by Reema Alqerm
a problem in the node.... linked list
[no replies]
by Awais Tahir
Insertion a new node at the end of LINK LIST
[2 replies] Last: Besides some questionable variable name choices? You don't need to pr... (by pogrady)
Filestream string issue -- getting program to read string properly |
[no replies]
Need a little help for class |
[8 replies] Last: Yeah, it does suck and not only that but whenever I ask for assistance... (by VincentVindicated)
Tic tac toe efficiency challenge |
[10 replies] Last: This will promt another problem; having to return both "playmore" and ... (by Terje Gundersen)
by darkrin4
Searching a txt file output
[3 replies] Last: Sorry, but what would really help is the KJV_Bible.txt format or ex... (by infoartenovo)
by alirah84
send arrays of two objects to friend function
[2 replies] Last: Now I edit it .Are there any problems in it? const int n=50 const int... (by alirah84)
by devonrevenge
This sdl code just blinks on then off again, cant think why, must be a flaw in a while loop
[4 replies] Last: beautiful peter, i should read up a little more on how it works rather... (by devonrevenge)
by am0n
small question about if and else
[3 replies] Last: No problem! I'm sure everyone on this board has made that or similar m... (by Raezzor)
by nahla
Comparing two text files.
[6 replies] Last: nahla, I'm going to add these hints for you, but please try to take th... (by LGonzales)
by Valpre
Passing an int to a function that expects char*
[4 replies] Last: If your function requires a character string, then you could use sprin... (by Chervil)
by majorursa
Basic functions program.need help
[13 replies] Last: majorursa, sorry for all the confusion you must be having. here are s... (by LGonzales)
by taliax
setw not working?
[4 replies] Last: The code fragment you posted doesn't make much sense. It looks like yo... (by Chervil)
by albnfsjia
petroleum company program
[1 reply] : You are probably going to need to show some code before anyone is goin... (by scapegote)
by kingsupreme
pow function is giving me an error?
[5 replies] Last: The compiler only needs enough information to resolve the ambiguity. ... (by Chervil)
I want to become a coder, please help |
[12 replies] Last: @helpmeplz123plz I am absolutely terrible at everything in life exce... (by modic)
by Ithwail
Finding array index number from loop
[4 replies] Last: [quote=Ithwail] Amazing how something so little can effect the entire ... (by Chervil)
by Vyacheslav
C++ Language Tutorial
[6 replies] Last: The problem is that the converter does not understand the marking of c... (by Vyacheslav)
by fishalot79
Can I get a space!
[1 reply] : The braces at lines 11 and 13 serve no purpose, remove them. The end... (by Chervil)
by Shaikh Omar
ISO C++ forbids assignment of Arrays.
[3 replies] Last: You didn't provide the definition of cityInfo. I guessed it might look... (by Chervil)