by Pecvx
Regarding exception handling
[1 reply] : Hello Pecvx, I would say yes. When you look at the structure of the f... (by Handy Andy)
writing to a text file |
[13 replies] Last: Hello Beginner of C, The following program illustrates a different, I... (by Handy Andy)
by mrtammy2008
Why does my program end when it's in the second loop of try catch?
[7 replies] Last: Hello mrtammy2008, @mbozzi @ne555 , sorry I don't understand anythin... (by Handy Andy)
by notacoder
Approach for the question
[1 reply] : You know, you’re turning into a real spammer with these competition ... (by Duthomhas)
by Alien000
Making decimal points lined up
[8 replies] Last: std::put_money method (works well only if the locale of interest is ... (by JLBorges)
by sturk
C++ virtual inheritance memory layout
[1 reply] : Why do you want to know (or care)? It is (at best) a peculiarity of y... (by salem c)
Adding external library |
[1 reply] : read a tutorial for the specific library, youtube or a wiki, a tutoria... (by poteto)
by colorfulpup
Sending function call operator to template
[4 replies] Last: Ok, some advice ;) First, are you still doing this: ThreadPool thre... (by Niccolo)
by ketanco
Open a screen , draw a line with mouse
[14 replies] Last: @lastchance O -- nice :) Now... as an exercise only, please select ... (by MikeStgt)
by notacoder
Solution needed
[3 replies] Last: Duplicate "do all the work for me" post: (by deleted account xyzzy)
by notacoder
Please help
[2 replies] Last: Duplicate "do all the work for me" post: (by deleted account xyzzy)
How to make arrays work when "Expression must have a constant value." keeps showing up |
[8 replies] Last: I don't think that the arrays need to be changed to vectors since the... (by Peter87)
by stoneJax
Ascending Sort
[10 replies] Last: Thank jonnin! I appreciate all the info. I'll keep that one in my back... (by stoneJax)
by sturk
Memory layout of derived class
[2 replies] Last: I'm not a compiler writer, but removing virtual from the subclass dest... (by Ganado)
by prinned
Why is my bool function returning 12 and 24 (but only when called upon by another function)?
[2 replies] Last: fight() takes p1 and p2 by value, but to use polymorphism you have to ... (by helios)
by nimkmrgrg
Need help understanding bool
[6 replies] Last: The name "found" was clearly chosen to express what the variable repre... (by keskiverto)
Clear Buffer |
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <cctype> bool answer_is_yes_to( const c... (by JLBorges)
by MikeStgt
Sieve of Eratosthenes defective
[no replies]
by ICantC
smart pointer linked list - leak free?
[3 replies] Last: Your initial theory is correct. If you delete the first node, that wi... (by Niccolo)
by wuwy
How to count how many times unique word appears
[3 replies] Last: if you need to count "how many times a unique word appears" then use <... (by anup30)