by fuerant
Quotient Void
[2 replies] Last: pass a pointer to quo, not quo itself. or have the function return ... (by zaphraud)
Get line from txt file into string (every line if wished) |
[1 reply] : Hello minimalistisch, Welcome to the forum, What you wan to do is so... (by Handy Andy)
by Endersmens
Write access violation thrown when trying to call an array-modifying function twice EDIT: Now a read access violation.
[16 replies] Last: Thank you, the issue was resolved. Also nice catch in reroll, you are ... (by Endersmens)
by Dvir Arazi
Is there a way to share a variable between instances of a class, but not between instances of the class containing it?
[4 replies] Last: The problem is that you're saying that every Entity has an individual ... (by dhayden)
by BmoreCoding
Need help with basic calculator code
[1 reply] : Hello BmoreCoding, Welcome to the forum. To do what you want you bas... (by Handy Andy)
by jcarlson93
Having trouble with my class and vector working
[1 reply] : On line 125 you are trying to find a string in a vector of Employee... (by lastchance)
by ScottyYDg
Problems with Inheritance.
[3 replies] Last: main.cpp #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <vector> #... (by ScottyYDg)
by wtbe
Java Header files
[3 replies] Last: C's (and C++'s) compilation model is designed so that compilers can op... (by mbozzi)
by Thesar
Accumulate and Find_if (LAMBDA)
[3 replies] Last: You fillList function does nothing. Look at this line: std::generat... (by tpb)
by isuckatcpp
A program that reads a file.
[4 replies] Last: Thank you so much guys for your amazing help and support, I'm already ... (by isuckatcpp)
Finding the longest route in a graph |
[1 reply] : ¿so? ¿what's the problem? (by ne555)
by Bokka
Please, help me to convert a Python code to C++
[9 replies] Last: EXACTLY what I want! YOU are my HERO! Thanks a lot to everybody!!! (by Bokka)
by delloskill
Something called Stack Overflow
[2 replies] Last: You have 1000 stock objects in stack. One stock object contains: 2 in... (by keskiverto)
by erikas37
help with returns
[3 replies] Last: @erikas37 -- Strive for declaring variables as close as possible to th... (by icy1)
by monae
Calculate fallingDistance and kineticEnergy
[9 replies] Last: You should calculate 0.5gt 2 in your function fallingDistance(t) - un... (by lastchance)
Visual Studio 2017 not working |
[5 replies] Last: @MondayPenguin, PLEASE learn to use code tags, it makes reading your ... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
Quick Sort won't sort an array that has 4385 or more elements |
[5 replies] Last: Also, your custom swap is erroneous. Please try to understand the dif... (by icy1)
Testing a program |
[6 replies] Last: Since not all the ID's are going to be the same length, it might need ... (by closed account NCRLwA7f)
by paulpv278
convert string to decimal
[6 replies] Last: in c++ characters are integers, 1 byte in length. there is no 'conver... (by jonnin)
Why are Marks not copied in my array?(streams) |
[2 replies] Last: It is trying to read two integers, so it will stop when it either hit... (by chrisamgad)