Beginners - November 2012 (Page 7)

Class Vs. Structure
What are the differences between a class and a structure ? (Besides the fact that the default access specifier of a class is private and that of a structure ...
[6 replies] Last: There was a whole discussion on this same topic in another forum post ... (by HellfireXP)
by N0obie
How to check duplicates from a regex result?
Hello, as my nickname states I'm a noob in C++ I'm parsing results from a file with regex and i get some duplicates, how i can check duplicates and only take...
[4 replies] Last: Somebody give some hint please, i don't know...Still reading to try fi... (by N0obie)
Cards Program
I am interested in creating a few card programs and I have the first part complete (basis for all the card programs I plan to write). Before I proceed, I'd lik...
[3 replies] Last: This deck only has 52 cards (no jokers). But yeah, I do need to go ba... (by HellfireXP)
User Inputs 10 Integers into Array
Hi there! I am currently taking my first programming class and we have reached Arrays. I have followed all the tutorials here however I have not come across any...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much for your help! I changed the code just like you said... (by Blixamarkham)
Append element to array
Hello. I'm new at C++ coming from a good experience with Python. I have an array string x = {"a", "b", "c"}; I would like to add an element to said arra...
[5 replies] Last: i can resize it. (by Aramil of Elixia)
Associative Array/Dictionary in C++?
Hello, Python experienced and new at C++ user here. I've a function, and need to return usernames and their passwords (well, their hashes to be precise). Anywa...
[2 replies] Last: That's called std::map (or std::multimap if multiple keys are allowed... (by Plazmotech)
printing 2d arrays, swapping and reverse
I am trying to write a program to print a 2d array, swap certain elements, and print it in reverse This is the array: int arr = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {7...
[no replies]
Advanatage of Static class
What advantage/disadvantage of making class Static . if we have to use a function without object we can make it static and call it by class name then why we us...
[1 reply] : There are no static classes in C++. The keyword static only applies to... (by Cubbi)
I am workign on a hw for my class and can't get it done!
1) Create a file of charge card purchases, called ‘CustomerPurchases’. Use 5 different charge card numbers, each with 6 different purchases. (Total 30 wel...
[no replies]
Why is this an infinite loop?
Its a sudoku solver, when I use cout for the int k it displays 0 through 8 endlessly. But I cannot make sense as to why it is an endless loop void solveBoard(...
[4 replies] Last: possible is also a bool. You need to assign board the value i... (by cire)
What is the best compiler for C++. currently using TC 3.0/4.5 .. But the graphics are pathetic .. Which one do you use ?
[9 replies] Last: I use MinGW with GCC 4.6.2 GCC is probably the most popular one, follo... (by maeriden)
English setter
Hi; Setters and getters. I'm really not understanding the concept of this. So I have been told always remember for every setter you need a getter but n...
[4 replies] Last: Classes have protected and private members. Getters and setters are us... (by maeriden)
A Final Grade Program 2
Ok, now when I run the program..nothing happens. I go through all the inputs but it doesn't show my end outputs. I commented what it doesn't show #include <i...
[4 replies] Last: It does the same thing as system("pause"); does. Basically it stops t... (by closed account 3qX21hU5)
Adding text onto Image
Okay so we are working on this Posterization project which is suppossed to resemble and Obama Hope poster. We have succeeded in doing all the borders and poster...
[4 replies] Last: I have everything else done but the posterization can we do a trade? (by gghf)
Homework assignment
Hi I have a homework assignment and I have to take a previous solution and do a certain set of instructions to it. Here is the code: // Program: TicTacToe wi...
[2 replies] Last: Very sorry about that I'm new here and am in a rush because this has t... (by RogerWang)
helpp please :(
hii so i had an in class quit the other day and the question was to write a program which when it is given a word if the word has even number of letters it swit...
[no replies]
How to find a specific class object?
I have a class and I used a for loop to create 10 objects of the class. The class has a int 2d array and all the objects have random numbers in the 2d array. Ho...
[no replies]
Removing prime numbers from an array.
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int function(int*, int); int main () { int* a; int* b; int n; cout << "How much natural numbers...
[3 replies] Last: BUMP: int function(int* a, int n) { for(int j=0;j<n;j++) ... (by DontSeeMinusMinus)
Now this maybe forward, but I'm on a time frame Essentially, I am tasked with creating a system, that can create multiple "Accounts", I have to create an acc...
[2 replies] Last: Well thanks, but I have done all of that, I've post in the beginners a... (by LiamSalt)
Vigenere Cipher
Can anyone help me with building a code for Vigenère cipher ? I am ahving trouble understanding the whole concept Thanks!
[8 replies] Last: You havnt seen my logic at u can't really comment on my effort... (by pnagpal)
November 2012 Pages: 1... 56789... 75
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