by SmokeyBear
Project to calculate money and time to spend all of it.
[14 replies] Last: struct ForceCommas : std::numpunct<char> { char do_thousands_sep... (by SmokeyBear)
by kainev
Visitor pattern: To cast or not to cast
[10 replies] Last: > Surely if the Accept method is marked const, you would have to chang... (by JLBorges)
by wsme
Strings without <string.h>
[11 replies] Last: I'll try those, then see how things go from there. Thanks for the help... (by wsme)
by An Integer
How to treat previous/tail on doubly linked lists?
[8 replies] Last: @keskiverto & @jonnin thanks!! For @icy1 : you're right. I got t... (by An Integer)
by Ceadric
Trying to understand functions + arrays
[5 replies] Last: because it did not pass by reference. what it really does, broken dow... (by jonnin)
by Flaze07
make_unique an abstract class
[5 replies] Last: yeah, I know that reference_wrapper does not create, because it is jus... (by Flaze07)
by Anoraki
What should I be using to create 2D games and GUIs?
[2 replies] Last: Are you talking about making a 'windowed' 2d game, like windows solita... (by jonnin)
by jxo
C++ string converting
[7 replies] Last: I have one suggested change to Andy's and icy's programs. Use a for l... (by dhayden)
by AL88
Trying to fill an array with enums
[4 replies] Last: well, let me preach on it lol. if this is indeed tic-tac-toe, that bo... (by jonnin)
C++ backtracking doesn't seem to work |
[8 replies] Last: Hello cplusplusnightmare, Sorry I got behind here. I do agree with tp... (by Handy Andy)
Please help me begin this question. I don't even know where to start |
[14 replies] Last: @FurryGuy Oh I see... Pardon my confusion. @icy1 (laughing!) Progra... (by Manga)
How to delete a character from each word in the sentence |
[1 reply] : If c-style strings with std::strtok() must be used, something like t... (by JLBorges)
by egroj1
Nested loops
[8 replies] Last: Hello egroj1, I came up with this. See what you think of it: for (... (by Handy Andy)
by jbohol
Advantages and Disadvantages of C++
[15 replies] Last: [quote=Ganado]"the safe part" of C# Perhaps I should have said, si... (by Ganado)
by Glaucous
access single element in vec3d
[11 replies] Last: Didn't just want to make a comparator to sort based on Y, then X, then... (by icy1)
by gagamehl
CreateThread problem
[3 replies] Last: Why don't you use AfxBeginThread ? (by Thomas1965)
by Newbieess
Simple array problem plz help
[2 replies] Last: Hi Newbieess -- post what you have so far inside tags... This... (by icy1)
by CGunn86
Class constructor question.
[4 replies] Last: Furthermore, Foo::Foo( Bar x ) : foo( x ), // foo has now been comple... (by keskiverto)
Calling function in switch case help |
[17 replies] Last: Oh I get it, it is a good way to make code more simple. (by closed account 3RMzT05o)
by Ceadric
Need help exiting a while loop
[2 replies] Last: I see, thank you so much! (by Ceadric)