Beginners - May 2016 (Page 17)

Creating a game board using a one dimensional array
Does anyone know how to make a game board using a one dimensional array.
[3 replies] Last: Really helped thanx a lot (by GhostCas)
pls wizards help a student
Write your question here. Everytime the while loop finishes processing a string in this code it creates an extra empty string. How do I make it so that there...
[5 replies] Last: Don't bump your post because it hasn't had a response in 30 minutes. ... (by cire)
2D primitive array of variable x values
Hello! I am excited to be joining a nice community such as this one. I've been writing in Java for a long time. However, I enjoy learning C++. I've been sear...
[no replies]
help help to build array for numbers and sort
#include <stdio.h> int main() { int y = 0; int p; srand((unsigned) time(&t)); for (p = 0; p < 20; p++) { y = rand() ...
[2 replies] Last: thank you for help looks good things become so standard eh that mayb... (by programmerperson1)
Overriding Methods within Inherited Classes Problem
I am trying to setup an inheritance system where objects keep track of their *parent's* position. To help visualize what I'm trying to do, think of a window th...
[2 replies] Last: Wow, so simple. Thank you for your help. I can't believe I missed th... (by HellfireXP)
What is '~' for?
Write your question here. WorldCup::~WorldCup() { // empty... } Sometimes I can see this kind of constructor but I don't see why '~' is needed...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you for the answers!:) (by learncpps)
Segmentation Fault Definition
Hey Guys! What means when the terminal says: Segmentation Fault: 11? thanx!
[1 reply] : It means you are attempting to read from, or write to, memory that the... (by Moschops)
by Burden
Need help for recursion
Implement a function printAllSubsets which takes a string and prints all subsets of the string. For example, if the string was “dog”, the subsets would be:...
[no replies]
by brahe
1000 games of Craps stats (arrays)
Hello, I am working on this program that plays a simple game of craps but plays it 1000 times. Then I have it show me how times the is won on the first roll, se...
[1 reply] : > but when I did avg = sum / size I don't see that in your code. > te... (by ne555)
by NikT1
Creating a number of folders
This is a code I wrote to calculate a number to the power of another number, and then it outputs the result. I need afterwards this result to be used as a numbe...
[no replies]
program crashes
hi, this code will compile but when i run it it crash on me..I have found the prolem but i can't seem to fix it. its on strcpy that i'm getting the problem.. Ho...
[3 replies] Last: thanks that solved my problem. (by badboy1245)
by franc0
why can't i read file data into my linked list?
i am working on a movie database and i have output from my file that i want to load into my linked list,no problem opening file but when i run this function it ...
[no replies]
wrong output
[no replies]
semester please end
So I'm having a bit of trouble with spliting a string of three words separated each by a whitespace character. I know I'm supposed to use the find() function an...
[8 replies] Last: Do I have to call getline before the while loop and then call it agai... (by ihatecoding)
by sodyum
Programming is hard for me..
I am getting error with this code. 117|error: expected ')' before string constant| 117|error: invalid conversion from 'int' to 'const char*' [-fpermissive]|...
[5 replies] Last: Look at the example... (by Moschops)
Multidimensional array as input?
I have an assignment that asks the user to input two integer matrices and then multiplies them. The input format is: 1 2 3 4 5 6 so every space means one m...
[3 replies] Last: Okay, so: struct matrix { int data ; int rows, columns; ... ... (by Duthomhas)
by jae0
how do you exit a program after meeting a certain condition?
im done with the 2nd modification but I cant make the program exit when I enter 5. This is the exercise I have been working on. Write a program that cco...
[7 replies] Last: just finished with the last modification. thank you guys really. #i... (by jae0)
Can't Figure out Error
I am writing a code for my c++ class that is a very basic form of tetris with only one block. As of now the program generates a block that falls on its own and ...
[no replies]
by sodyum
How to convert char to integer
Hello everyone.. I have the following code and when I press the Go button I want to sum 2 numbers who person entered in 2 text boxes and show the answer with me...
[5 replies] Last: You are welcome. (by Thomas1965)
Query about videoconferencing , FTP and HTTP packets
I would like to represent packet profile of videoconferencing packets and FTP in network simulator ns3. anyone can advice me what are the characteristics of vod...
[no replies]
May 2016 Pages: 1... 1516171819... 36
  Archived months: [apr2016] [jun2016]

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