by skiner36
Passing multi dimension array to a DLL
[2 replies] Last: Sorry Salem_c Or when you compile it? I know the number of columns ... (by skiner36)
by Bopaki
help with overloading operator= for a queue
[4 replies] Last: Problem sorted out. Thanks everybody Found the answer from the book of... (by Bopaki)
by kyrresc
Copy and swap idiom
[9 replies] Last: kyrresc, could you please have a look at the accepted answer here: htt... (by Enoizat)
by gggss
[1 reply] : im trying to make a function that when toggled it will send the tex... (by salem c)
by elekala
Best OBD2 Scanners
[1 reply] : Are you sitting in an exam at the moment, and unable to use a compiler... (by salem c)
by kdrewes
Inheritance Class - Problem
[no replies]
by jjordan33
& and ~
[4 replies] Last: Most likely, the ~ is referring to the declaration of a destructor of... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by AshtoKream
Validate Input Exercise
[3 replies] Last: > outputted the value stored in num and I get 49. Why is that? https:/... (by ne555)
by jefazo92
Detecting punctuation marks in QString variables
[2 replies] Last: As a PS to the above suggestion, there are other forms of remove() tha... (by mzimmers)
by mpg
Recursion exercises
[9 replies] Last: Ignores non-alphanumerics and differences in case: #include <string> ... (by lastchance)
by kenken
Mutable and Immutable
[3 replies] Last: You should note that the concepts surrounding immutability are differe... (by Duthomhas)
by jefazo92
Are QChar functions compatible with QString ?
[2 replies] Last: ... (by Enoizat)
by psosmol
[6 replies] Last: Thank you, I found a new release in github (by psosmol)
by Pecvx
Destructor for class without dynamically allocated memory
[4 replies] Last: Release what memory? void dummy() { int victim; } There was memor... (by keskiverto)
by Bopaki
What does this error mean?
[3 replies] Last: Okay I have found the problem and sorted it out. Thanks everybody (by Bopaki)
by senkovlad16
[5 replies] Last: This makes it somewhat clearer. What values have p, q, e, d, and op (o... (by nuderobmonkey)
by jjordan33
Overloading the = operator
[5 replies] Last: don't be too hard on yourself. The syntax of objects / OOP is hard to... (by jonnin)
by jjordan33
Recursive palindrome
[4 replies] Last: bool ispalindrome(string s){ if (s.length() <= 1){ ... (by jjordan33)
by D0n7th1nk
Project question! (how to sort)
[2 replies] Last: before you can sort data, you need something to sort. you are readin... (by jonnin)
Having truoble with derived classed |
[1 reply] : Complain to the school board (department chair) if your instructor is ... (by Duthomhas)