Beginners - November 2008 (Page 18)

Question about strings: multiple words input. [SOLVED]
I have a problem involving strings and basic c++ functions. In one point of my program user is asked to input one or more sentences. And program's function is...
[4 replies] Last: Ok, I'll try this. Thanks :) ----------------------------------------... (by Pethrenne)
by Ruddo
Evening all... I'm just reading a book which is demonstrating how you can link any number of relational operations together using logical operators, and the ...
[3 replies] Last: Oops! Of course it is... Thanks for that, chaps... (by Ruddo)
Class constructors
Can someone please tell me what is wrong with this? This is what I have to do and the driver was given. The first step is to create a C++ class for a song. Ea...
[11 replies] Last: In general, widespread use of friends is a sign of incorrect encapsula... (by jsmith)
assignment question????
Any help or ideas for this would be useful? im using microsoft c++ 6.0 Design, code and test a C++ program to print out the following where: The letters in...
[1 reply] : You could start with getting program to output words... then build on ... (by Umz)
adding a second variable into the first...
hello...i need to output "1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100 121 144" i can see the pattern as x + 2 (3 5 7 9...) however i am having trouble nesting a loop to get...
[2 replies] Last: for(int i=1; i<=12; i++)cout<<i*i<<" "; (by hamsterman)
by kian
calling tc++ v4.5 functions from tc++ v3.0
Hi how can i link .lib or .obj file developed in tc++ v4.5 and call its functions from tc++ v3.0
[no replies]
Alternative to system("CLS");
hi i want a C++ function that doesn't use system and does the same thing as system("CLS") wich is to clear the screen after looping ex: #include<iostream> ...
[1 reply] : You can try couting a bunch of \r\n to clear the screen I suppose...I ... (by firedraco)
by ruby09
How can I write this differently
Consider the definition of the function main: int main() { int x, y; char z; double rate, hours; double amount;. } The variables x, y, z, rate,...
[5 replies] Last: From what I understand of the question that is what they are looking f... (by Umz)
C++ question
i got a question...i want to use the keyboard in my c++ codes ex..if u press UPARROW key something happens.... EX: if(uparrowkey== pressed) { cout<<" this...
[11 replies] Last: Thanks :)... for ur replies and helpfull advices :) (by minaadel1994)
using functions to evaluate a students grades
Hi, can anyone help? I have an assignment to read in three grades for a student, and evaluate if they are valid. A valid score is in the range from 0 to 100. ...
[8 replies] Last: Hi, I've made some changes to the program but I'm having problems with... (by tyky9808)
Nested structs...
I defined a new class Rect: struct Rect { int x,y; int w,h; Rect(int x,int y,int w,int h) { this->x=x; this->y=y; this->w=w; this...
[1 reply] : Well, i suggest declaring an empty constructor. I guess you know wh... (by Scipio)
Comparing two arrays.
I am trying to compare two arrays to find duplicate values in them and be able to display them. I can't seem to be able to display the duplicate values between ...
[4 replies] Last: Ah, Its Sunday, my brain must have been having a day off. I should ha... (by guestgulkan)
by digi35
use of class
HI: I need to write a code for the following calss implementation Implement the following class ‘enrollmentList’. ‘enrollmentList’ maintains a list...
[1 reply] : This site has a good example on expanding arrays: http://www.fredosau... (by Umz)
C++ i don't get why its not writing the #s
Ok, the following is my code.. I don't understand two things.. 1) I keep getting the same random numbers..? What do I need to change for them to keep being rand...
[4 replies] Last: @xjtufofo: You are right and wrong. I could get into a philisophic... (by jsmith)
Passing variables
Hi all, i'm a beginner starting this program for exam study purposes but i've come to a halt: #include <iostream> #include "animal_info.h" using std::co...
[5 replies] Last: The way I read your problem statement above, I interpreted it to mean ... (by jsmith)
Problems w/ Sequential Search
I'm having some real trouble getting this sequential search to work in C. After I type the number for search the program crashes, heres my code: void seqSear...
[2 replies] Last: I guess there's one minor mistake leading up to the crash. scanf ("%... (by xjtufofo)
Are there some software to check code quality
Hello, I am wondering if there are some open source software to check the source code qualities? for example, function calls, memory consumptions, etc Tha...
[1 reply] : valgrind on linux. You can do memory profiling and call graph. (by xjtufofo)
by Rodon
is there a function to compare the next item in a file without moving your spot in the file?
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! thats exactly what i was looking for =D (by Rodon)
by Timbo1
Format trouble
I need help to format a drive where the user enters the letter that needs to be formmatted and then it formats that drive. Need help desperately. Have tried...
[14 replies] Last: Once the user has input the drive letter, we can check the last charac... (by guestgulkan)
problem with sqrt()
Hi guys, I just registered because I'm having a problem I can't seem to be able to fix myself... I'm working on a program to calculate square root of a number,...
[8 replies] Last: yes, I'm programming with C++, I got used to printf and scanf because ... (by Toxic90)
November 2008 Pages: 1... 16171819
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