by butterflyze
How does the index increment?
[2 replies] Last: Thanks a bunch!!! I think i get it now! (by butterflyze)
by rkh795
getline won't recognize first character
[3 replies] Last: Don't worry about it. ^_^ (by firedraco)
by j3tt
Using functions to display a Grade
[11 replies] Last: Your loop is waiting for 'score' to be less than zero, but you never c... (by JivanAmara)
by spazamatic2
Right shift
[9 replies] Last: Wouldn't it be better to write a function that rotates the array any n... (by kempofighter)
by Iamcrysis
What is this for?
[2 replies] Last: It results in a carriage return carriage return is \r, \n is a line... (by Bazzy)
by spazamatic2
Triangle recursion
[2 replies] Last: Great thank you I will go and try that! It is homework for a class I n... (by spazamatic2)
by Iamcrysis
How can I do this?
[2 replies] Last: Use a loop. you can read about loops (by kenshee)
by kenryuakuma
recursive factorial
[7 replies] Last: It would be great if some of you are willing to tell me as I don't hav... (by kenryuakuma)
by Abebe
C or C++ ?
[1 reply] : You can do the same things on both languages but with C you don't have... (by Bazzy)
by ljrobison
Simpsons Rule problem, need advice on fixing a few errors:
[3 replies] Last: Look at setw() to set the field width. (by jsmith)
by Maisam Tamar
difference between if and while statements
[2 replies] Last: thanx 4 replying bro (by Maisam Tamar)
by ehimarea
Array / Pass by reference question
[2 replies] Last: dont post multiple times please.. you have got reply to your other pos... (by writetonsharma)
by ashley19
Can someone clean my array code? Won't run
[2 replies] Last: line 13: cin << num; should be, cin >> num. As mentioned above rea... (by cotherman)
by nullGrind
Programming with Qt Creator
[5 replies] Last: kdevelop is good too.. :D (by writetonsharma)
by one nz
Compilers for vista
[2 replies] Last: Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition. You could even try the beta of Vis... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
by garrett
String to Double
[4 replies] Last: oh em gee, you stole my name :P (by gcampton)
by gcampton
breaking up cpp files / and sourcePage errors
[8 replies] Last: if ... I could actually get something to work :( I don't get it, I ... (by gcampton)
by cbouwkamp
Unknown error
[5 replies] Last: I do see what you mean though bazzy so I just moved it into the main f... (by cbouwkamp)
by pmitas
cout behaves weirdly - prints elements last-to-first
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for the quick reply ;) (by pmitas)
by ambererind
Dynamic Arrays
[1 reply] : Happy reading: (by mcleano)