by noobcpp
[no replies]
by raven1101
This "runs" but nothing shows up on screen?
[3 replies] Last: @ cire All right, I am going to give up today - will have another go... (by TheIdeasMan)
take 2 inputs if 2 words are type in one line |
[7 replies] Last: c++ scanf works in c++ also just that its not exactly what i want (by Imgregorywong)
by tpinon
Recognizing whitespace entry in a simple menu
[5 replies] Last: You can use either a char or an int. With char you can only do single... (by TheIdeasMan)
by Cody0023
no match for operator in std cout
[1 reply] : What's the error? Line 18, you are declaring a variable outside of ma... (by Raezzor)
by Pethead
Linked list not listing all nodes...
[3 replies] Last: why is that? Because you're accessing memory you shouldn't. By re... (by cire)
by aburton376
Car Simulation
[7 replies] Last: Could you please fix th... (by closed account DSLq5Di1)
by noisycoder
[1 reply] : (by AbstractionAnon)
by raven1101
What's wrong with my countValues function? I keep getting 1 failed because of header functions and const int problems?
[1 reply] : I think that your code shall not be compiled. For example void count... (by vlad from moscow)
by cainen172
not real sure what to call this
[3 replies] Last: That's not a tutorial. That's a concise explanation of what the string... (by Moschops)
by ffredgarr
Using rand() with a set list of numbers
[2 replies] Last: Think about this a different way. You want to assemble a set of number... (by Moschops)
by ianTinez
if ' else statement
[2 replies] Last: (residence = O ) This means: set the value of residence to the same... (by Moschops)
by Niven
Button help
[9 replies] Last: I thought it would be a cool thing to have the program do. It also was... (by Niven)
by apeachaday
Trouble with tree
[no replies]
by smithy311
Getting started with C++
[13 replies] Last: No I was just getting it back to first page so if anyone had anymore s... (by smithy311)
by noobcpp
why is this not valid?
[5 replies] Last: hmm okay sorry about it. (by noobcpp)
by Raezzor
Question about an array in a function using pointers.
[2 replies] Last: Bah ya, meant to use commas. That was simply a typo on my part. And go... (by Raezzor)
by GIjessiebear
Variable Won't Run
[6 replies] Last: Thank you that helped I was able to solve it along with adjusting my m... (by GIjessiebear)
by harsh97
Need some Information about C++
[1 reply] : the actual description of computer science ,software development and ... (by Darkmaster)
by yaraa
break cont
[6 replies] Last: The while() and do-... (by Chervil)