Beginners - November 2012 (Page 42)

Help writting c++ from a raptor flow chart
how can I post my flow chart?
[1 reply] : You could upload an image to an external site and link to it. (by Zhuge)
Creat a loop for finding mazimized profit
im a beginner in C++ and just finished loops. have this assignment where im just stumped. question're selling a product where b= net profit per unit s...
[no replies]
Just one word! (1,2,3)
I'm literally one word away from finishing this homework assignment. In my output it has to do ten words per line which it does but the last line has 6 words th...
[56 replies] Last: Yeah I figured that out after I was going back over the logic of it. I... (by jlillie89)
by Fate
Need help with a program to read and write to a disc.
This is the last assignment in my programming 141 class. Sorry that there is so much code, I had it working but it isn't working anymore that I am using the men...
[no replies]
How to call a Function from inside a Class
Edit: There is a more simple definition of my problem is in the 4th post of this topic. Hi every body and thank you all for answering my earlier questions! I...
[12 replies] Last: @AIVIO You have mentioned before that you are form Iran, so I can un... (by TheIdeasMan)
by khal
Mark Allen Weiss
Hi, I did not write this code. I got it from the author website but their seems to be a lot of errors that I have no idea how to fix. Can someone help please. ...
[1 reply] : Change BinomialQueue::insert() to //BinomialQueue.h line 64 void inse... (by ne555)
Help me correcting the errors
#include <stdio.h> void main (void) { int pilihan; float g_e, o_m, g_m; printf("\n Carbon Monoxide"); printf("\n Hydrocarbons"); printf("\n Nitro...
[2 replies] Last: thanks alot :) (by asnali4u)
Codelab! writing definition of a function
Here is the problem I'm working on Your task here is to write the definition of a function called getElectoralVotes . The function receives a two-character s...
[1 reply] : Please put [co de] tags around your code. Your function looks like ... (by Zhuge)
Write a sequence of statements that finds the first comma in the string line , and assigns to the variable clause the portion of line up to, but not inclu...
[2 replies] Last: I don't know whether there's concept. I can think of three or four dif... (by Chervil)
c++ bubble sort help!
Im trying to figure out how to do a bubble sort with the program i have created. My program needs to get the dates from the text file and if it finds two of the...
[no replies]
Gaming: Player States problem
Hi, I am in the middle of working on a game right now utilizing the DirectX9 library. I am working on my player first and was doing good with the button presses...
[no replies]
by ND04
I need help on Class construction assignment
I am bit confuse about this assignment my professor gave me. I had coded "most" of the main parts for this construction but in the <int main()>. I stuck on the ...
[1 reply] : It looks like you should put cout<<"Length of the side AB= " << Dist... (by mik2718)
Class constructors and composition vs generalization
Hey folks, I have a constructor for class Line2D that takes in 2 Point2D objects as arguments. My intention is to create 2 separate Point2D objects, before crea...
[1 reply] : Use initialisation lists in your constructors (more efficeint and avoi... (by mik2718)
Writing to output file
I need help writing to an output file. It needs to show the names of each month and number of days. Heres my code so far. #include <iostream> using namespa...
[8 replies] Last: Oh I got it now. Thanks! (by sly0981)
Truncating digits after radix point in C
As the title says, I need to do an integer division in C but just store the whole number answer. Is there an easy way to just drop everything after the decimal?
[4 replies] Last: Yea that was just a typo. Supposed to be a pointer to pointer. (by ResidentBiscuit)
Strings objects
What is a string object??? I read through my book and did not understand it... Can anyone tell me what they are? Thank you
[3 replies] Last: Alright, thanks. (by closed account LN7oGNh0)
using strtok used more than once in the same function
so here's data.txt: Hello World! I'm a file. here's the code: #include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<string.h> #include<stdlib.h> // for system...
[2 replies] Last: You can use strcpy() to make a copy of the string before you begin, an... (by Chervil)
Ok for me not to understand this program?
// Hangman // The classic game of hangman #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <ctime> #include <ccty...
[3 replies] Last: When it comes to understanding a program, you might consider it on two... (by Chervil)
I need a challenge to prepare my mind to learn linked lists, anyone know of a good one
tic tac toe was really good to learn the basics, i tried to complete a special 'bunny challenge' to get my head around lots of bits and pieces but it now needs ...
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by G3PO
Palindromes and Reversing Strings
I'm kind of curious as to how to have a program recognize a palindrome. Like if someone entered a word, the program could tell them whether or not it is a palin...
[6 replies] Last: Okay great that worked perfectly thank you! (by G3PO)
November 2012 Pages: 1... 4041424344... 75
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