Beginners - November 2010 (Page 3)

Simple program utilizing various things
Hello, I am required to write a program that uses input, output, an array of characters, an if statement, and a for loop. Simply put, I cannot seem t...
[4 replies] Last: How about a simple name checker. You ask for an input (string), sto... (by cnoeval)
Skipping if statement
Look I am actually doing my homework for once, ok can someone explain why this if statement is going allll the way down to the else? I don't know what I am doin...
[4 replies] Last: alright cool! Thanks, I wasn't using strings because of my teacher, bu... (by LittleQuick)
I don't even know where to start "operation on fraction"
i need help on my coursework hope someone can help me My question : This program performs operations on fraction. 1 : To add fraction 2 : To Subtract f...
[6 replies] Last: #include <iostream> using namespace std; ... (by blurterry)
Passing array to void function
I am getting zero, the lowest test score is 10 not zero. I created my own test file with only 10 scores to be able to test my program. I am certain min should...
[5 replies] Last: Return a struct (i.e. a pair<double, double> ). Or pass two paramete... (by ne555)
Pointer & Function
I know that *this is a pointer & display() is a method. But how can I explain in words for the below code? *this.display()
[2 replies] Last: Ways to call the method: display(); (*this).display(); //I'm not su... (by ne555)
Rotate part of a 2d array
Hello, so what I am working towards is making a 6 row 4 column grid which holds different numbers for each row and column. example: 1234 6123 5612 4561 3...
[2 replies] Last: @Return 0: I think he means this: (by Computergeek01)
Undefined reference to function
Hey all, I'm sure this is a super simple question but I just can't seem to find the right answer for me. The situation is this, I have a function call, that...
[3 replies] Last: I'm confused... why do you have your function prototype in both main.c... (by Return 0)
by pmikee
Redirecting the console output into an array?
Hi! I have a problem with 2-d arrays, what i cant solve...I have to write a program, that settles if the most frequent birds peculiar to an area were the same....
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for helping! (by pmikee)
hello i have a problem with the rand function
hello for some reason i dont really get a random resoult i mean i run the program and i get the same result every time . here is the code i wrote i dont get ...
[3 replies] Last: you call srand() within the while loop and you're using a const value ... (by coder777)
Plugin for STB ( SET TOP BOX)
hello everyone im very new in C++ my knowledge in Programing is Equal to Zero so please Pardon me If i write nonsense i have a Receiver Linux Based and i...
[no replies]
Plugin for STB ( SET TOP BOX)
hello everyone im very new in C++ my knowledge in Programing is Equal to Zero so please Pardon me If i write nonsense i have a Receiver Linux Based and i...
[no replies]
I don't even know where to start "Overload relational operator =="
I have an assignment for on online class and I don't even understand where to start. There are no tutors available. Could someone give me an idea? I would reall...
[1 reply] : Start here: Over... (by Tabian)
by aphex
Repeat Code, cmath & memory storing
Hi I was wondering if anybody could help me as this is my first program. Here is what I want to do - At the end of an answer I want the program to ask the...
[8 replies] Last: hi , try adding this code around your input tempChar ... (by shredded)
chaging from array int to array char
hi this is my code: int getDelay() { int delay = 0; char buffer ; do { cout << "Enter delay <Between 1 and 10>: "; cin.getline(buffer,sizeof(...
[no replies]
declaring if statements
Is there a way to declare an if statement saying "if no key is pressed, this will happen" ? ive tried saying things like ( if( waitForInput(1) == 0) ) and (if(w...
[2 replies] Last: ah thanks that helped, but now i face another dilemma: i created an if... (by organicjustice)
Constructor Initialization List With Non-NULL Pointers
Hi, I'm starting to get the idea of these constructor initialization lists, but I still have one hang up. This comes about when I have pointers in my class. I ...
[3 replies] Last: Try this. You can replace the "2" with something else, of course. ... (by jsco)
Object Oriented Qns
Sentence: The light blue van drove backwards and forwards posting letters. Based on the above sentence, can I conclude that Objects: Light blue van, lett...
[5 replies] Last: Disch, tks for the concise explanations. (by makan007)
Binary Tree fragment
Hello everyone.I am having trouble with my code. I'm trying to make it compile but I'm having no luck. Can someone help me compile my code? Thank you in advance...
[7 replies] Last: Awesome i got it to compile! :D thank you so much! is there a way that... (by swalton)
by jjp
Counting characters from a file
Hi, I have to write a program that determines the frequency of a letter specified by the user in an input file. I am kind of stuck. I know I have to write a...
[2 replies] Last: int main() { ifstream ifs("read.txt"); if (!ifs) { cout... (by firix)
Pointers for a learner.
Hi to all that read this. I'm new to the forum and programming. I've been looking about online for sites books with exercises and whatnot though haven't had mu...
[2 replies] Last: The C+ + Programming Language(Bjarne Stroustrup) you need to read thi... (by firix)
November 2010 Pages: 12345... 42
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