Beginners - May 2016 (Page 21)

Issue with file reader(reads correctly from one file, but not the other.)
So for this code I have to set it up so that it reads the first ten lines from a file, the last ten lines from a file, and then displays all lines from a file 1...
[1 reply] : This is what it should output: Assignment11_A.txt : # of records in... (by MichaelWilleTheFirst)
How Can I Fix This Problem
i dont like what it is doing. the user type in "A" and it answers the first one but it also answers the second one. i want it to answer the first and then wait ...
[1 reply] : You're only inputting answer once (line 16). If you want to ask anoth... (by AbstractionAnon)
how should i run this tutorial code in codeblock?!
so i have a tutorial code about linkedlist : i downloaded the zip file and it has 3 file ! 2...
[8 replies] Last: well i relpaced the while(q) in the print function and the destructor ... (by omidelf)
Need help with sqrt
Hello, I am a highschool student and I want to make a program that calculates the square of a triangle with Heron's theoreme.When I try to make something like ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks a lot man! (by Kostadin)
by Bligen
Making a pause in a "for" loop not working
I'm writing a pretty basic autoclicker for a game... and one of the parts of the program is to retrieve the coordinates, so you can further set where to click.....
[6 replies] Last: Yeah getch works, thanks to all who tried to help :) Would still be i... (by Bligen)
How to add 4 file make one file with 4 column
Hi everyone, I have 4 file.txt individually, I want to add to one file with 4 columns. I can add file, but, no making to 4 columns. How can fix it? Thank you to...
[2 replies] Last: For example: File 1: 1 2 3 File 2 7 8 9 File 3 12 13 14 File 4 17 18 1... (by DaNguyen)
Close And Open A New One
ok so i am making a game and i want it to be able to close the command prompt and open a new one to start the game. how do i do this
[no replies]
Deleted Post
[1 reply] : When do you get these segmentation faults? I trie with 2,3,4,5 and 6 p... (by Thomas1965)
testing operators as literals
I would like to know why the following code fails to recognize '-' or '+' as operators but does recognize '*' and '/'. The following code is supposed to check t...
[7 replies] Last: OK, that makes sense. I searched all over and hadn't found anything me... (by jeffbiss1)
Asking about project
I'm using Dev-C++, and i want to ask. I want to make a project with multiple C++ files. The project start with a Main Menu.cpp which create a list of things thi...
[17 replies] Last: then how to return to main menu.cpp? When B1() returns, you're back... (by AbstractionAnon)
Error in inner product of vectors and index
Hello I found a bug in my code and can't figuring out the error. I tried debugging by showing the output of each variable step by step but I can't find my erro...
[no replies]
printing only shaded element on a matrix
Hi, this is a matrix 35 1 6 26 3 32 7 21 31 9 2 22 8 28 33 17 how can I print and display just these numbers by using 2-dimention number : 35 1 6 3 32 31 ple...
[2 replies] Last: Only two nested loops. The outer loop looks one row at a time. You a... (by keskiverto)
Problem with sort()
I am trying to write a program that can sort a list of movies and print them to the console. However, I have a problem with my sort function. When I try to run,...
[2 replies] Last: When I hit build and run, a new tab named stl_algo.h appeared with a... (by phamanhvy)
Help Debugging my Program! Using Functions
So basically I am writing a program that is used to return the current amount in a bank account. The amount in the account defaults to zero. The user inputs w...
[1 reply] : The problem is that you pass dollars and balance swapped: int up... (by coder777)
I need to check if name is same How can I check it?
I wrote function only How can I do add same name Ignore it?? this is same name don't ingore it. How can I do Show up error?? struct b_customer { string...
[1 reply] : if(Temp.Last_Name == Temp.Last_Name) cout << "Error: the same last ... (by coder777)
by Ragby
Moving a character down the screen
Hello, I am a beginner currently enrolled in a high school programming class. For a final project, I chose to make a guitar hero-like game. At this point, I'm s...
[2 replies] Last: I've seen a video of a guy making a simplistic snake game.... I'm quit... (by Bligen)
help with queues? logic help
hello i am having some trouble with one of my funtions its probably the executeAll funtion or my print function. its not print the correct information to th...
[1 reply] : What makes you think that it is not the correct information? (by coder777)
Someone anyone pls help
I am trying to create a function with an array of names inserted and creating a slip function. Lets assume Day1 there are 2 buyers (Zee and Zoe) and Day2(Eddie ...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for the code. I added a line between line 29 and 30 for the 2 d... (by silent one)
How to make vector private but still read-only?
class base{ private: int a; char b; public: //functions to return a and b } class vect{ public: vector<base> comp; void add(int aa, char bb){ comp.pu...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks for all your help! (by ephraimr)
Question regarding file reading
A problem I'm doing is asking me to create a concordance with binary search trees. I've got it working and everything is done minus one part I can't seem to fin...
[1 reply] : The >> skips newlines and other whitespace characters. The easiest way... (by Peter87)
May 2016 Pages: 1... 1920212223... 36
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