Beginners - May 2016 (Page 27)

Functions with Pointers as Parameters
Hi! My issue with this piece of good is in the function void doit(). The function needs two memory addresses: &foo (address of pointer foo) and goo (which is ...
[3 replies] Last: The second parameter also is not a pointer. (by Moschops)
by coll97
How to set a map?!!!
I have a vector like: vector<string> Phrase; and a map like: map<int,Frase> AllPhrases; And the text like: What if to taste and see, to notice things. To...
[4 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <map... (by JLBorges)
Intersection of squares
Hello everyone, I am stuck in this assignment where I need to find intersection of squares. So far I created a vector of squares( there are only 3 squares n...
[1 reply] : Please don't double-post. (by helios)
I want to make a simple project that has to deal with connecting people. I know this probably isn't easy but any suggestions on where to get started or books to...
[1 reply] : I once did something similar to what you are asking with client server... (by Edward01)
by stav
std namespace
how come i dont have to include a file with the std namespace? is it just automatically included by the compiler? and also when i include a library like the <t...
[3 replies] Last: An standard include file usually only defines the classes and function... (by jlb)
write a program that uses a function called convert
hi i am new here.. and also a new CSE teacher give me a assingment. please help me.....the question is (write a program that uses a funcation call...
[1 reply] : Basic Input/Output Fu... (by Chervil)
Array value always resetting?
[1 reply] : You forgot to reset the value of max . (by Peter87)
Longest Increasing Subsequence using DP
I've been trying to solve this Dynamic Programming problem which states a following. You are given an integer N, followed by N integers. Find the longest increa...
[2 replies] Last: I've been trying to solve this myself, and actually I have solved it n... (by jgg2002)
cineama seating program help
HI guys i m new here this week i have an assignment and i got stuck in problem so need help plz help me i want to add an array which ask for price for each ...
[11 replies] Last: thnaks guys its done now (by wahab13796)
Need help with the if statement
Once I enter all the data the only if statement that is working is the below budget. Is there something I forget to add for the other two? #include <ios...
[4 replies] Last: Ok thank you sorry to ask such I silly/stupid question. Now I want to ... (by Berseker)
How do I modify array elements while in the for loop?
I have a for loop that traverses an array and finds the max and then sets that element to zero, but that does not work since the for loop is going through the a...
[2 replies] Last: But if I exit the loop in order to assign 0, then how do I go back int... (by mistersunnyd)
by mkb555
Inheritance constructors
I have two classes, Primary and Secondary. Secondary inherits everything from Primary, because they both do almost exactly the same thing. The constructor for P...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! (by mkb555)
by PattuX
Iterative way to find cycles in tree
I have the following structure: using namespace std; class node { public: node(string& const n = (string)""); virtual ~node(); string get_name() const; ...
[1 reply] : OP here, found a solution myself now. Sharing it, in case someone find... (by PattuX)
by carten
linking of C library in C++ program
Hello, I have a C++ program, which calls a function (dsyeig(...)) from a C-library (libmrrr.a). The code for the library consists of a number of files. Howev...
[8 replies] Last: Thanks again. I am not recompiling the library (all of the source file... (by carten)
Issues with Replacement in Arrays
Hey everyone, I'm fairly new to C++. I'm finishing up my first semester of my first class. Right now, I"m trying to write a program that lets two people play Ti...
[1 reply] : If you still looking for an answer so the first thing is that your mov... (by Edward01)
Correct way to flush cin buffer (Nowhere to be found), not a question
This is one of those extremely simple problems that no one knows how to do properly it seems. The most effective and efficient way to do this is to call ignore ...
[1 reply] : No clunky includes. No giant number processing. And no guarantee it'... (by cire)
Wich is easier
Hello what you think witch language is easer for a 15 yo boy. C++ or Java I love creating games but if i start learn i dont want to learn the language just fo...
[4 replies] Last: You mean what game ENGINE to use. A simple Google search will find you... (by closed account 1vD3vCM9)
Mods for games
hello i want to create mods for games. i need to learn how the game works ... i need to have the source code or just the game to learn the functions and thing...
[3 replies] Last: Then go on the GTA SA forums (pretty sure they exist) and ask them how... (by closed account 1vD3vCM9)
Help with Running Counter!
Hi, I have an assignment where I create a program that prompts user to select which math game they would like to play. I have successfully created a loop in whi...
[1 reply] : Line 13: You're doing integer division. Any number (sum) less than 5... (by AbstractionAnon)
by sankir
Need help determining if vector does not have one more element than previous vector
I have an assignment where I have to write a function that will give me the max amount of points possible, from the top of the pyramid to the bottom. It should ...
[1 reply] : In several places you access maze[i-2], but i is allowed to take value... (by helios)
May 2016 Pages: 1... 2526272829... 36
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