Beginners - November 2008 (Page 3)

Debugging problems
It keeps saying that the file can't be found but I saved it... Here is the code #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; struct strut...
[3 replies] Last: Note: The amount of unhelpful and irrelevant compiler errors you will... (by helios)
GUIs in C++
Hi. I'm new to the forums so don't be too harsh if I've asked a stupid question lol. I would consider myself a novice/intermediate level programmer but I only h...
[3 replies] Last: Hi Maybe CLX would be another nice alternative. You can find CLX und... (by Fab)
by gthink
Unix/Linux C++ and Visual C++ differences
Hello, I am new the forum and I'm learning C++. I have programmed in C# for about a year. I am taking a C++ class where we are programming on Linux. I don't ...
[5 replies] Last: In order to have a standard C++ application I allways start from an E... (by Bazzy)
by Umz
SDL unresolved external symbols
I tried to code a simple file using the SDL but I get the linker errors unresolved external symbols. Code: // Hello world in SDL #include <SDL.h> i...
[5 replies] Last: Yea, I'm not sure where I went wrong but I added the SDL. files to the... (by Umz)
RunTime: String is not NULL terminated
Hello all! Please don't close this because I'm about to say I've run into issues on a homework assignment! I'm close to having it finished, but I'm having di...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks a lot for the help. I'm gunna mess around with it some in the m... (by spacemanjones)
Question reading from an input file
I have an input file with different fileds example... a|X12|book Case|12 a|PO1|desk lamp|6 a|I99|chair|23 S a|XR8 S|RR7|cup|9 How do i go about rea...
[3 replies] Last: Thats kind of what i was thinking as far as a second getline() call. I... (by bluegray)
Hi I am new to c programming and wanted to read some data from a file. I am using the fscanf function and the output are very odd nymbers. Here is the program a...
[2 replies] Last: Thanx for the advice. However I solved that out after few trial and er... (by mprusty)
by amyotm
Exponent Function?
Is there a built in C++ function that will allow me to perform an exponent operation on items x^y? and not just exp(x) (an exponent of e)? I thought I might ask...
[4 replies] Last: hah, sorry, I realise now that what I said made no sense. (by amyotm)
Problem with enum
<...> const unsigned short int PETROL_MARK_NUMBER = 4; enum PETROL_MARK {STANDART=0, REGULAR, PREMIUM, SUPER}; const float COST_PER_GALLON = {2.94, 3.15, 3...
[9 replies] Last: I would also tidy it up a little like this: typedef enum { ST... (by seymore15074)
writing to textfile and reading_?
how can i write to textfile_? and how can i read from textfile_? tnx for answer..
[2 replies] Last: http://www.cplus... (by Scipio)
advise me pls
I have 2 problems.Can some1 help me please ? :) (I'm beginer and I'm desperate) 1.Write a program that inp uts five- digit integer,separetes the integer i...
[3 replies] Last: (by Zaita)
C++ Linux Sound
I'm writing a simple project in C++ using QT, and I want to play a sound, but the QSound function lacks just about any real functionality unless I want to use N...
[1 reply] : OpenAL :) (by Zaita)
by warau
Unexpected std::string behavior and pointers
The code below is a little long but I'm not sure I can explain the problem accurately enough to not include it. Basically my issue is that my struct string memb...
[6 replies] Last: I ended up going with a pointer to an array of pointers to suite my ne... (by warau)
by Timbo1
Tetris clone
I have used a tutorial from this site to create a tetris game just out of interest but it comes up ...
[8 replies] Last: Try using _tmain() instead of main(). That usually fixes that god damn... (by helios)
Problems !!
Hey, i would like to compare two strings and match it up like this. First string = popo Second String = Hi there It will become like this. Hi there po ...
[2 replies] Last: I think mrgoogle wants something like this: for(int f=0,s=0; f<fir... (by Bazzy)
quick question (hopefully) about char and an infinite loop
I'm not going to post any code (unless it's requested) because I think someone with alittle more C++ knowledge then myself could probably answer this quickly. ...
[6 replies] Last: You have to expect some delay for answers. cout << setw( 10 ) ... (by Duthomhas)
Using Namespaces
Are there any benefits to using: using namespace std; rather than individual using statements?: using std::cout; using std::cin; using std::endl; ...
[5 replies] Last: That makes sense. Thanks. (by Return 0)
Value in using: int main(int argc, char* argv[])
Hi, I was wondering what the value is of writing the main function as: int main(int argc, char* argv ) as oppposed to: int main() I see the firs...
[3 replies] Last: Great info firedraco and Duoas, thanks for your help. Return 0; (by Return 0)
I'm trying to understand an example program from a book but there's a line of code that I can't understand what is for. Can anybody tell me. Thanks #includ...
[1 reply] : It declares account as an instance of CDAccountV1. Instances/objects a... (by helios)
searching for text in a program
If I create one MFC program and call it "Program1". How can I create a second program to rename all the titles in the first program from "Program1" to "Program...
[12 replies] Last: It depends on how they are stored in your file. If you didn't compile ... (by Duthomhas)
November 2008 Pages: 12345... 19
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