[no replies]
Modular Inverse
Hello, I'm trying to calculate the modular inverse of 4445 mod 7936. I wrote the following code: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int n...
[2 replies] Last: Thank's a bunch! (by careyhrdngg)
by krutuk
Problem with ostream
Hello everybody! I have a problem during working on my program. I have std::ostream& oStr and I want to calculate its size, but I can't. In google I have fou...
[1 reply] : Is the stream oStr open? (by Chervil)
Creating a Class
I have been learning C++ fairly well for the past few months in a course I'm taking, but I'm having a fair amount of difficulty creating a class. I have my firs...
[7 replies] Last: What's going on your default constructor? Car::Car() { int newY... (by MikeyBoy)
by sunni
Problem with my calculator.
Write your question here. Hello, I'm working on this code for an assignment and I keep getting the error C2447. I was hoping you all could help me understand...
[12 replies] Last: Sadly, my class was never given a textbook. u_u But....GOOGLE!!!! W... (by MikeyBoy)
need help writing the code to my array
I need help writing out the code for this array here can someone guide me through it #include <iostream> using namespace std; // 2. Rainfall statistics ...
[1 reply] : Well, what you have so far looks ok. Which part do you need help with? (by Chervil)
by hmdrdi
expected unqualified id before '{' token
I am facing two errors on line 4. using Dev++ please help me. I have to submit this assignment and today is last date. expected unqualified-id before '{' tok...
[8 replies] Last: thanks a ton man. After reading your reply i just removed last extra e... (by hmdrdi)
Function using object from base class or derived class
I've got a function Add which adds an object to the map I have. If I set the parameters to Add(int, BaseClass*) If I use an object of DerivedClass ...
[no replies]
by tuler
Changing Parents variable in inherited class construktor
Hello, I am new in C++ so I apologize for awfull Code. How can i change my Parents variable in the inherited Class konstruktor? Is it even possible? #incl...
[no replies]
by Ionos
Path of output file
Hello everybody!I have a question, for the output file of my code. I use the ofstream to create a file like this... ofstream myOutFile; myOutFile.ope...
[3 replies] Last: Well, I'm not sure whether there's a standard way to do this. Here's a... (by Chervil)
Else error
I have a problem with else it says "error expected a statement" then cout << "well done your not a dumbass" endl; the end; says expected a ; when everything ha...
[1 reply] : if (awnser == 2); this line should not end in a semicolon. The ... (by Chervil)
November 2013 Pages: 1... 1213141516... 80
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