Beginners - November 2011 (Page 63)

Getline in a While looping statement
Okay so I figured out whats wrong in my program. It doesn't seem to read the next name that follows. here is my code: if ( { cout...
[3 replies] Last: GRRR! I tried checking it and changed to regular fin instead of getlin... (by Zamie XP)
Need help with this recursion problem!!
So I am trying to write a recursive function in which it takes in an array of character( with a null terminating at the end ) and a target character. It will re...
[2 replies] Last: Pointers can be incremented with ++. Read up about pointer arithmatic.... (by andywestken)
hello, I'm a newbie!!
I'm a newbie to this forum and looking forward to learn and share some worthy information during my stay here.
[1 reply] : bahahaha, more shameless plugging =] Nothing wrong with that I suppo... (by ultifinitus)
no such file or directory
so i am trying to run a simple hello world program for a first time, i used the example on this site, but when i go to build it, using code blocks with MinGW, i...
[5 replies] Last: download codeblocks-10.05mingw-setup.exe, but before you do that make ... (by Bahamas242)
Help with sum of numbers
Hey all i'm trying to add the sum between two numbers and for some reason my calculations are off. For example when the user inputs the numbers 1 and 4 the answ...
[9 replies] Last: @psp1202 Okay. So then the answer would be the second solution in the... (by whitenite1)
Formatted Output Questions on calculations
I am having a couple of problems. I think I got the formatting down for the most part. I am having issues in a few calculations and how to iterate through them....
[no replies]
Are typeid(type) and typeid(type).name() unique?
For what I know, typeid(type) would return a type_info object, typeid(type).name() would print the name of the type, the names are depend on compilers. I wou...
[no replies]
by Onatu
Issue with a boolean and pointers
Hey guys, this is my first time here. Now, I was attempting to solve this issue, but have come up with nothing. (This was a former assignment of mine, but it'...
[2 replies] Last: Okay, that certainly makes sense. Thank you for your assistance! (by Onatu)
Trying to use c++ to print to a usb printer
Does anyone know how to print a c++ file linked to a USB printer directly?
[no replies]
by xsemel
filling a 2-d array
ok, i dont know anyone who can help me. i've been trying to fill a 2-d array for a while now and all i have is this. int FillArray (string a, string b ) { ...
[4 replies] Last: oh well, thanks. (by xsemel)
by rucafe
cout problem
This is probably a simple problem but I can't figure it out. const int phantom_size = 20; //mm const int phantom_res = 200; float voxel_size = phantom_s...
[1 reply] : float voxel_size = float(phantom_size)/float(phantom_res); or ... (by bcthund)
Error when user inputs nothing
Hey everybody! I'm currently taking my first class in C++ and am very new to programming so my code looks terrible but it's supposed to work! So, right now I ...
[no replies]
help with Segmentation fault
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x001c74a5 in std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::basic_string(std::str...
[2 replies] Last: Thans. but getTOD(),getHour() getMinute() functions are in my Time c... (by newbieha)
finite state curiosity
hi if I had two or more states like so: STATE_MONKEY STATE_BABOON STATE_MAN and one draw function(). How would ...
[1 reply] : If I understand correctly, you could either pass the active state to t... (by fafner)
how to get commas into numbers make 1000 look like 1,000
i need to know what code i can use to insert commas in the right places the numbers never go about 5000 but i need commas to be present whenever they are needed...
[3 replies] Last: it's very s... (by ultifinitus)
by cogirl
Can't redo the loop! :(
ok so I posted recenly asking how to do the average. My program is technicaly complete, with one problem. If I want to play the game again (y||Y) it only gives ...
[6 replies] Last: It work perfectly fine for me, make sure you move the bracket from ci... (by bcthund)
why is return (EXIT_SUCCESS) bad?? (1,2)
why is this bad? why do people use brackets this way when they are more not newbie? for (m=0 ; m< 1; m++) { rather then putting the brackets down. ...
[24 replies] Last: @ciphermagi: yea that isn't nice to look at at all. And I started to ... (by TheMeerkat)
Insertion sort not working!
I'm trying to use insertion sort to sort a list by names and it's obviously not working. I used the same code to sort by ID numbers so I'm not sure why it's not...
[no replies]
downloading the refrence here?
i dont always have access to internet, is it possible to download the refrence? i mean, or does it have copyright? or is it just not avai...
[3 replies] Last: This might be what you want: The C++ Standard Library is on page 138 ... (by kidd106)
check function for a 2d array.
I am trying to create a function that checks the available seating arrangement in a airline reservation program. The problem I am having is I am somehow referen...
[9 replies] Last: no i did not run a complete test on it. I just got it running an did ... (by markyrocks)
November 2011 Pages: 1... 6162636465
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