Beginners - November 2008

by rayj90
Scrambling words
Im writing a program which scrambles a word from a .txt file which I already retrieve with the inputFile fuction. My question is how can i get a word from that ...
[3 replies] Last: So, you are talking about something like this? Psuedocode: What i... (by firedraco)
beginner can't understand why this won't work
I've been doing the tutorials here and after the basic in/out figured I could apply my knowledge to a new program. I'm compiling after each in/out step I want ...
[3 replies] Last: getline() reads the last enter, that is still in the buffer because of... (by Scipio)
Does anyone know where to get that header? I need it for a little graphics in my program.
[3 replies] Last: SDL KDE and Gnome provide an application p... (by Duthomhas)
Drawing to the screen above a full screen window?
Im working on a calculation tool for a game I play all the time that runs fullscreen, also known as starcraft. My eventual goal is to be able to run the game f...
[no replies]
Add a word to a string
How do I do to add a word (for example: car) the variable X in the middle of the program? X='car' wont work :S
[5 replies] Last: IMO. snprintf() or strncpy() is the better one to use. strcpy() and st... (by Zaita)
Problem: adding external library
I want to write calculator program. I've decided that simple doubles and longs won't be enough to use its full potential, so I've downloaded an apfloat pack fro...
[no replies]
Sin and Cos Question with a circle
Sorry for asking the whole question here but this is confusing me as i know its a small answer Describe how to use sin and cos to calculate the points on a ...
[2 replies] Last: Awesome, cheers man :D (by Mythios)
by efexor
I've read dozens of tutorials, i get how pointers are initialized etc. But i just don't get WHY you would want to use them and how, And whats the difference if ...
[4 replies] Last: Oh wow, that just made it 99% clearer, thanks man! (by efexor)
Can somebody please tell me where the problem is in this program? #include <iostream> using namespace std; enum playerChoice { Rock, Paper, Scissors...
[1 reply] : All your comparisons to compChoice use the assignment operator instead... (by helios)
Quick dynamic array question
For this small example say I make arraySize = 10 - Does that mean there are only 10 elements in the array. As in 0 to 9. Or does it mean there are 11 as in 0 - ...
[1 reply] : Since it's a size , if the resulting array is [0..10] it would be abs... (by helios)
getting multiple random nos. w/o repeated nos.
ei dudes, im kinda havin' a hard time getting random nos. for the battleship game im workn' on. well, my prob goes like this. i rand a number then i add up so...
[2 replies] Last: I had to read the post five times before I understood what you meant. ... (by helios)
by taklct
cin.getline problem
#include <iostream> #include <cstring> using namespace std; int main() { int id = {0},year = {0},x; char command ,name = {'\0'},pg = {'\...
[3 replies] Last: It is a plague of lazyness and un-knowledge. Many, many C and C++ b... (by Duthomhas)
Visual Basic + C++?
I'm going to take a visual basic class in my high school and I wonder if you can combine the easy making windows of Visual Basic and the power of C++. Yes, I di...
[7 replies] Last: That is what I'm thinking but I can't find a tutorial on how to make a... (by willia23)
Structs vs Classes
Why might I want to use a struct rather than a class if the only difference between the two is a struct defaults members to public while a class defaults to pri...
[6 replies] Last: I time all the that do. :-) (by Duthomhas)
Passing data from a text file to an array
Hi all, I'm currently doing a couse in C programming and as part of a project I need to take data from a file and use that to populate several fields within my ...
[3 replies] Last: Loop through each line and store in an array or vector, then just keep... (by efexor)
by tekken
SDL installing
I downloaded SDL but i dont know where to install it within the Dec-C++ file, can anyone help?
[3 replies] Last: I suggest using a different IDE, DevC++ is outdated and old. (by efexor)
change color of a pixel
i would like to compile something that will change the color of the pixel at coodinates 505, 712 to red, and i want it to take precidence over all other graphic...
[11 replies] Last: If you don't want to have a console window, this should be better: #... (by Bazzy)
by Pawel
Pointers and arrays
Hi Lads, I don't understand why on the output I'm missing the last word from the sentence: #include <iostream> #include <new> using namespace std; i...
[6 replies] Last: I'm pretty new in C++ and I don't understand vector's yet ( I'm in a h... (by Pawel)
by pooja
unable to access iostream
i was just hoping someone could help me with a small problem..i'm using windows xp os...whenever i compile a c++ prog. there is an error message like "unable t...
[4 replies] Last: the iostream.h is an old version and now deprecated, iostream is n... (by Bazzy)
Menus in cmd
I am trying to make a menu in cmd, and I have no idea where to start?
[3 replies] Last: On my compiler (dev-cpp) I can only use integer as argument for a swit... (by Scipio)
November 2008 Pages: 123... 19
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