by vikillav
How do I initialize a 2D Vector?
[no replies]
by spacecadet11
Code Blocks Info.
[13 replies] Last: I can copy/paste quite easily without including the line numbers. Wit... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by noodel
writing into the file
[2 replies] Last: And is line 20 meant to be cin >> x also? Right now x doesn't cha... (by dhayden)
by codewaggon
How to master functor?(done)
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much. It does I make a mistake and I do understand. (by codewaggon)
Program for finding primes/ common denominators |
[no replies]
by WhyStopNow
Calculator Problem - Stroustrup C++ Book
[no replies]
by feeks
Encrypt Decrypt
[2 replies] Last: @Tyler T is right.... you have not written the if-else statement corre... (by shadder)
by Diabolique
Used Car Dealership, Help
[14 replies] Last: Hi, I was going to say this: Look carefully at the code provided by ... (by TheIdeasMan)
by Diabolique
More Used Car Dealership Help
[3 replies] Last: Hi, One can delete their own posts, then I can delete mine :+) This w... (by TheIdeasMan)
by Suroh90
Class - "no 'void Birthday::printDate()' member function declared in class 'Birthday'"
[2 replies] Last: Hi, C++ is case sensitive. The Declaration and definition must match.... (by TheIdeasMan)
by calin
Help with reducing the execution time
[1 reply] : It would help to get the input when the user starts the program instea... (by SamuelAdams)
by rezy3312
read file error trouble
[5 replies] Last: @jlB I believe it might be the compiler or the IDE either way i will r... (by rezy3312)
% modulo for random, remainder (1,2) |
[20 replies] Last: with % in newer languages rand() must be built in useful (by programmerperson1)
by lizhley123
Uppercase and Lowercase HELP
[8 replies] Last: Great. thank you guys. (by lizhley123)
by idkwidlol
'File Does Not Exist' Issue
[9 replies] Last: Thanks, everything is working as it should now. (by idkwidlol)
by feeks
Create a program that inputs two integers and outputs the larger
[6 replies] Last: 1. If num1 is larger, does the program output num1? (yes/no) 2. If num... (by PBachmann)
by noorulhuda
store data,read specific lines of data from a file and again store them separately into variables to be used further in program
[6 replies] Last: Thank you for your help Bdanielz! (by noorulhuda)
by ammartjr
Sleep () function , issue in c++
[1 reply] : If you remove the Sleep statement does the code execute properly? Coul... (by McNo)
copy array |
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> int main() { const int ... (by JLBorges)
by min1112
How to get string that contains whitespace from .txt file and insert the data into linked list?
[1 reply] : Not enough information. You haven't shown us what u and node look li... (by AbstractionAnon)