by ptitz
Why doesn't updating pointer variable change the variable that it points to?
[2 replies] Last: Yeah, super! Actually I've had a lot of problems pop up in the rest of... (by ptitz)
by lynlyn9
dsda (1,2)
[30 replies] Last: @JLBorges: I understand sir. Thank you for all your help. (by lynlyn9)
by wavy19
regarding headers(unknown type name!,nested too deep;y)
[2 replies] Last: Are you sure this relationship makes sense. What is an "events" and is... (by Peter87)
by chusaijames
Help with my program homework
[1 reply] : can you post some code, things you have attempted? You can get lots of... (by Bdanielz)
Find Lowest and Highest of Array |
[10 replies] Last: const int size = 5; int a ={2,5,3,87,9}; int min,max; min = max = a ... (by Ericool)
by Arslan7041
Char array questions
[7 replies] Last: > So in c++11, char* is different from char ? In every version of C++... (by JLBorges)
by MultiMedia
How can I achieve this?
[4 replies] Last: Hi, Check out the ncurses library Good Luck !! (by TheIdeasMan)
by zee2200
Draw a circle in opengl but a line is going from the circle to the origin point
[2 replies] Last: oh whoops sorry, i should have specified i tried taking the sine and c... (by zee2200)
by Antereson991
loop coding problem
[14 replies] Last: Thanks ^ dhayden I understand it . (by Antereson991)
by jaykeblakk
Using 3 classes in C++
[2 replies] Last: Ah. I see now what the problem was. I need to use a public method inst... (by jaykeblakk)
Classes and pointers to a vector |
[3 replies] Last: You can print std::strings using std::cout << , but note that your ve... (by helios)
how to use random() function in dev c++? |
[3 replies] Last: The solution is stated in the error message: use the -std=c++11 comp... (by Peter87)
How randomize() function works on dev c++? |
[no replies]
how to use delay function on dev c++ |
[2 replies] Last: thanks chervil (by abdullah ibrar)
Looping Confusion |
[2 replies] Last: Thanks so much, I also have learned a new thing today. The "!". (by closed account 3voN6Up4)
by coll97
Searching words in a text
[no replies]
by evy
stdafx.h problem
[1 reply] : When you create a project turn off the precompiled header file option. (by Yanson)
by Leo Mingo
How to make a bi-variable equation solver?
[no replies]
by badboy1245
Reading from URL
[no replies]
by Cheche01
File stream condition. To Read if file has content else write info
[2 replies] Last: Edited my code. I'm sorry but how do you do it? (by Cheche01)