Beginners - May 2018 (Page 18)

Wide strings and normal strings
I need some help regarding wide strings. I already have a working program for searching normal strings in a user-mode process that is specified (grabbing proces...
[1 reply] : I tried some stuff, removing one error after the other and achieved a ... (by Moobman)
Would appreciate help understanding how to get team totals from a function so that I may determine the winning team in a walking challenge. I created a fil...
[2 replies] Last: Works like a charm. Thanks! (by Lindsey2525)
Sorting cards with text descriptions (1,2)
I'm trying to create a function that will sort out a list of cards, but with text descriptions. I have numerical descriptions, but am having a hard time transla...
[36 replies] Last: Thank you very much! I was going to ask you what lines 99-102 were doi... (by Leedah8)
Hello everyone! Here I have a code which should take an input from a file input.txt, for example an integer like 123456 and then using this recursion it should ...
[3 replies] Last: Thank You! (by itfreakas)
Cc, ca compile pas ce code, pq cout << "Hello world" << end
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { cout << "... (by tpb)
PLEASE HELP ME!!! need direction on how to start
You must create a program that produces a word search puzzle. A class (name it Search) must be used for the assignment. You are to ask the user for a list o...
[2 replies] Last: There's nothing about forcing words to intersect, so just generate the... (by icy1)
Logic Error? Swapping First And Last Elements and so on....
So It's 20 days in my C++ class and I have been getting along pretty fast so my teacher decided kick things up a notch for me and gave me 10 questions,5 for 2-D...
[8 replies] Last: Oh God Guys! The Amount of knowledge or things I got cleared up with h... (by akshatmahajan3112)
Delelte Nodes
When i call my delete node function with input 1, it should delete the #1 in the linked list. Instead it skips over 1 and deletes 2. #include <iostream> ...
[3 replies] Last: @fivestar -- Node should be something fairly simple; just a tiny struc... (by icy1)
by ad4ms3
(rand() % 100 + 1)
"(rand() % 100 + 1)" - why does it give random number < 100? I started to learn c++ couple of weeks ago in my spare time. Most of codes and tutorials I do undes...
[3 replies] Last: while you are learning, look at replacing rand (a bit of a relic from ... (by jonnin)
Which one is Curent and Previous number ?
Hello Hello ! Help me with this please, is a noob thing: I am working on a function which return 1(true) if a int number is in ascending order. For exemple: ...
[7 replies] Last: thanks a lot man...Wish you best. I start doing this for serious...til... (by WalterCC)
Can std::promise have multiple values?
Is the following code available? I.e. is that possible that I pass multiple values into the channel between std::promise and the associated std::future? If only...
[2 replies] Last: std::pair<int,int> will probably be enough (by icy1)
reading from a .txt
I am trying to read from 3 separate lines in a text file but it won't assign the each line to string1, string2, string3. #include "stdafx.h" #include ...
[10 replies] Last: Sounds like your file is not being opened correctly. You should alway... (by Ganado)
guys , pls help me , error : "else" without previous "if"
guys pls help me , i just a beginner of C++ . This below C++ is writen by me , when i run it , the error : "else" without previous "if" appeared . what point i ...
[3 replies] Last: Dont put semicolon ";" on <if( f < 0)> You put it with semicolon";"..... (by WalterCC)
by flexy
cryptogear encryption algorithm
hey, im very new to c++ and i keep getting errors when i try to run this code in visual c++ , im also unsure if it should be a win console application or a win ...
[3 replies] Last: thanks alot guys it was the header youre right :) thanks i appreciate ... (by flexy)
class and objects pls help
i have to use class and objects for this code and its not working . can someone pls help #include <iomanip> #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #i...
[1 reply] : You should look in your textbook and learn about they syntax of classe... (by Thomas1965)
Write your question here. I need to write a program that will read some unknown content from a file. The program is supposed to read and output whether the lin...
[10 replies] Last: I would like to thank you all for the help. Here was my final code: ... (by enrikm84)
Displaying the first 10 words from txt file
I need to make a program that can read the first 10 line of words from a txt file. So far I have this code but still won't read the file properly. Also, I pau...
[3 replies] Last: Hello luiz5z, Either from the keyboard when the file name is entered ... (by Handy Andy)
i have to build a program to cacluate the weighted percent.
when ever the code is compiled it is giving the output to be 0. #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { //intillization of the mark...
[1 reply] : You have a problem with integer division. If you divide two integers ... (by lastchance)
by lm34
Password verification help.
[1 reply] : You never change hasLower, hasUpper, hasDigit and specialChar inside t... (by Peter87)
Add extra value into vector element
Using findNonZero, I stored all the relevant (int) pixels coordinates [x,y] in std::vector<Point>. So there is a [x,y] for each elements in vector. Now that I...
[18 replies] Last: Let’s say I have 1000 image, then I will also create 1000 class ? ... (by Thomas1965)
May 2018 Pages: 1... 16171819
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