Beginners - May 2016 (Page 8)

Problem in the code
Write a program to create palindrome words by using the string entered by users. Your program should have 2 strings: the first string is used to store input tex...
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { string st... (by nader altayara)
hex stores into a variable ?
How do i store hex value in a variable ? Like this ; int show = 1; int hex = 0x2; // something like that !
[3 replies] Last: #include <iomanip> // ... std::cout << std::hex << hex; (by Zhuge)
Im getting this error in if-condition for string. I cant figure out why
I'm practicing strings and and i can't figure out the error coming at line 31. #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { strin...
[5 replies] Last: See (by Chervil)
vectors scope
Hi guys I was expecting an out of scope error in my program but it worked fine with no errors I'm just wondering why this happens as I declared the items of myV...
[3 replies] Last: if it's not declared inside a function/class/struct... it's a global s... (by Moooce)
Can't even get "Hello World" to work!
Please forgive my complete ignorance here, but I am probably the only beginning programmer that can not get the Hello World program to work. The book I am us...
[4 replies] Last: thx. got it now. sorry for asking question that someone else asked bef... (by froglips)
vector<bool> error with pointers
Hello everybody and thanks for your help! :-) I'm trying to write a simple code which has two classes: LogicGate and CircuitDescription. CircuitDescription c...
[4 replies] Last: > I used a pointer to a specific element of the vector because many Lo... (by JLBorges)
Unknown Number of needed Variables
Hey guys, quick question here, the title says it all, but to give you an example: If you want to input lets say coordinates of points (x,y) ,but you don't ...
[1 reply] : Use a vector of points. Fetch input, create point, push_back point to... (by Moschops)
What is a good side programming language for C++?
I've been thinking about future careers in the programming industry, and some people tell me that C++ isn't a big thing in jobs. They tell me that Java is a big...
[5 replies] Last: If you know C++, you will go through other languages with ease. (by Uk Marine)
haalp! Class and store data
Im making a project and its about a parking area for cars with several floors, line and columns. I created a class called Carro ( Car ) and i whant it to regi...
[1 reply] : I tried to use linked list, but i cant make it work, theres any other... (by coder777)
File input cannot be read when running the program
Hi, I would like to ask if there is any error in my code because I cannot read my input data when I run the program for read data from input file. Thank you ...
[1 reply] : You should always check if the file opened correctly before to try to ... (by Thomas1965)
Getting exception CrtIsValidHeapPointer
I've been trying out exercises from Stroustrup's PPP book. I've stumbled upon some errors and I dont understand why it is happening. #include <iostream> c...
[2 replies] Last: Ah i see. Thanks alot for pointing it out, silly oversight by me. (by soyasoya5)
CreateThread() Help!
CreateThread() in windows Kernel32.dll to create multithread Application. How can i pass multiple parameters and how can i give an return value instead for ju...
[1 reply] : Any data pointer can be casted to 'void *', so you can pass a pointer ... (by helios)
Palindrome Problems
I've run into a small issue with my palindrome code that I need to do for homework and I was hoping somebody could help me. I need the program to ignore the bla...
[9 replies] Last: I think you'll find it much easier to create a function that will take... (by dhayden)
Exception thrown: Read access violation
Hi, I am working on an assignment and there seems to no error in my code but when debugging, I get the error Exception thrown: read access violation. _Othe...
[4 replies] Last: Exception thrown: read access violation. _Other was 0x20 . Any tim... (by dhayden)
by Ejay
need help.
I have to make a lil program that does the following: - Asks user to input a 10 digit number - Checks that the inputted number is 10 digits no characters (num...
[6 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <sstream> using namespace std; int ma... (by adam2016)
Remove all whitespace from a std::string?
I want to remove all whitespace from a string. Here's what I have so far: (expression is the string) for (int i = 0; i < expression.length(); i++) { if (...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks guys! (by Tyler T)
[3 replies] Last: wow (by closed account 3Cj3AqkS)
I cant understand a part of this HANGMAN code. Strings are used.
So i along with my friend decided to make hangman. #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { cout << "**************...
[3 replies] Last: C++ does allow declaring a hierarchy of names. This allows organizing ... (by tcs)
by Zorac
reading from text file to a vector.
Hey all. I am currently trying to write a program that sorts a vector based on columns. I am think i am all done, however i am currently adding the contents of...
[3 replies] Last: something like this ? No. Don't loop on eof(). It is an error-prone ... (by Chervil)
by Ruzgar
quiz code not working/out of ideas
Hello People! This is my first forum topic and from the looks of it it will not be the last one. Anyway, my assignment is to build a questionaire game show. My ...
[1 reply] : It is possible, but you have to assign it to a variable, or total the ... (by davidemoeller)
May 2016 Pages: 1... 678910... 36
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