Beginners - May 2018 (Page 19)

Access File Program
Need to write a program that displays the number of letters that are stored in a file, but I have no idea how to and haven't been able to find a way online. It ...
[3 replies] Last: It reads non-blank characters one-by-one from an input filestream name... (by lastchance)
How to delete a character from each word in the sentence
i was trying to do a program that ask you how many characters you wish to delete from each word as example: you enter the sentence : HI HOW ARE YOU delimiter...
[2 replies] Last: in our class we just use character arrays . (by soul111)
Reading a list of integers
Hello! I'm trying to write a program that reads in a list of grades and prints converts them into letter grades and implement a loop in which the above action...
[1 reply] : Your question is unclear. What's wrong with your program? (by tpb)
May 2018 Pages: 1... 171819
  Archived months: [apr2018] [jun2018]

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