Beginners - May 2016 (Page 23)

help with array queues ?
hi, im new to code and having a hard time with array queues" priority queues". im trying to Read and processes a "tasks" from the input file line-by-line, crea...
[2 replies] Last: thanks for the help (by soccerfan12)
need help with reading from files
Good evening forum! I need help with my lab homework. I'm pretty basic with C++ and cant figure out the problem. My HW assignment is as follows: I have s...
[2 replies] Last: Your arrays are of size 34. They need to be size 35. Wow, with all ... (by AlphaAce)
Difficulty writing contents to array
I'm trying to write the contents of a file to an array, then in another function display the contents of the array. However i'm getting held up at line 43 with ...
[11 replies] Last: Why does C++ want to use pointers instead of passing an array in line... (by Moschops)
How Did I do?
I am new to C++, start my class in two weeks. I do have some self taught experience in VB.NET. To help prepare for my C++ class I have been reading and going...
[11 replies] Last: that makes sense, thanks (by DirtyDan)
Ellipse Drawing Program
How do I make a program that prompts the user to enter a Horizontal radius, Vertical radius and a center coordinate? So far I have this which only draws a circl...
[no replies]
Binary search
Hi, I have a task to copy a .txt files content (alphabetically sorted) to binary file (one string at each line). Then user inputs name and I've to make a Binary...
[14 replies] Last: @Thomas1965 : Edited few things - everything works fine, thank you gu... (by Maartin)
by elay
guide me
hi guys, ive been writing a pong game for 2 weeks, but i already gave up on it because i cant, i already read multiple thread for my problem but i cant still fi...
[6 replies] Last: thats the same from the multiple threads i read, i did them all but ca... (by elay)
objects as constructors
hi I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong I have passed an object of class to another class that accepts an objext as that class as it's parameter,I'm lost as to th...
[5 replies] Last: The copy constructor is a constructor which creates an object by init... (by AbstractionAnon)
Maximum subarrey
I've got a code that count maximum subarrey, but it only works when i know how many numbers will be in input. Could you help me with making it work when I don't...
[2 replies] Last: Lines 7, 11, 13: You're going to be making out of bounds references b... (by AbstractionAnon)
what am i doing wrong? classes
Hi guys I have a problem with declaring functions inside my hoj.cpp file I have not programmed in a while but I thought I was doing this right but turns out I'm...
[2 replies] Last: thanks,I forgot you need to put the return type in the .h file which i... (by adam2016)
Please help with code
I received some help with my code earlier. I just have one more problem the error I get is line: 77 col: 10 Sel: 0 Lines: 80 Length: 1078 insert Done parsing in...
[6 replies] Last: You have been asked to use code tags. PLEASE DO SO. http://www.cplusp... (by AbstractionAnon)
static_assert compilation error with is_arithmetic<> type predicate
Hi The following use of static_assert with the is_arithmetic<> type predicate generates a compilation error: #include <type_traits> template<typename Scala...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the clarification. This means that in fact the program wor... (by SSteven)
help please
i am trying to make a bullet disappear after colliding with a wall or anything but the game crashes at the 3rd bullet and i don't know why struct bullet { ...
[1 reply] : It is most likely because one of the indexes is out of bounds. (by coder777)
Delete duplicate elements from vector
In my software I get the coordinates (xyz) of points. I store this informations in a vector. So my function starts with this vector<vector<double> > matrix...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks to all of you. I figured it out, how to solve the proble with t... (by BeKinect)
Question DateClass
Can someone help me with these 2 programs? 1) Write a c++ program that displays various dates using Date class. It should be using constructors to display tod...
[1 reply] : I think you should read this first. (by Thomas1965)
Accessing a Text File in a Directory
I'm really lost on this one simply because my professor has only addressed accessing this within the code, not asking the user to select the text file to access...
[1 reply] : Just ask the user to type the filename and then read the entire line i... (by LB)
Socket help
I am still pretty new to C++ and I want to start with networking. I have a tiny understanding of how this code works and was hoping someone can explain it a lit...
[2 replies] Last: What you said Makes a lot of sense. Can you give an example tgat makes... (by fivestar)
scope resolution, class member
hey how do i use :: scope resolution thingy? and class member . thingy?
[3 replies] Last: well i read a little bit about operator precedency thingy (by programmerperson1)
delete plz
. solved by myself
[2 replies] Last: . (by alleniverson3)
Can someone help please? I'm looking at the program and can't seem to find where I went wrong.
Write your question here. I am writing a project that calculates and prints the semester college bill for a college. The college has two types of students : ...
[12 replies] Last: thanks! (by cpluspluschick)
May 2016 Pages: 1... 2122232425... 36
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