by imastruggler
How do I write a binary search sorted array?
[7 replies] Last: But I did define it... No, binaryList(...) isn't defined. I would th... (by coder777)
by yuriy14
How to use a chart in C++?
[2 replies] Last: Hello yuriy14, My first thought is to use a "std:map" and a "std::pai... (by Handy Andy)
by willmann
Help With Quadratic Code
[4 replies] Last: Yes, if you are using the keywords "true" and "false" that should be ... (by jonnin)
by Kiryu
OpenGL Diffuse shader problem
[2 replies] Last: Well i adapted the code like you suggested, and it seems to work bette... (by Kiryu)
by Toxiic
How do I change the value of a 2d array using a 1d array?
[1 reply] : Why do you think it's not changing? What specific behaviour are you s... (by MikeyBoy)
Multi-Dimensional Table Printing |
[2 replies] Last: In a 7-element array, the last index is 6. So, your while condition ... (by MZH)
by lare26
Unwanted Trailing Image SDL2/C++
[4 replies] Last: Thank you, Peter87. (by lare26)
by whispywaldo
Inserting and Removing elements in a dynamic array
[no replies]
by seungyeon
what prints?
[1 reply] : I guess undefined behaviour ++n = i + (n%100); //warning: unsequenced... (by ne555)
by wolfv
Makefile - place object files in obj directory
[4 replies] Last: if you have several sources then you'll need to write that same rule f... (by ne555)
by imastruggler
Why does the program not let me write the function?
[2 replies] Last: I fixed it. Nm (by imastruggler)
by whispywaldo
rejecting and ignoring invalid values that do not belong in a set
[1 reply] : With much thanks (by Kiryu)
by Meden
Skipped cin statement
[4 replies] Last: I think maybe you guys are entering in a double rather than a string i... (by Meden)
by Okitraz1986
Linked List, Search function non-operable
[2 replies] Last: Solved it with this code.. it's not perfect at all (check if no char i... (by p3p3)
by Faggio
Difficulty with assignment
[2 replies] Last: Sorry but i'm not expert! Thank you for your time and for your reccoma... (by Faggio)
by david73
Char to int
[5 replies] Last: Haha, very true. Cheers ;) (by mbozzi)
by rudger
Formula help
[1 reply] : 100 / 500 equals zero. 100 is an int and 500 is an int. In C++, an... (by Moschops)
by imastruggler
What am I supposed to do with these arrays?
[12 replies] Last: @AbstractionAnon it works! Thanks so much! (by imastruggler)
by tommy23
boolian conditions and functions
[1 reply] : Line 7: main must always be type int Line 14: This is a function ... (by AbstractionAnon)
by krossas
string doesn't compare to an array
[3 replies] Last: thanks a lot man, the whitespace was causing the problem fd >> ws work... (by krossas)