Beginners - May 2018 (Page 12)

Please, what is the logic behind this recursive function call?
It is a solution to an assessment which I viewed only after I had attempted the exercise to the best of my abilities for about a week. It's from the text "Begin...
[5 replies] Last: @icy1: wow thanks. I am beginning to understand this. I will take some... (by ayoesquire)
How can I write this program?
Write your question here. Write a program that uses an arry to store a series of integers. The program should prompt the user to enter elements into the ar...
[1 reply] : Hello ryan157, This looks like another topic I have seen. Turns out i... (by Handy Andy)
zwhere does he compiler save the exe file
I want to create a folder of exe files I have programmed as I go through my studied. I am using visual studio 2017. ]
[1 reply] : Hello ekurburski, I too use VS. When you have a program that is finis... (by Handy Andy)
Matrix sum
Hi, how i can find these sums for oddxodd and evenxeven square matrix? thx for reply
[1 reply] : Hello innerinner, Welcome to the forum. The answer to your question ... (by Handy Andy)
by nearc
What if (!variable) statement means?
Write your question here.
[4 replies] Last: The if statement only executes if it evaluates to true, but what if yo... (by Manga)
How do I make a deep copy constructor on member variables?
I am really stuck here. From what I have read online a deep copy constructor copies what is in the pointer (prob not exactly what it is). I have looked at code ...
[1 reply] : If you have a pointer that is a member of a class, then all that point... (by Manga)
Operator overloading error when called "name not allowed in member function"
I created an overloaded but i am getting weird errors when i call it. I am very new to pointers so I have no clue where to look. Artist.h #pragma once #inc...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks.But i just decided to get rid of it. I am using a pointer becau... (by Nitrosolid)
Having trouble with this code
Here is the screenshot:
[2 replies] Last: Hello ryan157, Looking over your instruction they are very good. Some... (by Handy Andy)
trying to figure out how to add a title/heading to my program. Not talking about changing the title of the window it self but adding a title to my program sayin...
[1 reply] : If you're just using cout to send characters to the terminal, you've... (by Repeater)
Cannot call function from main using custom static library
I cannot run the Display() function it gives me a Unresolved external symbol_public:void _thiscall" Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppressio...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks (by Nitrosolid)
by marcb
Function declaration help
No matter what I do, I keep getting the same error: finalarrays.cpp:(.text+0x18a): undefined reference to `stats(int*, int)' collect2: error: ld returned 1 ex...
[2 replies] Last: On line 48 the sum variable is uninitialized. A golden rule always i... (by TheIdeasMan)
How do you put parameters properly in a constructor?
How do you put parameters in a constructor and make it work? I'm getting an error in my Satellite1.h header saying that the string does not name a type? it...
[4 replies] Last: I'll keep that in mind (by programmy)
Program Skipping cin
I'm trying to recreate rock paper scissors for a class, and for whatever reason the program doesn't allow the user to enter any information after the first roun...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks, I just didn't realize that I had cont as an int. Changing that... (by J0HND03)
extracting data from file
hey guys, I have a few data files that I would like to sort data out of, The originals got damaged and the only copy I have contain the data I need but it also ...
[11 replies] Last: My analysis was based on the output of this program: #include <iostr... (by tpb)
Not getting expected output
Write your question here. #include <iostream> using namespace std; struct Date{ int day,month,year; }; struct Time{ int hours,minutes; ...
[4 replies] Last: Hello NGC3370, The first thing I found is getting the user input. Th... (by Handy Andy)
Missing column on my array
So im very fresh to c++ and i need to do an matrix calculator, so the question i have is a missing column number im my code, because my calculator has a limit o...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks you so much, i have finished my code already. Appreciated. (by Ragueky)
using array to add large numbers
Hello guys, one of my assignment question is asking to add large integers with like 20+ digits ....c++ doesn't allow it so i have to enter the number as a stri...
[2 replies] Last: You likely have integer overflow, in which case a sum of type int gr... (by icy1)
Highest and lowest score, user input
Hi everyone! For an assignment I needed to collect student scores from user input. The amount of students would be up to the user so I used the exam_score fo...
[3 replies] Last: There are two approaches. The first works whether you have values stor... (by keskiverto)
by jkp993
Infinite output when I print a variable inside a loop
I'm trying to convert a number input to words. I am a beginner so my code might look clunky. I also apologise for posting such a large code. The loop at the "St...
[4 replies] Last: Hi jkp993, In case you get curious about std::stack in the future, ... (by icy1)
by wsme
C program run-time error
Code compiles fine. Errors out at comment Objective: User guesses values until guessing correctly. All guesses are intended to be stored and presented at end...
[2 replies] Last: Oh I see. Just got out of an introductory class where we had to use bu... (by wsme)
May 2018 Pages: 1... 1011121314... 19
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