Beginners - May 2017 (Page 22)

Divide et impera
Can someone explain me how divide et impera algorithm works?
[2 replies] Last: (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
how do i let the user input with a loop?
Write your question here. void userinput(int& a_,int& b_,int& c_,int& d_,int& e_,int& f_) { cout << "Enter a: "; cin >> a_; cout << "Enter b: "; cin >> b...
[2 replies] Last: //how do i position the address to b after a is done the name of a v... (by gunnerfunner)
How to properly read from a file using a for loop until end of file?
Hey guys, I have some code that requires me to read from a file into an array of objects. The array's maximum size is 25 elements. So I need to see some cod...
[2 replies] Last: Hi, Put the read operation and the size condition both into the while... (by TheIdeasMan)
what is return a=true?
I understand return a==true; But what is a return statement as below? return a=true; Does it mean first to assign true to a, then return tru...
[6 replies] Last: [quote=ne555]I don't. Surely you may do return a; I think the OP me... (by boost lexical cast)
Memory Cost Comparison
Simple question, which process is more expensive and why? //either map<string, map<string, string> > a; //or struct obj { string x; ...
[3 replies] Last: The question is moot; the two options are very different in terms of f... (by JLBorges)
Sorting an array of struct objects
I have an array of struct obj and if I do a bubble sort on it in the following way: struct Friend { std::string name; int days; }; for(...
[6 replies] Last: I understand now, so when I use the delete f_new , I delete the arra... (by Icyblizz)
How to output after a certain amount of iterations in a for loop
Hey all, I am trying to write a for loop and add a cout statement on it after a certain amount of iterations. I know i look like an idiot asking this, but how...
[3 replies] Last: of nothing. bye (by ar2007)
Singly Linked List, cannot search and add functions don't work
Hey all, I've been assigned by my professor to create a singly linked list of Albums for a hypothetical data structure. I've FINALLY gotten the program to actu...
[2 replies] Last: Yes Thank you for that, I'm still learning the ropes, but did make tha... (by Okitraz1986)
by PCP63
Need Help Parsing Text File, WAY Over My Head
I need help parsing a text file that's based upon the "last" command in Linux, where it shows users' login info. I need to store the data in the Login class' me...
[1 reply] : In the program below I've used struct Login to read the file – since... (by gunnerfunner)
Button handler
Hi, For example, I have a header file name form1.h. In this header file, there's a part for a button1 click handler. And then, I have a c++ file docreate(). ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for your response! (by uglybetty)
Errors in Microsoft Visual C++ 2010
Hi, I tried to include .cpp file in my project using Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express. I compiled in Netbeans and it works completely fine but in Visual C++...
[2 replies] Last: Solved! Thanks for your response Thomas1965. Apparently dirent.h does... (by uglybetty)
Problems dealing with a grading program
I have encountered a problem when I was dealing with a grading program. The program contains a header file and grading.cpp file. Below is the code of the gr...
[14 replies] Last: Hello paulpaul, Sorry for the delay. My internet access has been a pr... (by Handy Andy)
by coll23
Inputing Values for Length and Width?
How can I allow the user to input values for length and width? When I debug the code, it doesn't allow me to input anything. #include <iostream> using ...
[1 reply] : Line 8-9: What is the purpose of x and y? And why are they public? ... (by AbstractionAnon)
by jusurb
Error with class array
Hi, I've started on a project and got this error in my main: error: no matching function for call to 'Automobilis::Automobilis()' (line 12) Any ideas/tips...
[2 replies] Last: Hello jusurb, You should compile you program before posting it and tr... (by Handy Andy)
by Hanif
struct array .. Read file from file
The assignment is about Sales of Traditional Candy from your country for International Food Fair: Create 2 files using NotePad to read data of 5 types candies/c...
[1 reply] : don't double-post and the same applies as here: http://www.cplusplus.... (by gunnerfunner)
Button Handler
Hi, I have this simple program where I want to click a button, it will run my other program. Below is the part of the code that I'm having problem. You can...
[3 replies] Last: I have solve my problem. I just add the function call under the functi... (by uglybetty)
Making output nicer
Is there a way I can make my output more even? Each number under its own row side by side. #include<iostream> using namespace std; void Powe...
[1 reply] : Yes you can do that by removing most of the newlines "\n". You only wa... (by Peter87)
How to find substring(upper or lower) in a Sentance?
Assume I am trying to find "Hi" in a sentance. This "Hi" could be "Hi","hi","hI" or "HI". What is the easiest or the most efficient way to find them? I saw a...
[6 replies] Last: Basic: #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; bo... (by lastchance)
Printing 5 values per line
When I print this array, how can I print 5 values per line? void printarray(int q,double numb ) { //This function prints array for(int i=0;i<q;i++)...
[8 replies] Last: This is an error in C++ (though it is allowed in C99); a conforming co... (by JLBorges)
by SotGeo
searches an array[50]
Write your question here. Hallo guys i have a problem with a question. "Impelment in a program in C++ which searches an array (for example double arr ;) for a...
[1 reply] : Have you learned about linear search or binary search? The link could ... (by chicofeo)
May 2017 Pages: 1... 2021222324
  Archived months: [apr2017] [jun2017]

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