by Gector
Odd error
[5 replies] Last: why doesn't this print out the input back to the user if it matches t... (by Moschops)
by GigaMuff
Math expression help
[7 replies] Last: Another question, If you put a "large" negative number which included... (by TheIdeasMan)
by leembowie
Read Array into Struct
[7 replies] Last: I'm basically using the same code you wrote, but I want to use an Arra... (by leembowie)
by sadij97
Pass by Reference- Anyone with simple explanation
[9 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> // using namespace std; //fun... (by JLBorges)
by diane534
vending machine project
[2 replies] Last: I already figured it out, but thank you! I just had a little trouble f... (by diane534)
Extract fractional part |
[8 replies] Last: Thank you so so so so much for your help. I used the multiply the numb... (by jamshid jabbari)
by mistersunnyd
How do I create three nodes with only 1 variable?
[1 reply] : Take a look at this #include <iostream> using namespace std; struct... (by Bdanielz)
by mistersunnyd
What is **a?
[1 reply] : Read "Arrays and Pointers": (by Arslan7041)
by DrSloth
Linear equation solver
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! I forgot about that. (by DrSloth)
by Arslan7041
Function Pointers and their type?
[11 replies] Last: @JLBorges: Thanks for the self-explanatory and clear program. I unders... (by Arslan7041)
by david ford
Code::Blocks and undefined references
[2 replies] Last: Ok. I tried the save as templates, and I get a box that says "Enter T... (by david ford)
by MasterBrue
rand() and srand() text adventure combat system
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! After messing around with it then pondering your questions... (by MasterBrue)
by hamzamughal
[9 replies] Last: Use Inno Setup ; you have already been given links to it. (by Duthomhas)
by mistersunnyd
Dynamic memory allocation?
[2 replies] Last: Dynamic memory allocation? Does it happen during compilation or durin... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by noodel
loop and values
[2 replies] Last: Or just check each value after it has been entered (after line 16). No... (by Chervil)
find the expected output |
[2 replies] Last: yes. that is exactly what i got. So there is no such thing as an expec... (by closed account D4NbpfjN)
by nolza
Using #define for changing the class name
[4 replies] Last: > A construct supported by the C++ type system and other language rule... (by nolza)
by looky
[2 replies] Last: It also helps to understand the ASCII code chart. http://www.asciitabl... (by AbstractionAnon)
resistor code |
[6 replies] Last: Please do not create duplicate posts. They waste everybody's time. ht... (by AbstractionAnon)
resistor colour band |
[6 replies] Last: why don't have anyone to help me solve the problem You received plen... (by AbstractionAnon)