by gadfly77
Why Doesn't This If Else Statement Work?
[12 replies] Last: You could take it out. It doesn't do anything except make sure that an... (by LB)
by tdcslong09
Program assistance please
[1 reply] : This is not a homework service. Come up with a specific question or j... (by webJose)
by alext
Float and int variabels in the same function?
[3 replies] Last: Thanx, that solved it =) (by alext)
by raines883
Infinite Loop after cin help
[8 replies] Last: Ah yea completely overlooked that fact. Thanks again, got the program ... (by raines883)
by mortis11
linked list delete function
[1 reply] : You are using mutually exclusive conditions in the function. Neither n... (by vlad from moscow)
by vrakas
Sorting Fractions
[2 replies] Last: wow never thought of it ;p thanks! (by vrakas)
by vrakas
Map with structs
[2 replies] Last: thanks a lot (by vrakas)
by dfurball
Loop Skips User Input
[9 replies] Last: Lol! What's the actual use for cin.ignore()? Is it a user input format... (by drognisep)
by ny24gray
How can I convert this function into a float?
[16 replies] Last: Thank you !!! (by ny24gray)
by boqian2000
C++ 11 Video: Static Polymorphism
[no replies]
by DJLad16
A loop similar to do while loop?
[3 replies] Last: Thanks Terje :D (by DJLad16)
by cheshirecat
Understand array instructions
[18 replies] Last: Ok, I put it below where 'n' and 'array' get values assigned to them a... (by cheshirecat)
by lgraham05
ifstream/ofstream troubleshooting
[2 replies] Last: Your while loop reads the entire file. After reading the last value, ... (by Chervil)
by byronflds
Need some understanding.
[1 reply] : either read the file in each function: Input File: one student per ... (by Darkmaster)
by s1729
Problem with delete []
[11 replies] Last: [quote=Framework] The compiler-generated default constructor is called... (by cire)
by mekkatorqu
[Win32API] Select Folder
[3 replies] Last: i'm using multibyte character set, and I've been using everything wit... (by Disch)
by uperkurk
for(string s:x) does it exist?
[2 replies] Last: To count how many occurences of S are in X, the C++ solution is to cal... (by Cubbi)
by kenter13
2D array or 2D vector
[1 reply] : get the OpenCV libraries and use them. that's probably the easiest way... (by Darkmaster)
by Felicia123
Palindrome using stack
[19 replies] Last: i did it . after i just change to for loop . i get it. because if i++... (by Felicia123)
by mekkatorqu
[Win32API] BlitBitmap
[6 replies] Last: Thanks! stretchblt works fine! (by mekkatorqu)