Beginners - May 2018 (Page 9)

Ascending Descending order from a file using stack
Hello everyone! I'm new here with the programming and I can't find a solution here. I need to read the text file and then make it in ascending and descending or...
[8 replies] Last: @icy1, Thanks for the tip. Not something I have used very often. @el... (by Handy Andy)
code doesn't execute correctly
Hi, everyone, I wrote a program for my intro C++ class question, but my code doesn't executing correctly. I hope I could get help. Here's the question: Writ...
[5 replies] Last: keep at it; this is an excellent exercise! Strange that such limits h... (by icy1)
Code isn't executing correctly
I am writing a program that sells tickets for a theatre. I need to have the user enter the price for the ticket they want, then my program will give them a sea...
[6 replies] Last: Alright got it! Thanks for all your help and suggestions! (by Jorge626)
common paths in DAG
Hello everyone, my question is how to detect reconvergent paths in graph, i searched everywhere but there were nothing relevant with this subject. i im...
[7 replies] Last: 1) i know its a silly question but how to print out all the paths sta... (by icy1)
by Thesar
Writing and Reading from file Templated List
I have a templated class with a list in it which the user will fill with either ints or doubles. The user will also have the ability to save and load files with...
[3 replies] Last: Why not do this explicitly? Something like: template<typename T> vo... (by dhayden)
How could I improve this code?
(Editing in progress)
[6 replies] Last: Thank you, thank you everyone! :) (by caesarra2)
Weird error - What does it mean / how to fix?
I'm working on a lab for an introductory C++ course (we've learned strings, chars, cmath, if and if-else, for and while loops, and we just learned functions) an...
[6 replies] Last: reseeding isnt always a mistake, sometimes you want to regenerate the... (by jonnin)
by AL88
Tic tac toe BOOL wrap around
Hi Im writing a tic tac toe board game for my programing book challenge but I cant get the bool to alternate between 1 and 0 for the player numbers. I keep gett...
[2 replies] Last: I had an enum Move in mine. The first player to go would be 'X', whet... (by icy1)
Dynamic memory tutorial does not work expected
The following code is pasted from the dynamic memory tutorial into a Win 10 Visual Studio 2017 Community IDE. Not getting the Error memory when entering a lar...
[2 replies] Last: Hello jecalderon, You should check into what the size is of the varia... (by Handy Andy)
C++ server based applications
I have just finished a C++ training course. I am not new to programming; however, C++ has taken me to a new height in what I understand about the broad subject ...
[8 replies] Last: There's now Boost.Beast: See, for instance, the examples on this page:... (by mbozzi)
Tips on bringing down runtime for HashTable
Hello recently in my first OOP c++ class we learned about unordered sets / hashing and created a program that loads the words of shakesspere and the dictionary....
[2 replies] Last: The number one tip to optimise your code; measure it to see what's tak... (by Repeater)
Convert C source code into 16-bit 8086 assembly source code (for use with EMU8086)
Hi all Does anyone know if it is possible to convert C source code into 16-bit 8086 assembly code (for use with EMU8086)? Thanks
[3 replies] Last: Google sez try commandline option -a=filename I haven't used that com... (by jonnin)
getting a segmentation fault
The code compiles properly though when I run it it causes a segmentation fault. I don't know what I did wrong, can somebody please explain what I did wrong? th...
[16 replies] Last: Hello alfie nsugh, My bad, I was thinking to far ahead of where I was... (by Handy Andy)
by Xorace
I seem to be getting errors..
I've been trying to understand what's wrong here, I've ever looked up examples of while loops, the samples people give online still produce errors in my IDE. An...
[3 replies] Last: however I still get the same errors. Could be an encoding error with... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
Measure the input time
Hey, Could you help me about that, how can I measure and write the time to the console, that the user spent of writing into the input. int N; cout << ...
[1 reply] : You can include ctime library and use the difftime() function by provi... (by shadabrana)
Retrieving data from another running application?
Let's say for example there's a game running on my PC; How could I access data from it, for exampe if the stickman I control in the game dies my c++ application...
[1 reply] : I'm not sure but it is possible if your game code sends a command line... (by shadabrana)
Something is wrong with code. cant seem to figue out please help.
Write your question here. so i wrote this code. you time amount of testcases and then the testcases themselves. program should output factorial of integer re...
[3 replies] Last: thanks both replies helped a lot. (by mishosaama)
Debugging error- Vector subscript out of range
I am trying to implement B-spline approximation. I am getting an error of vector subscript out of range for Qk. #include "math.h" using namespace std...
[15 replies] Last: Hello @gsaluja. I've got absolutely no way of testing this, as I don'... (by lastchance)
Error validating still on going
I was doing homework while I encountered this problem. In the menu, I didn't want the menu part to accept anything but an integer, it works but... after putting...
[6 replies] Last: @tpb it's working now! Thank you very much (by hoogiii)
writing the definition of a function
I don't have a specific exercise for this, I get a lot of assignments that state "write the definition of a function .. (or for the class stackType, for this we...
[3 replies] Last: yeah, its like pretend you're the group manager and you have a bunch o... (by zaphraud)
May 2018 Pages: 1... 7891011... 19
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