Beginners - May 2019 (Page 16)

Passing multi dimension array to a DLL
Hi everyone, I am trying to write a simple test dll that will be called from a program written in MQL4. In MQL I create a two dimension array and want to pas...
[2 replies] Last: Sorry Salem_c Or when you compile it? I know the number of columns ... (by skiner36)
by Bopaki
help with overloading operator= for a queue
Here is my code 4 the overloading of operator= template<class Type> constlinkedQueueType<Type>&linkedQueueType<Type>::operator= (const...
[4 replies] Last: Problem sorted out. Thanks everybody Found the answer from the book of... (by Bopaki)
Copy and swap idiom
Hello, I had a question regarding the "copy and swap"-idiom which I've encountered when overloading assignment operators. I usually do it another way, "manuall...
[9 replies] Last: kyrresc, could you please have a look at the accepted answer here: htt... (by Enoizat)
by gggss
[1 reply] : im trying to make a function that when toggled it will send the tex... (by salem c)
Best OBD2 Scanners
What is the output of this program and Explain the logic? How to find the best obd2 scanner for the money? I have used hundreds of obd2 scanner, and I know whic...
[1 reply] : Are you sitting in an exam at the moment, and unable to use a compiler... (by salem c)
Inheritance Class - Problem
Hi guys, I'm having a problem which involves inheritance. I am trying to prompt the user to input dollars and then cents. Once they input the information I...
[no replies]
& and ~
Hi, I have a practice exam, and wanted to make sure I was right on a question. In C++ the____*______ keyword tells the system to allocate dynamic memory an...
[4 replies] Last: Most likely, the ~ is referring to the declaration of a destructor of... (by deleted account xyzzy)
Validate Input Exercise
Hey I'm trying to validate whether a string array contains an integer or not. I'm required to use a Boolean function that takes in the string array and an integ...
[3 replies] Last: > outputted the value stored in num and I get 49. Why is that? https:/... (by ne555)
Detecting punctuation marks in QString variables
Hi everyone, Does anyone know how to remove punctuation marks from a QString variable ? I have cheked the doc but have not found anything. I'm looking at som...
[2 replies] Last: As a PS to the above suggestion, there are other forms of remove() tha... (by mzimmers)
by mpg
Recursion exercises
I have thes 3 exercises but I have problems with this new argument about recursion in c++: 1) int s (int n) returns the sum of the first n odd numbers 2) int f ...
[9 replies] Last: Ignores non-alphanumerics and differences in case: #include <string> ... (by lastchance)
by kenken
Mutable and Immutable
I am a beginner in C++ as well as Python. I am having a hard time understanding mutable and immutable objects in Python. According to the information a gathered...
[3 replies] Last: You should note that the concepts surrounding immutability are differe... (by Duthomhas)
Are QChar functions compatible with QString ?
Hi everyone, I'm trying to code a function which can ditinguish letters in strings from numerals and punctuation marks. The problem is that I have used QChar ...
[2 replies] Last: ... (by Enoizat)
Hello everybody, thanks in advance. I'm novice with galib (genetic algorithms) and I have several problems for example when I try to c...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you, I found a new release in github (by psosmol)
by Pecvx
Destructor for class without dynamically allocated memory
How does the destructor for a class without dynamically allocated objects look? I know the compiler makes one by default, and I never bother with it if I don't ...
[4 replies] Last: Release what memory? void dummy() { int victim; } There was memor... (by keskiverto)
by Bopaki
What does this error mean?
C:\Martin\Savitch\SavitchDownloads\Chapter13\Chapter13\StackFrame\stack.cpp:10:9: error: expected initializer before 'Stack' C:\Martin\Savitch\SavitchDownloa...
[3 replies] Last: Okay I have found the problem and sorted it out. Thanks everybody (by Bopaki)
My practice assignment program should ask the user for the values of p, q, e,and d that are required to encrypt and decrypt a message using RSA encryption. The ...
[5 replies] Last: This makes it somewhat clearer. What values have p, q, e, d, and op (o... (by nuderobmonkey)
Overloading the = operator
Still studying for a final. Here is the question... Please provide a function that overloads the = operator for a fancyString class. The fancyString class ha...
[5 replies] Last: don't be too hard on yourself. The syntax of objects / OOP is hard to... (by jonnin)
Recursive palindrome
Hi, I have a boolean function that recursively determines if something is a pali(assuming there are no spaces, special chars, etc), but I have a warning saying ...
[4 replies] Last: bool ispalindrome(string s){ if (s.length() <= 1){ ... (by jjordan33)
Project question! (how to sort)
Hey everyone! I'm here to ask for a little help and/or direction on a C++ project for a class. Basically, the project is asking me to sort a bunch of data based...
[2 replies] Last: before you can sort data, you need something to sort. you are readin... (by jonnin)
Having truoble with derived classed
I've been trying to understand this project for a while now, but keep running into road blocks. Now I'm being told that all of my derived classes are actually a...
[1 reply] : Complain to the school board (department chair) if your instructor is ... (by Duthomhas)
May 2019 Pages: 1... 141516
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