Beginners - November 2012 (Page 62)

What I am missing plz help?
Hi guys My compiler is giving me the error please have a look to the program and Microsoft visual C++ compile error, " operator + " is giving some error whe...
[7 replies] Last: I think this is a bit better than my previous attempt... Time Time::o... (by Chervil)
File input and Arrays
I have to read data from a file in columns like this: NOT 11010111 AND 10110010 11001110 OR 11011001 11100101 CONVERT 10011010 LSHIFT ...
[2 replies] Last: You could read all three arguments as std::strings. Then use something... (by Chervil)
C++ and UNIX Linux Library
Is there any place where I can download source codes to read others code. Is there anyone who dont mind contributing your projects / assignment, so I can lea...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks for all your input, I tried planet source, its pretty crap. ... (by Charcoalman)
by h4344
How can i read only certain info from txt files?
Im wondering how i can make it so i only read certain info from a txt file, for example "Name=Joe" i only want to read Joe. Although Joe can be anything really ...
[2 replies] Last: Typically you'd want to parse the input file so that you can recognise... (by Chervil)
what is wrong please?
Please could someone let me know what i'm missing here...? #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <sstream> //#include = what types of coding to be inc...
[3 replies] Last: I do know ;) don't place your code to close to each other. Use less l... (by Jikax)
Help me If you want to earn money
Hey guys I have assignment due tomorrow night. Sorry my english limited I dont understand the assignment well. Here is assignment. Write a well-documented C+...
[9 replies] Last: #include <algorithm> // for std::swap() void sortarray(int a , int n... (by Catfish2)
Fahrenheit to Conversion Help
I am in class and my teacher seems to refuse to help me like he has all semester. Could anyone help me out with this?  Loop 4 times to do the following ...
[4 replies] Last: I think the use of an array is a reasonable suggestion. I just tested... (by Chervil)
sizeof class
i am not able to understand the output for class derived2 and class derived4...can anyone please help me with the same #include <iostream> using namespace std;...
[1 reply] : Whenever a class is derived virtually, it adds a virtual pointer (vptr... (by kameswarib)
by Hotice
My collab project and vector constructors
Hello all, I am working on a program that takes in a SIC/XE assembler program (in the form of a tab-delimited .txt file) and generates a file with the opcodes ...
[2 replies] Last: I ditched this approach. It turns out you would have to reserve the sp... (by Hotice)
Passing Arrays to Funtions
so this is what i have so far, im basically supposed to have a user input 12 amounts of rainfall for every month of the year then calc the total, and average ra...
[1 reply] : you calling function wrongly.. getTotal (double total , int arraySi... (by HiteshVaghani1)
by deana2
Ifstream question with getline
Hello there, I am writing a small program for a class assignment. The assignment is to compare 2 text files using ifstream and then to read the files until the...
[2 replies] Last: " if ( ; " has a spurious semicolon in the end, remove... (by Cubbi)
Guessing game, and quitting it whenever
Hi guys, I created a guessing game, but I need to enhance it now to allow myself to keep guessing the number until it is guess correctly, or i choose to quit th...
[7 replies] Last: I forgot to ... (by TheIdeasMan)
Infile/Outfile problems
//Comments #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <iomanip> #include <fstream> using namespace std; int main() { fstream infile; ofstream outf...
[no replies]
Returning Array Values from Functions
I have a table of numbers created. For Table A the values contain the numbers 1-10. If the user were to enter 0, the function would return 1. If the user were...
[1 reply] : The lookup function should take an int as an argument, then use that n... (by TheIdeasMan)
If i have an array with a varied number of elements, say // int j = 1000; // string names = {steve, brian, sean, kevin, jason}; I put j as a large num...
[1 reply] : Look up vectors. Google C++ vector Example This will take you to the... (by TheIdeasMan)
loop problem
I have a segment that is SUPPOSED to execute an error message then restart the loop, but it tries to make you enter the variable again. What is wrong? co...
[2 replies] Last: I keep getting this: Enter value (0 to stop): 258 was the value (f) f... (by anpelton)
Compiler Error Messages
Hi, my name is BedaBing. I've read a lot of the beginner forums here when I have needed help. This will be my first time posting on here because I was not able ...
[4 replies] Last: Okay thanks a lot. I looked it all over and was able to fix the code, ... (by BedaBing)
Help with my code please
here is what I have so far, and I know there are a lot of errors I just need some help please. #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <algorithm> #i...
[8 replies] Last: One final thing - Don't put multiple statements on one line. Does you... (by TheIdeasMan)
Gantt chart
I want to draw Gantt chart for machine scheduling by using C++. Can any one help?
[no replies]
Table format?
So my prof wants us to to format our output in a table, i have everything but the actual output code. Display the character for the ASCII codes 32 through 127,...
[9 replies] Last: i already figured that out, i tweaked it a little, I use this more as ... (by anpelton)
November 2012 Pages: 1... 6061626364... 75
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