Beginners - May 2017 (Page 10)

Is my code well written? What should I do next? (1,2)
I wrote a small program which contain two functions that can used to do calculations for Pascal's triangle. I've been told in the past that my code can be prett...
[20 replies] Last: My meaning wasn't very clear. The factorial function itself doesn't ex... (by lastchance)
by erik85
Send TEMP Path To argv - Need Assistance Please
Good morning everyone, I have the following: #include <stdlib.h> #include <windows.h> int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, H...
[5 replies] Last: Easiest would be using a vector to pass the arguments. #include <std... (by Thomas1965)
Finding the net pay and adding two decimals
I can't figure out how to provide a net pay after the state tax and I need to add two decimals points to the dollar amounts. Plzz help! #include "stdafx.h" ...
[3 replies] Last: Here an example: // I can't figure out how to provide a net pay after... (by Enoizat)
Error during matrix processing
I have a Function class that contains the union, difference, assignment, and intersection operators (+, -, =, *). The problem is that I can not output the resu...
[1 reply] : I'm afraid if you don't provide a minimum compilable example you are n... (by Enoizat)
Programming C++ (Virtual Function)
Hello Guys, I just want to make sure of my answers What do you think of these questions? True or False 1) A regular virtual function declared in a base cla...
[2 replies] Last: 1_ F 2_F 3_T 4_T 5_F That's my answers (by majed96)
What is happening on this line? * & ->
copied this from github. This line is confusing me. What is the meaning of the left side? Is it creating a global const variable called Player? On the right ...
[2 replies] Last: The ampersand takes the address of the result of the expression state... (by mbozzi)
Run time error or memory leak problem? (1,2)
Hey guys, Just as the title states. I don't know where I went wrong. The command prompt window will come up and display my information but then a dialog box ...
[20 replies] Last: > I understand now that I have to delete the memory allocated in (name... (by JLBorges)
I AM TOTALLY LOST ON THIS ONE Write a program that generates 100 random integers between 0 and 9 and displays the count for each number. Hints: U...
[1 reply] : @ AIRBONRE143, Please continue to (by chicofeo)
by xcolz
I need help with real esate management system
Can anyone please help me out to run this program ...please I need help .. please be kind help me out here ;) #include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include...
[1 reply] : Please, go back to the ... (by chicofeo)
Can anyone please help me with this code? The question isn't that clear
The following code declares a skeleton for a String class. An object of that class, would store, as a data member, the characters, including the NULL one, of a ...
[1 reply] : To give you an idea. 2. Implement the default constructor. Look at:... (by chicofeo)
C++ how we return and receive two value at the same time as it is possible in Python?
I needed for an assignment and I an translating a code from Python to C++ but there this line of code where there is a double assignment and i don't know can I ...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you but I just got it! (by The wizard91)
by Viston
Ordering numbers
So I got this little function. This function is used to save a ticket into a .txt file. What I'm trying to achieve is, for every time I finish making a ticket, ...
[4 replies] Last: Hello Viston, It is hard to suggest what you can do to fix your funct... (by Handy Andy)
Trial and errors
It's my first time using C++, please bear with me:) I keep getting an error which means something is wrong or a symbol is missing and I can't seem to figure ou...
[2 replies] Last: Also - if a function is going to return a value, it can't be void. If ... (by wildblue)
[C++]Primitive AI for othello game?
Hi, So down to the point I want to create a loop that searches every part of the array and analyzing every white and black piece on the "board" . Then the "A...
[no replies]
Switch Statement Help
I have the rest of my coding correct but I am doing something wrong with the switch statement. Can someone let me know what I am doing wrong? #include <iost...
[2 replies] Last: Wow I can't believe I missed that. Thank you. Maybe I should take a br... (by scribbles2writings)
by xxvms
Bool - with AM and PM
Hi Guys :) I am running an example from book and something is puzzling me. I don't understand why code behaves in such way: bool pm = hours < 12 ? fals...
[3 replies] Last: Another wording: (by keskiverto)
by Avrage
Passing NULL pointers as function argument
I'm working through some practice problems and i might not have understood are have done the exercises corrected, after doing some searches online i didn't find...
[11 replies] Last: thanks JLBorges (by Avrage)
Why does this crash my program?
I don't know why this crashes my program if I have more than 10 items read into the array of objects from a file? I did this exact code in another program just ...
[7 replies] Last: does it mean you don't like the idea of pre-compiled headers ? Pre-c... (by jlb)
Conditional Expression Help
I need to add at least one condition expression to my program. I am having trouble with this and hoping someone can nudge me in the right direction. This is my ...
[1 reply] : Where do you want to add a condition in your program? Assuming you w... (by longberns)
I need help with Newton's DD (nested form)
Sorry guys, please this is a bit off-the-topic but I wouldn't have asked if I didn't need your urgent help. I am taking a MSc course in Applied Numerical Ana...
[2 replies] Last: Hmm, brother lastchance , thank you for this. I'll certainly try it ... (by ayoesquire)
May 2017 Pages: 1... 89101112... 24
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