by AlexCantor
C++ 17 Compiler
[11 replies] Last: a lot of C++17's worth is in the standard library (parallel algorithms... (by Cubbi)
by Jolene3007
Storing last result in a calculator
[3 replies] Last: I have edited the code so the result variable is used. This worked, I... (by Jolene3007)
by Kiryu
Template class compile error
[2 replies] Last: glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, data.size() * sizeof(T),, ... (by Kiryu)
by prathik s
Find the largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers.
[1 reply] : Main mistakes: - you need to set rev=0 EACH time before you start buil... (by lastchance)
by steven1000
old c++ programme
[4 replies] Last: will let you know. should be able to try it tomorrow. thanks (by steven1000)
by Azukay
Interactive Fiction
[8 replies] Last: This is the beginning of my code. How would I do that using enum nouns... (by Azukay)
C++ compiling error? |
[8 replies] Last: Have you tried running your program? Line 147: That line does nothin... (by AbstractionAnon)
by abumirza
Please help to fix my code
[7 replies] Last: its not only the pass by ref, its that pounds uses kilos which was jus... (by jonnin)
by bradrat12
sams teach yourself c++ in an hour a day
[7 replies] Last: @bradrat12 You are welcome. It sounds as if you are at that initial s... (by lastchance)
by urrutiaeric
having trouble understanding how to use parse
[2 replies] Last: OP: what does your input file look like? (by gunnerfunner)
by kiloga
output display incorrectly issue
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! This is real helpful to me! (by kiloga)
by JorgeChemE
How to use debug in CodeBlocks?
[4 replies] Last: Thank you for your help. Sorry for the question, my Debug was not work... (by JorgeChemE)
by Hanif
outpot character problem.
[4 replies] Last: name_of_candy is an array of string objects. name_of_candy is on... (by Moschops)
by Tavalya
Create a function to sort array elements in ascending format
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for pointing those out... Have made the modifications and no... (by Tavalya)
by wildcat123
Can someone help me write this code a different, preferably shorter, way, but it does the same thing.
[5 replies] Last: That is about as simple as I can make it... 1) use a vector or array ... (by jonnin)
by AlexCantor
C++ cout Digit separator
[11 replies] Last: Thank you all for your inputs. Number of years back a scientist (theor... (by AlexCantor)
by anthony32198
C++ Converting a Code to Classes and Objects
[3 replies] Last: Use a std::vector<example> to hold your n objects. http://en.cpprefe... (by mbozzi)
by mastakhan
Can't get a class member function to display an array
[2 replies] Last: And here's my main test driver file, Exception_test.cpp: #include "... (by mastakhan)
Compile Error Array/Void function |
[14 replies] Last: I gave it more tweaks this morning. It ran beautifully. I can't expres... (by celticqueenkira)
by forta2k
C++ exercise
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int arr ; ... (by Goose6712)