Beginners - May 2018 (Page 7)

Type qualifiers are not compatible error
I'm trying to create a local variable of a class inside of another class, and that seems to work fine. it's a rather large project so I'm not sure what part of ...
[4 replies] Last: Seems like a valid solution except for the draw() function for ball ac... (by CGunn86)
How would I do this? Sorted Names Write a program that prompts the user to enter three names, each no greater than 50 characters, and then displays the name...
[1 reply] : Hello sonia123, Not a difficult program. So the questions what have ... (by Handy Andy)
How do I get the variable value from class
I'm trying to get my total1 and total2 variables from my class functions and use them freely in main, but I don't know how to alter the scope of these variables...
[3 replies] Last: Hello WouldyCaulk, When I ran the program I found the major problem i... (by Handy Andy)
Appending something to buffer.
How do I append the content returned by siSysInfo.dwOemId to nameBuf ? Could somebody please help me? Thank you. // mm.cpp : Defines the exporte...
[7 replies] Last: "This can be achieve by initializing the string in UnrealScript to som... (by thtrzxc)
Why won't my functions print in main?
I have to functions in a class that print out dice, but the dice do not print when I run it in main() #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib...
[6 replies] Last: Showed a possible implementation with: one of the C++ random devices, ... (by icy1)
Stack pixel points set by set
Hi everyone ! Sorry for long-winded post, my english not good, I have to explain in more detailed. I got the edges from a set of photos, which means a set of...
[1 reply] : Are you are asking how to plot your 2D points so that they seem 3D? (by tpb)
Implementing FLTK in VS Stroustrup
I'm working my way through Stroustrup's Programming Principles And Practice Using C++, and I have reached chapter 12. In this chapter, you are required to use ...
[7 replies] Last: @FurryGuy, Oh, I see. Point.h appears like this in the code you link: ... (by tpb)
by nearc
Can u explain why we need min_idx? isn't arr =arr ? void selectionSort(int arr , int n) { int i, j, min_idx; for (i = 0; i < n-1; i++) { ...
[4 replies] Last: Break it down into steps; try to visualize. Very first iteration i=0,... (by icy1)
Sorting Circular Linked List
cur does not change after first if condition void sort() { if(!isEmpty()) { int check = 0; Process *cur = head; do { cur = cur...
[5 replies] Last: I might seriously consider breaking the list at head, making it a norm... (by jonnin)
Please Help
which software is best for learn c++ Dev++ or C++ for beginner? cout<<"which software is best for learn c++ Dev++ or C++ for beginner? ";
[3 replies] Last: visual studio exists to make professional, industrial sized windows pr... (by jonnin)
Stack, Heap, and pointer question.
I've been doing some reading, and testing around a bit on my own, but wanted some more confirmation on what's going on here. I'm gonna do my best to write this ...
[12 replies] Last: Okey dokey, I'll thrash the dead horse. Creating a unique_ptr to an ob... (by Repeater)
Failing to compile
I've been having issues compiling this coding for 3 days scratching my head to make it into a windows executable. I've been using Dev-C++ to compile and debug b...
[9 replies] Last: @icy1, good point. I'm going to look into that. (by tpb)
[Linux] - error linker
Hi all, I wrote web api application using cpprest following this guide I installed cpprest + boost + cmake + ...
[2 replies] Last: @Daniel5053, Have you checked this ticket? (by ivmero)
by sluge
Integer overflow int and char
I have two examples: unsigned long l = ULONG_MAX; char c = -1; if (c == l) std::cout << "-1 = 4,294,967,295?"; output:"-1 = 4,294,967,295?" ...
[2 replies] Last: Yes, it's unintuitive behavior. You should avoid comparing signed and ... (by Ganado)
randomizing the numbers
I've found this else where on the site and was wondering how would you change this program to produce random numbers instead of the numbers that the user is pro...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks, that works perfectly after adjusting the fill numbers. I reall... (by madaboutcow)
Why code duplicate the
I will like comments about the tutorial section on Structure The code has a void block that is incomplete or ...
[1 reply] : Line 12 is called a function prototype. It is needed for the compiler ... (by Ganado)
Loop for counting single entered vowels hardship.
So I have a project due here soon. It is on the topic of coding a program that allows the user to enter as many letters as they would like; one at a time. I ...
[7 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <string> using name... (by lastchance)
by Nasiri
Storing names in an array
Hi i want to save several names to an array and the user will decide how many names and it has one condition, the names can not be more than 20 characters. Can ...
[2 replies] Last: Assuming you are using std::string, you can simply check the length of... (by Uk Marine)
by dq9
Text RPG Variable
I'm having two issues with my code. One is that when I run my program it starts with my bool as opposed to my main function. The other is within that bool, it...
[8 replies] Last: @Ganado: My apologies Okay I see. Thanks! (by wsme)
by pbmfs
Need help filling screen with random characters.
I have everything except the CMatrix::Fill() function which is at the bottom of the question. I hope someone can help. You're to write a C++ program that rando...
[3 replies] Last: Hi Andy, sorted my code out. I'll see if I can extract config.dat as i... (by pbmfs)
May 2018 Pages: 1... 56789... 19
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