Beginners - November 2012 (Page 6)

debugger question and BST
Which of the following is the correct statement if you want to compile a program but debug it using a debugger such as ddd or gdb? (a)g++ -g main.cpp (b) g+...
[4 replies] Last: all provided me the code. actually i know how to do for the binary sea... (by Felicia123)
C++ Books?
Hey guys, I dont really know if theres anywhere else to post this on this forum but could anyone reccomend a good C++ book available to download, I want somethi...
[6 replies] Last: The book named "How to think like a computer scientist Allen B. Downey... (by Joalyimo)
WTF with this if( many strcmp() ) not working
What is the problem with this code: PROCESSENTRY32 pEntry; HANDLE pSnap; pSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); char ExeName = ...
[4 replies] Last: How about this? Does this work? if((strcmp(ExeName, szExE) != 0) || (... (by Moschops)
Classes and Objects help
A question says I need to design a class called Length. The class should store the length for a string in two integers: feet and inches, and have two member fun...
[4 replies] Last: Nice... Alternatively, you could ask for feet and inches separate... (by kevinbright)
ending program with escape..?
Okay so in my program, in different menus, rather than putting an option to exit, what I wanna do is if the user enters escape the program should exit (0) ...
[1 reply] : This should help you (by closed account 3qX21hU5)
do you know of a good C++ windows api used in conjunction with codeblocks
i got me 32 bit windows, and i know nada apart from everywhere i look is visual studio which i heard is a bit different/boring. i want to install a windoews ...
[11 replies] Last: ahhh qt :D the hell is a toolkit when its at home? installed though an... (by devonrevenge)
are their any fun beginner exercices with c++/net or do you first need a good understanding of the net
i would love to expand computer programing into the internet, im not at all familiar with unix yet or with how the internet works, could someone recomend some r...
[10 replies] Last: can someone give me an example of c++ code that looks for hardware? i ... (by devonrevenge)
Books/Reading material ?
I need some books on basic C++... that should include topics like data file handling, inheritance, linked lists,stacks,queues, arrays,constructors,pointers...
[3 replies] Last: best one in my opinion probably b/c I am using it for my class at the ... (by Blixamarkham)
Implementation of FFT in TMS320C6X
Hello I am Ali from Iraq, I am a Master's student in Electrical Engineering / Electronics and Communications Department, I need to apply Fast Fourier Transf...
[no replies]
by atp
OSX/XCODE related question.
I am very new to iPhone development OSX. I have a large application developed in CPP which i have ported on OSX using XCODE. This project has multiple sub p...
[1 reply] : The best advice I can give you is learn how to do iOS development befo... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
address of functions
Like variables, do functions also have addressees...? if so..then how can find it..?
[3 replies] Last: void somefunc() { } typedef void (*functype)(void); void main() {... (by xdeadmonkx)
by Copy
Can anybody explain this..
I've been using g++ -Wall -W -Werror ____________.cpp -o _________ to compile my code into an executable... I recently forgot the -Wall -W -Werror and just ...
[4 replies] Last: hey lets just write code without any errors then we dont need the erro... (by Aramil of Elixia)
Deleted data restoration
I have heard about softwares which can restore data which has been deleted from your computer.I wanted to know how these software works? And also if there exist...
[8 replies] Last: and can someone tell me about DoD and guttman process to delete the fi... (by Pter0dactyl)
pls help me
Hi , I am getting some boring errors .I can't get rid of them. I have libmodbus source codes compiled with visual studio 2010 .I want to migrate them visua...
[4 replies] Last: Ty for your response.I will check it out. (by vFreeman)
Running time of sort help.
I wrote a test that creates different sized vectors of random integers and displays the number of times the inner loop runs for each array. However it displays ...
[1 reply] : I think this is what you meant to write: long sort(int n) { long... (by helios)
I believe english could be a better choice if you need help
[2 replies] Last: dont forget your towel. (by Aramil of Elixia)
Fairey posters (posterizing) (1,2)
i need help in posterizing. the project is basically turning a picture into something similar to the obama hope poster. i finished the border and the hope lette...
[26 replies] Last: Try to quantize the r,g,b values. (by ne555)
When using fstream, how can I start outputting in a specific place?
Hello. I have a ofstream with text already in it. There are for example 2 lines START FINISH How can I start typing in a specific place? In this...
[1 reply] : You can set the starting position at the end of the file with openmode... (by maeriden)
by Ch1156
Encryption program help
Ok so im making an encryption program and its supposed to go through the text document and replace words with symbols and such and im stuck at the first part wh...
[17 replies] Last: I disagree with having the lower & upper arrays at all, or using the f... (by TheIdeasMan)
Problem with using strings
Hello. I am currently writing code for a text based game and for some reason when I type in to display a certain variable (string MeleeWeapon) it just puts a sp...
[7 replies] Last: yes i do. you know what fine. its not that important to me. but dont c... (by Aramil of Elixia)
November 2012 Pages: 1... 45678... 75
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