Beginners - May 2019

Failing to build leptonica for ARM
So I wanted to start working on application for my android. The application includes tesseract-ocr. I have both tesseract and leptonica working for my windows c...
[5 replies] Last: It appears there is a specific fork of Tesseract for Android https:/... (by Niccolo)
Identify multiple generated buttons
I am creating static fields 'Page' and buttons 'G' on click of a button '+'. So the fields 'Page' and buttons 'G' are generated at runtime onclick of button '+'...
[2 replies] Last: @bchinfosieeuw, your question is basically why everyone will tell you ... (by Niccolo)
by cba
Weighted edges of a graph
You are given a weighted tree T and an integer MAXW . You have to count the number of weighted graphs whose non-negative edges weigh at most MAXW and T is an MS...
[3 replies] Last: > I have tried making mst from given tree the mst of a tree is the tre... (by ne555)
Sorting Algorithms and Visual
Hello. I need a visualization program for sorting algorithms (bubble sort, quick sort and selection sort).
[1 reply] : Youtube has plenty of sorting visualizations: (by Ganado)
by ashwyn
Adding Nodes to an AVL Tree in C
I'm programming in C and I'm having some big problems in my program that leads me to believe that my functions for adding new elements to my AVL tree structure ...
[5 replies] Last: @ashwyn, In your procedure _balance() , what, if anything, are you do... (by lastchance)
by Bopaki
Learning to use eclipse C++
My codeblock IDE have stopped working. When I compile a program it raises the CPU usage to 99% and the machine freeses. So I installed the eclipse IDE. Now w...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you all !!!! everything works fine today (by Bopaki)
by qann23
Exact function and Big-O of a segment of code.
What is the function class of these 2 codes? I'm thinking O(N^2) for both of them. int mystery3(int n){ int s = 0; for (int i=1; i<=n; i++) { int ci = ...
[1 reply] : O(f(n)) counts worst case behavior; assume n = ∞. All you need to c... (by Duthomhas)
error while compiling.
It is Caesar cipher code. I don't know where the problem is. #include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; class Caesar { public: Caesar(int k);...
[5 replies] Last: What do the errors say, exactly? Do they look like: In member funct... (by keskiverto)
Banking system
So, this is going to get a little complex. I've slowly been building up my banking system and need help. First though a quick run through. 1. choose an existing...
[9 replies] Last: Make sure the function and its declaration are BELOW the struct: st... (by zapshe)
Return multiple value (1,2)
hi there i want to return 2 or more value in function but it's not allowed ! i saw a lot of ways to doing that , but that wasn't what i'm looking for !! ...
[22 replies] Last: Thank you for your answer, lastchance. (BboyCico, sorry for exploitin... (by Enoizat)
by suprax
Random Numbers won't sorted correctly
Hello guys, thats my program source code. The program works with random numbers. You have 3 variables, types of int, and those variable have the function...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks a lot @nuderobmonkey! I'll deal with the code to understand ho... (by suprax)
i am at the very very begginning of programming
i just wanna know how to use the graphics and all i just learned about sound i need to make a simple graphic program. it can be a tiny code too i just dont un...
[16 replies] Last: thanks guys it really means a lot to me thanks for the gaming advice m... (by coderking)
position of struct variable declaration and list initializer
Hi, when learning struct, I found that the position of the variable declaration and list initializer can have very different results. First, this code won't...
[2 replies] Last: Code (1) is illegal simply because you can't do logic like making assi... (by Ganado)
by olyaMi
2d vector of different data types
Hello! I'm new to c++ and have encountered a problem. Is it possible to create a multidimensional vector of different datatypes? I've found only how to create s...
[7 replies] Last: @lastchance, thank you for the idea! I might go for it. As to my init... (by olyaMi)
Hi. OOP principles !
I am struggling to implement a C++ or C# program which contain the 4 principles of Oriented Object Programming. It must contain constructor, destructor ,inherit...
[2 replies] Last: I solve it thank you. I decided to only not put encapsulation in the p... (by WalterCC)
not able to link two programs
so guys i am trying a lot to link a sound program and a calculating program but i does not work at all i am out of ideas . what i want to know is how can i...
[7 replies] Last: the answer is in your reply (by coderking)
by GonlyG
while(true) break executing but not other code
I have a testing code where I try to cout "got here" when I have a condition and then break out of an infinite loop, but it's not working. #include <iostream...
[1 reply] : In function 'int main()': 11:3: error: 'class std::vector<int>' has ... (by Ganado)
WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK strange behavior
I want drawn ellipses to 'disappear' on double click. To do so, the canvas is redrawn, and the nondoubleclicked ellipses are restored. When I use the doubleclic...
[6 replies] Last: @dutch I was thinking more of hdcx getting the return value of Beg... (by Niccolo)
printing three dimensional array
Hello, I am attempting to print a three dimensional array, the expected format would be cutting slices off the height and showing numbers on the x-y planes. But...
[3 replies] Last: The code in t... (by Duthomhas)
May 2019 Pages: 123... 16
  Archived months: [apr2019] [jun2019]

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