Beginners - May 2017 (Page 13)

Why does the name and section ask at the same time when it your about to fill up the 2nd borrower? #include <iostream> using namespace std; struct...
[1 reply] : The version of “std::getline()” you are using basic_istream& get... (by Enoizat)
invalid window error
Hello, I have a c++/sdl2 program. I have declared several vectors in one class (type SDl_Texture* ) and all was well. wanted to declare one more of the same...
[no replies]
Validating user's input to be a number and not a letter
I am currently working on an audio recording program. I ask the user to specify if they'd like to record or playback the recording... [recording -> user input =...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you for your help! @Thomas1965 I have one more question... I h... (by adibhatam)
Error when user backspace it adds up as a * in the password input
I made a part of the program like below the only problem is that when i click backspace to input password it adds a * instead of deleting one and also when the ...
[1 reply] : If the user presses backspace you need to remove the last char from pa... (by Thomas1965)
by Marth
Recursion Question
Let's say you have function fn(int a) {if (something) fn(a);} so lets then say that on the first call, something is true, it calls fn(a) again, the second ti...
[5 replies] Last: (by Moschops)
by chocho
Enumerating self-avoiding walks
Hi! I need help with a problem concerning the number of self-avoding walks on sqquare lattice. Generally a self-avoiding walk is path that does not self-interse...
[2 replies] Last: Ok. I deleted the other post. Sorry for the unconvenience it may have ... (by chocho)
Help me understand pointers
I'm trying to understand how pointers work in relation to other data types. For example: int x = 5; int *p = &x; cout<<p<<endl; cout<<&x<<end...
[11 replies] Last: Well, if we ignore that the life-time of a temporary can be extended b... (by JLBorges)
Calculating Pi using Monte Carlo method
Hi, im trying to write code to calculate pi using the monte carlo method, but for some reason even though the code compiles, nothing happens. what should happen...
[1 reply] : Hi, Line 18 is incorrect: sqrt(x*x) = x, your expression is not pyt... (by TheIdeasMan)
by ti8er
extreme beginner question
This may be really stupid but im having trouble with hello world. I keep getting this error $ g++ test.cpp /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/5.4.0/../../../../x...
[1 reply] : Google? The answer is out there, just need a quick search: cygwin ca... (by TheIdeasMan)
header files and interaction between .cpp files
I'm new to programming and struggling my way through Programming: principles and practice using C++. My question is regarding the "Drill" at the end of Chapter ...
[2 replies] Last: Perfect! Thank you for the help. (by newuser12345)
Compiling Error
Hi all, I am not very good at programming yet and I have a hard time understanding what some of the errors mean. I am trying to compile some code but when I do...
[9 replies] Last: Thank you so much for your help (both of you). Removing the flags help... (by christianwos)
Fstream help
I made a log in sort of program with fstream. Basically you choose a username and a password and they get written into two separate txt files. I used the ios::a...
[3 replies] Last: Hello Raul4pk, There are several problems with your program. First t... (by Handy Andy)
Reading data from a file and sorting it into a array
New to programming. I need some help with a code I am writing for a school project. I have to write a code that opens a file containing and unknown (around 100...
[14 replies] Last: Np :) (by globaltourist)
Final: Telephone Keypad - Converting numbers to letters
So I am going to keep the explanation of my assignment simple, by posting what we are to do for the assignment below then explaining what I am having trouble wi...
[16 replies] Last: I guess the OP has all the suggestions he needs anyway. #include <io... (by lastchance)
Time between commands ?
I want to use the system("cls") function to clear the console but I also want to display a message first. Problem is the message is displayed and then the conso...
[4 replies] Last: I fixed it no worries, thanks a lot for the article (by Raul4pk)
Hi friends? i would like to know how to write Pseudo code for calculating total price of 10 items and how to display that total.
[1 reply] : Example of Pseudocode Display “How many hours did you work?”. In... (by chicofeo)
Need Help with Binary Search Trees
I am a beginner programmer going to school. I am having a tough time trying to write my binary tree into a file. I figured out how to read a file to a binary tr...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you all. It worked. I couldn't have done it without you. Thank ... (by Hexar90)
by Ergis
What is wrong with this???Plss help
Hello Community! I want to create a program which can find out if a number is perfect or not. The perfect number are numbers like(e.g number 6 whose divisors ...
[1 reply] : Hello Ergis, I write this more to show you what is wrong, so that you... (by Handy Andy)
Loop Works; Output Not Perfect, Polish Needed
My loop is funked here. The output for the first day is perfect. However - If you see my input / output below - the other days are junky. I'm kinda stuck. ...
[3 replies] Last: Gunner - you just changed the way I will do things. Thank you so much.... (by shycas2008)
Ascending order HELP.
Hello guys, I really want your help cause im confused. So what i need to do is to write a program that randomise array and after that the first numbers need to ...
[1 reply] : If you can use them, the algorithms std::sort() and std::stable_partit... (by PanGalactic)
May 2017 Pages: 1... 1112131415... 24
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