by verdastelo
Functions with Pointers as Parameters
[3 replies] Last: The second parameter also is not a pointer. (by Moschops)
by coll97
How to set a map?!!!
[4 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <map... (by JLBorges)
by nikgun1984
Intersection of squares
[1 reply] : Please don't double-post. (by helios)
by fivestar
[1 reply] : I once did something similar to what you are asking with client server... (by Edward01)
by stav
std namespace
[3 replies] Last: An standard include file usually only defines the classes and function... (by jlb)
by rafi330
write a program that uses a function called convert
[1 reply] : Basic Input/Output Fu... (by Chervil)
by mistersunnyd
Array value always resetting?
[1 reply] : You forgot to reset the value of max . (by Peter87)
by jgg2002
Longest Increasing Subsequence using DP
[2 replies] Last: I've been trying to solve this myself, and actually I have solved it n... (by jgg2002)
by wahab13796
cineama seating program help
[11 replies] Last: thnaks guys its done now (by wahab13796)
by Berseker
Need help with the if statement
[4 replies] Last: Ok thank you sorry to ask such I silly/stupid question. Now I want to ... (by Berseker)
by mistersunnyd
How do I modify array elements while in the for loop?
[2 replies] Last: But if I exit the loop in order to assign 0, then how do I go back int... (by mistersunnyd)
by mkb555
Inheritance constructors
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! (by mkb555)
by PattuX
Iterative way to find cycles in tree
[1 reply] : OP here, found a solution myself now. Sharing it, in case someone find... (by PattuX)
by carten
linking of C library in C++ program
[8 replies] Last: Thanks again. I am not recompiling the library (all of the source file... (by carten)
by Jamieprov
Issues with Replacement in Arrays
[1 reply] : If you still looking for an answer so the first thing is that your mov... (by Edward01)
by djgsoft
Correct way to flush cin buffer (Nowhere to be found), not a question
[1 reply] : No clunky includes. No giant number processing. And no guarantee it'... (by cire)
by armando2
Wich is easier
[4 replies] Last: You mean what game ENGINE to use. A simple Google search will find you... (by closed account 1vD3vCM9)
by armando2
Mods for games
[3 replies] Last: Then go on the GTA SA forums (pretty sure they exist) and ask them how... (by closed account 1vD3vCM9)
by rawrilyle
Help with Running Counter!
[1 reply] : Line 13: You're doing integer division. Any number (sum) less than 5... (by AbstractionAnon)
by sankir
Need help determining if vector does not have one more element than previous vector
[1 reply] : In several places you access maze[i-2], but i is allowed to take value... (by helios)