Beginners - November 2012 (Page 59)

forward reference error
Hi everyone, i am in bit of trouble at compiling my code. so, i hope you guys will help me out by pointing out the problem thus i may learn. Here is my code: ...
[5 replies] Last: well, i found the problem. it's in the definition of the member functi... (by viceroy)
Rotating array
Hey I was trying to rotate the elements in an array to the right by using this function int rotateRight(string a , int n, int pos); Eliminate the item a...
[1 reply] : Line 3 - incrementing k. Line 12 - decrementing k. Hence your for loop... (by kameswarib)
Hello again, I would like to know if someone could give me a rundown of how setting a basic boolean return function goes. For example; If the user enters 5 ret...
[8 replies] Last: LowestOne had the right idea. Internet went out, so I went over my not... (by zero117)
String comparison to 0
Hey guys, so basically I'm brain farting here. I needed to output a double linked list backwards by prompting the user to enter a string, then keep adding the n...
[2 replies] Last: wow simple as that huh, well I didn't get any compilation results. I w... (by johnny157)
class question
If I have for example Animal.h #ifndef ANIMAL_H #define ANIMAL_H class Animal {}; #endif Bird.h #ifndef BIRD_H #define BIRD_H #include "Animal.h" class B...
[1 reply] : Yes, you can create a bord object that way... you don't need the Anim... (by Jikax)
for loop reads the last number of the .txt file into the array twice
Hi guys, I was wondering why the function that I've made below enters the last digit of the inputFile .txt file into the array time twice, when it should do ...
[3 replies] Last: I see. Could this be due to the fact that I have a character return af... (by ricecracker96)
by hiken
Logical &
Guys! Can anybody explain to me the following? (n&1) - What does it perform? Sincerely, Hiken.
[1 reply] : The logical AND is: && The bitwise AND is: & We use & when we are... (by Stewbond)
Here is my prompt for my homework: Your Target Heart Rate is the rate at which your heart should beat to get the maximum benefit from aerobic exercise. This ra...
[9 replies] Last: Wow thanks fg109 I don't know how i missed that. I fixed everything ya... (by bondmonee)
two dimensional arrays with search output
I am learning two dimensional arrays in C++. I am trying to write a function that will search for an item in the array and if it is found it will return the lo...
[2 replies] Last: I would add 2 more arguments to the list for the function. Pass in 2 i... (by closed account D80DSL3A)
another array problem
Hey Ive been trying to work on this function for a while and cannot come up with where to start. Was wondering if anyone had any ideas -----------------------...
[1 reply] : int x, y; y = min(n1, n2); for (x = 0; a1 == a2 && x < y; x++); ret... (by fg109)
Windows 8 Compiler
Okay so I'm a beginner in a C Programming class, and I've been using DevC++ for the past few months and it's been fine for everything I need in class (even thou...
[2 replies] Last: I was able to get visual studio professional through http://www.dreams... (by Nahjil567)
Gui + Code::Blocks + QT/Gtk/wwWidgets
So I'm trying to do some gui stuff, and I already have codeblocks working nicely with normal non-gui c++ stuff. Is there any way to get Qt to work with Code::Bl...
[3 replies] Last: @Maxim No it is completely free. (by TheIdeasMan)
I'm missing something, help me.
I'm supposed to write a program that determines which of 5 geographic regions within a major city (north, south, east, west, and central) had the fewest and hig...
[4 replies] Last: It works! Thank you both so much. (by Dylan2012)
by bry272
2-d Array and Functions
The question is... Your program should ask the user for data to (partially) fill a 2-d array. Ask them how many rows, how many columns, and then ask for the ...
[5 replies] Last: This worked because he passed by reference the variable addresses for ... (by Nahjil567)
Segmentation Faults, need help tracking a few down
Hello! I've written a simple Queue list with a linked list format. Unfortunately, I am getting several seg faults that I can't seem to track down. Here is m...
[2 replies] Last: Node definition? Memory leak in dequeue, btw. Supplying a minimal 'm... (by cire)
How to replace marked words in a c-string
Hi, lets say I have a c-string with certain words marked as nouns that need to be replaced, i.e "My plan has five basic parts. One, get us *noun* independen...
[1 reply] : Why would you want to? The string class is a container for c strings. ... (by pogrady)
A tutorial/book similar to this one
Hello, I am looking for a tutorial similar to this one - but for c++, obviously, and not Python. I was hoping s...
[1 reply] : Lol "Go learn lisp." (by pogrady)
Hey people, I have a problem with recursion that I can't seem to solve. The code I've written so far is below: 18 int main(void) { 19 int temp, i, sta...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you, didn't realize I forgotten to re-initialize size after the ... (by whitedragon)
Sorting Input text file HELP
Hi- I have to put this table of numbers from .txt doc: Phase#/Task#/Time 1 100 2 1 101 5 2 102 3 3 103 2 3 104 8 3 105 1 4 106 1 4 107 4 and so...
[no replies]
Looking for answers
Hello C++ world, I am need of your help. What I need is search terms because I am obviously looking in the wrong places because I can't get my answer. I have a...
[5 replies] Last: You are welcome and Im a man ;) (by vichu8888)
November 2012 Pages: 1... 5758596061... 75
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