Beginners - May 2016 (Page 7)

by coll97
Separating strings
I have a string like: phrase ({hello} & {good}) The string is called comando and the words inside the brackets can be anything. How can I get the words insi...
[1 reply] : Regular expressions: #include... (by JLBorges)
every operation in separate funtion(note: input from file)
i am trying to do every operation in a separate funtion. in this code input, sum and output. but something i'm doing wrong i don't know. so please guide. #in...
[3 replies] Last: thanx you all. :) (by Talha Bin Adam)
Why does it output 2 times the results?
Why does it output 2 times the results. Where do i make a mistake? #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int i, u = 0, x = 0, array ; printf("Enter ...
[1 reply] : Because if array == array then you'll print the message twice, once ... (by dhayden)
by crepe6
Inverse of the permutation string
I need to get the inverse of the permutation string. I was able to get the returned letter D from the string ***B* but I'm not sure how to put it back into ...
[no replies]
by Reiv63
Reading - File Handling
Please help, when i save the file, it succesfully saved what i wanted, but when opening/reading it in the compiler, it gives weird symbol to the st .name and ...
[1 reply] : What is the value of itemcount? Is your "write" function supposed to w... (by jlb)
Hello! Help me with this one! My professor wants me to create a program that allows user to enter 5 distinct ages of family members and display the youngest and...
[1 reply] : take a look here --> (by DirtyDan)
Task: Balancing There are some number (C) of containers each of which can contain 0, 1, or 2 stones. You are to write a program which assigns all stones ...
[no replies]
When I run a compiled program with more than one commandline argument, the program returns nothing
When I run anything with just one argument, like ./a -a, or ./a asdfsa, the program runs normally. But when I do anything with more than one argument, like ./a...
[5 replies] Last: > There is more to my code, but I can't see any reason why it would af... (by JLBorges)
by Marth
Question about pointers and references
in the pointers tutorial on this site, pointers are shown being linked to references; in alot of more advanced code, references (&someVar) are rarely used, w...
[4 replies] Last: > why all this subterfuge when referring to a value? why is it necessa... (by JLBorges)
std::regex_replace specify replace sequence?
I'm just learned the basics of Regular Expressions a few days ago, so please forgive me if I make some obvious mistakes. I want regex_replace to match the wh...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! (by Tyler T)
Compression using cabinet.dll library ?
Can i Compress file zip file using cabinet.dll libraries APIes (Compressors API) ? And is it internal DLL in Microsoft windows OS ? Thanks
[1 reply] : i've ... (by Marth)
Perfect number calculator, how to increase speed
Hello everyone, i have a program which calculates and finds perfect numbers. I want to make it faster but i can't seem to find a way. I've modified it a bit ...
[4 replies] Last: By the way, the reason your program is so slow is that it does two thi... (by Duthomhas)
by sengab
updating struct size while keeping old data
Hey guys, I have a problem and I would like to know how to solve it. I am having a struct where the struct takes 4 inputs. 3 of these inputs are arrays of size...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks very much (by sengab)
by Reiv63
Help with unrecognized input
This is a function call for my Wheel of Fortune game. And I'm getting a hard time pinpointing where did i go wrong, When i Run the program after: Line 50 -- ...
[3 replies] Last: thank you for the heads up, i'll try another method and remove getlin... (by jlb)
by evy
need help with my compiler issue
Write your question here. enum Suit { clubs, diamonds, hearts, spades }; const int jack = 11; //from 2 to 10 are const int queen = 12; //integers with...
[2 replies] Last: tnx alot ! finnaly discover this issue (by evy)
what is the difference between the output of online ide and output of eclipse and visual studio ?
I am new on c++, Please see this screen shot for what I get from you can see the output is a rando...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you guys that was very helpful.. (by Mikenuaimi)
reversing a string method
Hi people I've been studying all day trying to find a way to reverse a string and I've found one the question is pretty much why does this code actually work? ...
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int mai... (by Thomas1965)
How to Input data directly into the table?
Hi There! I am dealing with two dimensional arrays. I am trying to make a table for Number of seats won By different parties in different provinces. But the i...
[1 reply] : What makes you think it's not happening correctly? Your cin statement... (by AbstractionAnon)
Need help with making a function, not sure why it won't work
I am supposed to make a function that does the following: If a1 has n1 elements in nondecreasing order, and a2 has n2 elements in nondecreasing order, pla...
[5 replies] Last: @Tyler The usual comparison operators (non-member) are all available f... (by tipaye)
trying to reverse a string
hi guys I'm trying to reverse a string but I get an error using the reverse function #include <iostream> #include <string> #include<algorithm> using namespac...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks Moschops,I normally would give the compiler error message but t... (by adam2016)
May 2016 Pages: 1... 56789... 36
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