Beginners - November 2011 (Page 55)

Where is the problem??!!
I have no errors but it wont compile, when i try to bebug it , it takes me to an unfamiliar place. Please take a look and see if you can help me out... Th...
[7 replies] Last: Yes it did print it out right before the window poped op. That brin... (by detroit)
downloadable gui tutorials for x code.
I'm new to programing, have a good grasp on console apps, and want to jump into gui's. I dont have internet at home, (I run down to the library and use wifi) so...
[5 replies] Last: @happykiller, great tutorial, thanks for posting it, however the quest... (by ROBBIE3)
istream and variable types using template
I'm using istream to get 'general' input from the user (maybe from a file, from keyboard, etc.) using a template. template<typename T> void ClassName<T>::SomeF...
[3 replies] Last: You need a smarter read loop. You will have to test whether it has ent... (by andywestken)
by ivlatt
Writing string to file
Hi all, I am currently creating a banking application with many features. One of the features is that it has to output transactions to a file. I am trying to ...
[2 replies] Last: Working, thanks very much! (by ivlatt)
I need some help with a void function and exit(1)
I'm definitely a beginner and desperately need some help. I'm studying for an exam and trying the practice problem in the book. I keep getting an error with a...
[7 replies] Last: @stormtrooper Thank you, but knowing the background or not, I still ... (by whitenite1)
I am wroking with classes and inheritance, and the code that I have it is not printing the name and the breed right Somewhere in the code I am doing someth...
[2 replies] Last: I did have them to string, (it worked fine) But now we are getting to... (by detroit)
Removing Last Character in String
Hello all, I have a bit of an issue with a function. Everything works fine, I did the program, and all that good stuff. So, now I want to make it look pretty...
[3 replies] Last: OMG Thank you so much! It's just that we just started covering strings... (by Vasiliy Slobodov)
by pjwasz
displaying sorted variables
How would I display variables and write that to a file. E.G. Oklahoma has 7. Oklahoma State has 10. So the file would look like Oklahoma State = 10 Okla...
[2 replies] Last: Here is a start of how you could do it using a STL vector, a couple of... (by binarybob350)
Removing libraries from VC++ 2010.
Hello. I've been having some trouble compiling in Visual Studio C++ 2010 Express lately. When I try to run a simple application, like: int main() { retu...
[5 replies] Last: I solved the problem. Had to show Property Manager under View->Proper... (by PuffBond)
Stuck in while loop
Hello coders, dealing with relatively easy stuff, but I just don't get it :D Stuck in while loop by doing simple task: do { printf("\nIllegible number...
[2 replies] Last: That did the trick, big thanks :) (by dxshindeo)
by Meziee
Battleship Program. HELP!
My professor wants to me to create a battleship program that has a grid of 15x15. The battleship program should have five boats in the game: Frigate: 2 locati...
[7 replies] Last: I would avoid code like that as a role model, unless you ware looking ... (by andywestken)
[Help!]Linked Lists
I'm working on a practice problem with linked list, the program is supposed to read in a list of student scores and add it to a list, until input score is -1, ...
[10 replies] Last: one more question, the last part of the problem asks to write a sort ... (by aquariusmirky)
Store input into an array using delimeters
I am trying to enter something like "one,two,three" on a single line and have my tempStr contain those three values that were typed in. I cant seem to get it t...
[6 replies] Last: Maese909's method looks good if you can use std::string. Here's some c... (by closed account D80DSL3A)
Taking Input from a variable
Im writing a program and need help with the beginning, where after taking a number imput IE. How many tests are being averaged, the user can input that number o...
[3 replies] Last: Right, so you wouldn't have to store them for later. As you read a sco... (by shacktar)
by Divdev
Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable was corrupted.
Hello, my first time posting here hoping someone can help me out. I'm trying to have a program that will take in 10 capital letters into an array and output the...
[2 replies] Last: won't the variable i still increment :\ then wouldn't there be a empty... (by Divdev)
error while reading from a file
i basically have this: (with everything initialized and the proper headings)"inventory.txt"); while (!in.eof()) { in >> itemID >> itemName >>...
[3 replies] Last: My pleasure. (by whitenite1)
by Mob G
Help with errors please ASAP
These are the codes. my_stack.cpp was not given, the rest was given to me. Could anyone please help me get rid of the errors. Thank You. //my_stack.cpp templa...
[no replies]
Infinite loop!
I need to create a program that allows: A mail order house sells five different products whose retail prices are: product 1 - $2.98, product 2 - $4.50, produ...
[16 replies] Last: Not a problem bro :D (by happykiller)
strlen in 2d array
using strlen function how can we find out the length of one string of a 2d array. char arr ={"america", "england", "germany", "france", "europe"}; ...
[2 replies] Last: strlen(*arr); /*for america*/ strlen(*(arr+2)); /*for germany*/ to ... (by codekiddy)
Second Pair of Eyes for School Assignment
I've been searching online for various issues I'm having and I've been editing and reading and I am down to four errors and just cannot figure out why my pr...
[1 reply] : Line 115 } should be }; as the 1st error suggests.... (by closed account D80DSL3A)
November 2011 Pages: 1... 5354555657... 65
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