Beginners - November 2012 (Page 54)

a problem in the node.... linked list
hi every one i have an assignment about linked list and i have a problem in the nodes i have done every thing the header , the main and the impalemention files...
[no replies]
Insertion a new node at the end of LINK LIST
I am working with link list.. i want to add new node after last node..but getting same link list as it is before the calling of insertion function(); ...
[2 replies] Last: Besides some questionable variable name choices? You don't need to pr... (by pogrady)
Filestream string issue -- getting program to read string properly
Hello again. Another noob question. We're doing a project in class, I'm having an issue with getting the computer to read some input correctly, and I can't find...
[no replies]
Need a little help for class
Hey everyone, I'm running a bit behind in class and I feel like I've almost finished this program. If anyone could point me to the right direction in getting th...
[8 replies] Last: Yeah, it does suck and not only that but whenever I ask for assistance... (by VincentVindicated)
Tic tac toe efficiency challenge
Hi there. I don't study c++. I like to preface my posts with that statement, because it's frowned upon to ask for code on this forum. But i'll cut to the chase,...
[10 replies] Last: This will promt another problem; having to return both "playmore" and ... (by Terje Gundersen)
Searching a txt file output
Hey everyone, I have to search a txt file and output what the user wants. Specifically... In this assignment you will become familiar with file I/O by readin...
[3 replies] Last: Sorry, but what would really help is the KJV_Bible.txt format or ex... (by infoartenovo)
send arrays of two objects to friend function
Hi, I make two class in my program and make 50 objects for every class by arrays. Is It true ? const int n=50 const int m=50 Class b; Class a { . . ....
[2 replies] Last: Now I edit it .Are there any problems in it? const int n=50 const int... (by alirah84)
This sdl code just blinks on then off again, cant think why, must be a flaw in a while loop
it is supposed to crudley move an object arround, can you see a flaw? it just flashes on then off real quick, would really appreciate the help. #include <...
[4 replies] Last: beautiful peter, i should read up a little more on how it works rather... (by devonrevenge)
by am0n
small question about if and else
Hello everybody. I'm having a little problem, when I start debugging no matter what value I assign x it always says "correct". However I specified that it shou...
[3 replies] Last: No problem! I'm sure everyone on this board has made that or similar m... (by Raezzor)
by nahla
Comparing two text files.
Here are the directions, I sort of answered a couple out of order, my code won't run though? I am not receiving any error, just blankness. If someone could aid ...
[6 replies] Last: nahla, I'm going to add these hints for you, but please try to take th... (by LGonzales)
by Valpre
Passing an int to a function that expects char*
Hi, I want to pass an int to a function that expects a char *. Programming in Linux, so can't use itoa. The function header looks like this: void swapEndian(c...
[4 replies] Last: If your function requires a character string, then you could use sprin... (by Chervil)
Basic functions program.need help
I am a bit confused on functions and am not sure if the program was set up right. Also If it set up right can someone tell me what is wrong with it? ...
[13 replies] Last: majorursa, sorry for all the confusion you must be having. here are s... (by LGonzales)
by taliax
setw not working?
It may be a really stupid question but it confuses me so much.... so following is a friend function of my class, returns a string and it just doesn't ...
[4 replies] Last: The code fragment you posted doesn't make much sense. It looks like yo... (by Chervil)
petroleum company program
Hello I tried a lot in this assignment, but every time an error occurs -_-" Input: Employee ID, Employee Designation ( Manager or Worker), Employee ...
[1 reply] : You are probably going to need to show some code before anyone is goin... (by scapegote)
pow function is giving me an error?
I'm creating a program that converts binary to decimal. For some reason the pow function isn't working... It keeps saying "more than one instance of overloaded ...
[5 replies] Last: The compiler only needs enough information to resolve the ambiguity. ... (by Chervil)
I want to become a coder, please help
Hi, a little about myself. I am 18, and I am absolutely terrible at everything in life except computers. For example, I could barley tie my shoes, but I had an ...
[12 replies] Last: @helpmeplz123plz I am absolutely terrible at everything in life exce... (by modic)
Finding array index number from loop
Hello, I am trying to find out what the index number of an array for a maximum number entered by a user. So I have a user enter 5 numbers and the For loo...
[4 replies] Last: [quote=Ithwail] Amazing how something so little can effect the entire ... (by Chervil)
C++ Language Tutorial
Is there fb2 version of "C++ Language Tutorial" book?
[6 replies] Last: The problem is that the converter does not understand the marking of c... (by Vyacheslav)
Can I get a space!
My program works fine but I cant seem to remove the extra space between lines. It should look like this; 5| * 4| *...
[1 reply] : The braces at lines 11 and 13 serve no purpose, remove them. The end... (by Chervil)
ISO C++ forbids assignment of Arrays.
I've been stuck on this for the past hour /*************************************************************** Function: int buildArray( cityInfo cities ) Us...
[3 replies] Last: You didn't provide the definition of cityInfo. I guessed it might look... (by Chervil)
November 2012 Pages: 1... 5253545556... 75
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