by fpie22
need assistance on my hw
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #define MAX 10 using name... (by chipp)
by murva
Find angles on a field
[3 replies] Last: ok, i got it. The angles I got are ok, I jst get them in rad, which is... (by murva)
by redevilkang
Exception Handling
[2 replies] Last: thx bro. ur post is really helpful ;) (by redevilkang)
truncation? of an integer |
[2 replies] Last: that works brilliant. thank you for your response (by wash me socks)
by cheneP
class declaration
[2 replies] Last: Thanks very much. (by cheneP)
by firix
construct "the type Complex"?
[5 replies] Last: thank you (by firix)
by maxg316
Problem with my program involving multiple if statements
[5 replies] Last: The code on lines 107-129 and 162-190 do nothing ( has no effect on th... (by Bazzy)
by aljebreen50
How do I get struct contains some types and push it in a stack?
[4 replies] Last: The program stack, std::stack, your own stack structure... (by Bazzy)
by dalejnr88
Problems with pre compiled header files??
[7 replies] Last: [quote=dalejnr88]the employee class is not defined and it's not the ba... (by coder777)
by GulHK
compile time error
[12 replies] Last: looks like a deja vu. well instead of having a single iterator itFi... (by coder777)
by Ihtisham
C program to convert octal to binary number system..
[5 replies] Last: int bin_dec(int number) { int result = 0; int n = 0; i... (by firix)
by lenovo
c++ question
[7 replies] Last: ok, thank you!! (by lenovo)
by Citis
very big natural number
[5 replies] Last: Thank you! How can I install gmp in a windows-like system? Is there an... (by Citis)
by Jsel
iterator problem
[3 replies] Last: Yea those 2 problems are exactly it. I just caught it after staring fo... (by Jsel)
by jopeters
What condition is this IF statement checking for? if( !variable )
[5 replies] Last: In c/c++, anything zero is false, anything non-zero is true. true and ... (by rocketboy9000)
by Bri426
Bubble sort function
[5 replies] Last: That do while statement will only ever execute once, since you will ne... (by rocketboy9000)
by integral
array of pointers - dont understand behavior
[3 replies] Last: when you print a char * you keep printing characters till you find a... (by ne555)
by m m
undefined reference to a static variable
[3 replies] Last: Well it isn't clear because you are trying to describe it instead of j... (by kempofighter)
by Jabem
Function Pointer passing
[3 replies] Last: To use function pointers, you put a '&' before the function name, not ... (by firedraco)
by qwertyasdfgh
C++ simple question
[15 replies] Last: problem 1. ';' after while(). That just creates an empty loop. proble... (by hamsterman)