Beginners - May 2016 (Page 18)

can someone help me about this #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<conio.h> #include<iostream> #include<stdlib.h> float rad,pie=3.141,ac,l,...
[2 replies] Last: in line 440 till 446 I need help I get errors when I need to calculate... (by zaidmashni)
Date program
Write a program that will let the user input any date in format MM/DD/YYYY. The user will then output what day the specified date was. If the input date is ...
[1 reply] : (by Thomas1965)
Compiler error when a static member of a class is private
In the following code, I set a static variable of a class is private. Then I initialize its value as for a public static member of a class. However, a compiler ...
[3 replies] Last: Line 12 is fine. The problem is when you try to access the private var... (by Peter87)
by Dkob1
Pointers, please check?
Can someone check if I got these correct please?? I'm pretty sure I missed almost half of these so I really need help on these. If someone can explain too, that...
[no replies]
amount of total hard drive space
how do i write code to show the total amount of hard drive space. df_total found that may work part of a structure
[no replies]
amount of total system memory
how to write code to show how much total system memory is there been looking at some structures dfree, free maybe some other items regarding bios b...
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How to check the number of occurrences of integers in an array?
Hi guys. This is a homework problem . I need help. Write a program that inputs ten integers in an array. It displays the number of occurrence of each number ...
[7 replies] Last: That worked pretty good. Thanks @kevinkjt2000 :) (by sabbag learner)
Trouble with Command Line Argument
Hi, I'm having some issues reading in a file from the command line argument. Basically I have a file with text from chapter one of a story. I am supposed to rea...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you for your suggestion. I've actually tried a different approac... (by Carter205)
Reading a dynamically allocated array from a file
Having some trouble getting the output that I want. The test file that I'm reading from has integers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 respectively, each on their own line. ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you Moschops it worked perfectly!! I don't know why I didn't j... (by codingNubCake)
by brad97
Problems Using Static Library
I am attempting to write the code for a console application that uses a static library in another project. In this code I am getting many errors pertaining to i...
[no replies]
by Dkob1
Getting errors?
I'm getting two errors: 1) IntelliSense: no instance of constructor "Rational::Rational" matches the argument list argument types are: (int) 2)'Rational::Rati...
[3 replies] Last: I think I got it actually, thanks. (by Dkob1)
bubble sort code
fixed it
[no replies]
by Blenda
Can anybody help me please?
Hello guys, I am really sorry for disturbing you, and I really do not know how this forum works, but I need your help. I am working with some exercises but I ...
[4 replies] Last: @ OP Without knowing specifics, take a look at the link below: h... (by chicofeo)
A question about pointers
Hello everyone, I'm sorry if this question was already answered before, I just couldn't find anything on google... So, I am gradually learning pointers and a f...
[2 replies] Last: Oh, thanks for the clarification, I tought delete actually cleaned the... (by Lextredis)
Multiple Inheritance Question
Hi! Never done multiple inheritance in the past and it is been asked from my tutor to do so. I have developed a code after request that follows: #incl...
[1 reply] : class Rectangle: public Polygon , public PaintCost { public: ... (by Moschops)
Sorted Array into Binary Search Tree
Below I have a function that turns a sortedArray into a Binary Search Tree. For some reason, a is not being updated (see sample run below). If anyone can help,...
[no replies]
objects in classes
Hi guys can someone clear this up for me,I made a Birthday object inside the People class I thought this would work as I included the Birthday.h file in the Peo...
[12 replies] Last: thanks,I'll try figure this out (by adam2016)
LNK2019 and LNK1120
Write your question here.
[2 replies] Last: (by AbstractionAnon)
World Search with multifunction (?) caracter
Hy Guys! I have a task to search any given world in multiply files and give back the line where it was found. Which seems easy but has a twist where any given ...
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by franc0
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May 2016 Pages: 1... 1617181920... 36
  Archived months: [apr2016] [jun2016]

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