Beginners - November 2011 (Page 52)

user defined function help
Hey guys, I'm a beginner at C++ and was trying my hand on a few assignments...i've reached a point where i am stuck and dont know how to proceed. Any help w...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the link..will read it..I'm just really confused...the prog... (by Gdisarray)
by ale
reading file into a 2-d array
i got a maze program to do, and we are supposed to read a maze from a .txt file and i have no clue on how to do that. I feel okay on the rest of the parts, but ...
[8 replies] Last: @Onions: He did give an example :P Right in the OP. @ale: Since it's ... (by BlackSheep)
by gladi
Binary search Tree
hi guys, can you help me with my code I have a problem with my function it is not print the number in pre-order. please i need a quick help because i have on...
[1 reply] : Duplicate thread: (by shacktar)
Having trouble reading from a text file
I created this function to read line entries from a text file. I created a for loop using the “stuFile” variable to act as a bool data type so that the loop...
[2 replies] Last: @Andre Ekblom You get the number 4 printed, because the cout prints i... (by whitenite1)
by N8byte
fstream and string
Hey guys, I've used's reference quite a few times and I usually don't ask questions unless I've come to a dead end. So here is what I've got going ...
[1 reply] : For the file name, fstreams take in a const char* as a parameter in ... (by shacktar)
help with structures
Assume that type Money, a structured type with two int fields, dollars and cents, has been declared. Also assume the availability of a function named normalize ...
[1 reply] : I would start with reading up on functions. You should have dollar an... (by Andre Ekblom)
Dynamic memory allocation help
Hi everyone, having some problems with my homework assignment. Assignment is as follows: Write a function that accepts an int array and the array's size as a...
[1 reply] : In main, after you double the array, you're printing the old array but... (by shacktar)
by koha23
Need help with this
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int main() { float celsius, fahrenheit, kelvin; cout << setw(15) << "Celsius" << setw(15...
[1 reply] : You created a project without clicking the empty project box. Right c... (by Andre Ekblom)
Words in a sentence into a separate parts of an array
I am looking to take each word in a sentence and put them into an array and then print each word on a separate line. ex: This is cool This is cool
[no replies]
C++ and Mysql.
Hello. I'm using VS2010 Premium, in french yes sorry :P After using the MSI to install mysql c++, and adding the directories to include & lib paths. I simp...
[no replies]
by lirik
Help with factorial!
Hey guys, so I'm trying to make it so that my factorial variable chooses the number of the cust variable and uses the factorial equation on it. When I print ...
[7 replies] Last: Haha don't worry about it, all good :P (by lirik)
Functions with Arrays: Sorting ints in Ascending order and deleting a duplicate
Here is the problem: Write a full program that reads in an arbitrary sequence of integers from the standard input, and writes them to the standard output in so...
[no replies]
Checking string against words in a file problem
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <iomanip> #include <fstream> #include <vector> using namespace std; string getFirstWord(); string getSecondWord...
[7 replies] Last: Clearing it solved all the problems. Thanks. However, I realized the... (by JamesGold)
by cam155
while loop program help
hi for a school c++ project i have to make a program that's a while loop that asks for an integer repeatedly until until 0 is entered. It then has to display al...
[1 reply] : Two things stand out with this problem. 1. Obviously, a while loop is... (by Maese909)
Trouble opening saved arrays
I am having a lot of trouble saving and then opening arrays Save by: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; i...
[2 replies] Last: Awesome! well... mostly. Its working on some of my programs but not on... (by Nathan McCleskey)
StringStream Not Reading But Once
What I'm Trying To Do: 1. Read CSV file into string 2. Iterate string and replace commas found within values with a pipe 3. Funnel resulting string int...
[no replies]
Quick help for assignment due at 12 tonight! "Identifier Not Found"
Sorry for the demanding subject and short notice. I completely forgot I had a project due today at 12. I am very profficient at C# and this C++ has not been a p...
[7 replies] Last: thank you stewbond. That was a brainfart on my part. It actually is wo... (by Adrian10988)
by st0rm
Reading a random text line into array
Hello, I have some problems with my school project. I am trying to make a simple hangman game, but I fail already at the beginning. I have a text file with so...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you very much :) it works. (by st0rm)
by gwiz
Not sure how to title this
Hi, I'm reading Charles Petzold's book on windows programming 5th edition. I'm reading chapter 2 about unicode and all that good stuff, I came across a little s...
[5 replies] Last: Ok thanks a lot guys, appreciate it so much! (by gwiz)
by Funkme
Reading a file.
Hello, I'm making a text based game to gain some experience in c++. I'm currently working on a kind of 'save' system. I'm trying to read a file which contains...
[no replies]
November 2011 Pages: 1... 5051525354... 65
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