by Melchoire
Adding last element of one list to the end of another
[6 replies] Last: Ah I see. That fixed it. Thanks alot. =] (by Melchoire)
by chrisben
string iteration
[4 replies] Last: thanks. it seems work. (by chrisben)
by seand
Factory Building?
[3 replies] Last: Both the provided wiki links provide some pretty concise sample code, ... (by jRaskell)
by ashley19
Finding average of integers from a text file?
[3 replies] Last: What else would you need to keep track of if you want an average? (by Zhuge)
by gianx80
struct + dynamic memory allocation + free ()
[5 replies] Last: Solved, thanks ... it was so obvious but I couldn't see it ... thanks! (by gianx80)
by Beamramana
Global function
[5 replies] Last: That looks ok. I can't see what the problem is? You may want to ma... (by kbw)
by vcebanov
[4 replies] Last: This is probably more than you expect, but you asked for it. mcatal... (by kbw)
by cengineer
format output
[no replies]
by Beamramana
Call by ref or value
[1 reply] : You are calling by value , and your call is correct. The createmaste... (by Duthomhas)
by craigb579
Problems with the cstring/gets_s commands
[no replies]
by Nick00004
Editing a vector element
[3 replies] Last: Instead of erasing and inserting, you can update the element directly.... (by tene)
by cengineer
Calculator parser
[16 replies] Last: I managed to code thus far the tokenizer which breaks the if statement... (by cengineer)
by ztein
could not deduce template argument for
[3 replies] Last: You are correct, but you are comparing "q" to an std::string, not a ch... (by firedraco)
by keewong
2d string and int array
[5 replies] Last: Hay Bazzy, that makes perfect sense.. thanks! and thanks Mike for the... (by keewong)
by Joliedoll
min & max of an array
[6 replies] Last: yes! It works! #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main... (by Joliedoll)
by stupid idiot
stringstream usage
[2 replies] Last: Hi!, I had the same problem. I think I figured out what happens. In o... (by rocarvaj)
by pdxstudent
Functions and returning values
[3 replies] Last: @Warnis ... How is that in anyway helpful? Especially after Disch ga... (by mcleano)
by ycai77
a problem about compiling a class
[2 replies] Last: Thanks a lot, it works. ===========================================... (by ycai77)
by aca
Memo problem...
[2 replies] Last: Thats all the coding... i'm sure that i'm wrong somewhere... Memo1->T... (by aca)
by liraz
ascii code
[5 replies] Last: It gives the offset from A. So if c = A, the value is 0, 1 for B, 2 fo... (by kbw)