Beginners - May 2016 (Page 3)

resistor colour band (1,2)
Write your question here. can you help me to solve the coding about resistor colour band
[29 replies] Last: you expert in c++ code....but you can't help me in simple assignment..... (by closed account Nh79E3v7)
Help with my abstract class
From my code below I'm trying to create a Course grading system. So, it will store the type of assignment, its weightage and the achieved grade. I'm trying to g...
[3 replies] Last: Hi, Shouldn't need to use new either :+) The STL containers like s... (by TheIdeasMan)
Getting character
How can we get the character without pressing the enter key. I mean I want to make a program in which a condition has to be checked if it evaluates to be true ...
[no replies]
necessities for a text editor
going to make a text editor what are the necessities?
[1 reply] : Able to open files hundreds of megabytes in size. Inserting a characte... (by Moschops)
Hello! Why does visual studio closing my code?!
Hello!! I wrote some code, and when I built it, everything is going good, there is no errors, but when I try to run it with Ctrl+F5, it runs.. when it finish...
[18 replies] Last: But it must be the same all the times... because only in this code it ... (by NOvadia)
how can sort array using do while it should get sorted only on entering 0?
how can i do this using do while i dont want user to put no. of elements user should enter numbers and only get sorted when he enter 0.please help #incl...
[1 reply] : Instead of line 8/9 set n=0; // Important! In your first loop: Ad an... (by coder777)
Average Calculation
I have to write a program in which I sum and average all the data for the population of Florida, and Mississippi. I think I did everything right, except, I seem...
[1 reply] : Why is the SumPopulation function empty? What is it supposed to be doi... (by Arslan7041)
Help with arrays
[2 replies] Last: Something like this? (by chicofeo)
by banmal
Need help to apply file (fstream)
Question: Is this applicable for file ? I'm still new to file system so i doubt which part i can apply it. #include <iostream> #include <string> using ...
[4 replies] Last: Thank You :) (by banmal)
by ptitz
Lambda can't access a 2d array
I have a "normal" 2d array and a lambda to fill it up. Looks something like this void fun1(){ double arr ; // this works std::function<bool(int)> la...
[1 reply] : None of those functions will compile, since either the type of lambda ... (by cire)
by eons93
HTF does the game loop work?
No code today, just a very basic question that I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around. "MakingGameWithBen" is a youtube channel thats dedicated to teaching ...
[5 replies] Last: In the case of a GUI-heavy game such as Pokemon what will happen is, t... (by helios)
Average Population Calculation Program
I need to write a program that sums and calculates the average for the data that is contained in the file. Write a program that asks the user for the input ...
[no replies]
by matt97
2d dynamic array swapping
Hello I'm having a problem with swapping. It's supposed to swap the entire array to sort by users choice, but its only swapping part of the array. My issue i...
[3 replies] Last: oh yeah, i see what you're saying. (by matt97)
Average Population Calculation Program
I need to write a program that sums and calculates the average for the data that is contained in the file. Write a program that asks the user for the input ...
[no replies]
while and dividing
Hi. How do i make this program count the sum of the numbers that make up the enered number? e.g. '14' will be '5'. What should i put in the brackets? Idont know...
[3 replies] Last: This isn't any kind of "training in how to use the while loop". The wh... (by Moschops)
Need help
I am stuck with the program which asks the user what to do in a fighting match. either punch(50% accuracy, eliminate about 5 to 20% power of opponent), kick (25...
[2 replies] Last: Thank AbstractionAnon! (by lizhley123)
assertion error
how to fix assertion failed error? #include <assert.h> #include <fstream> #include "imageloader.h" using namespace std; Image::Image(char* ps, ...
[3 replies] Last: Given that it's this guy's code - (by Moschops)
10001st Prime Number
Hello, I've been trying to solve project euler problem #7, it is to find the 10,001st Prime Number, that is the code I am trying :- #include <iostream> int ma...
[9 replies] Last: I see what you are saying, but I was speaking specifically with regard... (by Arslan7041)
by noodel
values and loop
Hi ,my question is how do i make this while loop to not count the input '0' as a number. It should only ask you for numbers bigger than '0' and '0' quits the lo...
[3 replies] Last: or rather i should add: if(x<=0) break; (by MaBunny)
How do advanced text editors like vim,nano... work???
How do advanced text editors like vim or nano work??? I'm trying to make myself a text editor as a project....and it'll not be a replacement for those spelled ...
[no replies]
May 2016 Pages: 12345... 36
  Archived months: [apr2016] [jun2016]

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