by sreich
Library management project c++
[1 reply] : I need to assign the letter "A" to a book after the user has inputted... (by Enoizat)
by kaptsea
Function takes a ref to a string but not a string literal from the call
[2 replies] Last: Just tested your code. It works. If you are having trouble, it is prob... (by Manga)
by paulpv278
cannot read white spaces
[3 replies] Last: Please consider what I have done in my example: in >> item >> ws (w... (by lastchance)
by paulpv278
switch and read text file
[4 replies] Last: HI Everyone thanks for the suggestions, I manage to read the set of in... (by paulpv278)
by sciman777
How does including libraries work with classes?
[2 replies] Last: In general, only use #include's where you need to use them. And also, ... (by Ganado)
by arczi w
Reading file of data, each column with unknown number of spaces
[4 replies] Last: Thank you! (by arczi w)
by stormbot
Need help formatting this table? It's almost perfect...
[3 replies] Last: Right, got that confused, thanks for the correction. I agree, best to ... (by Ganado)
by Deneviel
Single entry edit in Random Access file
[5 replies] Last: After the polish and some fix ( it still has some bugs when creating a... (by Deneviel)
by Thesar
How to copy a pointer List to another pointer list?
[9 replies] Last: OK, but then it will not be able to point to objects of the derived cl... (by Peter87)
by acaspiroy2
2 dynamically allocated array that form a thrid
[1 reply] : allocate A allocate B allocate C that is as long as A and B together c... (by keskiverto)
by sammycarj
dynamically allocate an array and print content in reverse
[1 reply] : So what have you done to print the array contents in reverse order? B... (by jlb)
by stormbot
Trying to make a selection sort for my user class array
[3 replies] Last: If you do want to swap invoices with invoices , then do so: std::swa... (by keskiverto)
by angchan
File sort and linked list
[5 replies] Last: FurryGuy-Hi, I would like to use the std::list but my assignment requi... (by angchan)
by stormbot
Change insertion sort to descending instead of ascending?
[1 reply] : I think you just need to reverse the test in the while loop while (j... (by tpb)
by stormbot
Why is my [i] counter giving me this error?
[2 replies] Last: Perfect answer, thank you! (by stormbot)
by stormbot
Need help with insertion sort... think I'm close?
[1 reply] : I solved this on my own, but for anyone having this issue... I changed... (by stormbot)
by One Pea
Efficient way to fill a 2D Array?
[1 reply] : I was wondering if their is a more efficient way of doing this? Well... (by Enoizat)
by sreich
If statements, multiple choices
[3 replies] Last: if (choice == 'f' || 'F') { This doesn't mean what you think it mean... (by Repeater)
by seakylone
No Match for operator <
[3 replies] Last: It should be possible to implement it as a member function. I think th... (by Peter87)
by samtheman
VS 2017 community
[2 replies] Last: Something close to graphics.h is WinBGI. (by Thomas1965)