Beginners - May 2015 (Page 40)

problem understanding question with function given as multiply(int, int, int&)
Q)Write a C++ Program that contains four user defined function(s) plus(int, int, int&), minus(int, int, int&), multiply(int, int, int&), divide(int, int, flo...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks guys for the replies, indeed the reason of the third parameter ... (by b3ginn3r)
Having trouble with array program
Here is the assignment the teacher gave us: Cane toads are an invasive species in Australia which are causing environmental havoc. The problem is that can...
[5 replies] Last: I see you have put some serious effort into this task, so I dont mind ... (by Jaybob66)
Program has no error messages yet still fails to start. Compiles and builds successfully.
I've been working this program for some time, i got through all the error messages but now when I run the program it just stops working, the program starts up a...
[1 reply] : you're copying an array to itself in your constructor change it to thi... (by closed account SECMoG1T)
My getter functions don't print variables???
So I've have trying to get this to work, but is seems like Visual Studio 15 doesn't like me today. The code is really simple, yet it only prints the rule tha...
[1 reply] : getName() doesn't print anything. It just returns the string value. If... (by Peter87)
Best way to iterate through struct members of the same type?
struct Times { int inputTime; int updateTime; int drawTime; }; //iterate through each one, checking whatever needs to be check, etc not the exact example...
[2 replies] Last: you can only iterate through collections. If your data is all separa... (by Jaybob66)
Choosing random from enum
Hello. How do I make this work? enum colors {white=0,brown,black,spotted}; int main() { srand(time(0)); string test; test = (string)(rand() % 4...
[3 replies] Last: there isn't if you don't want to reference it. you have to remember t... (by Jaybob66)
by jcf5xh
ftp server PORT and LIST command implementation
I'll try to keep this simple. Basically, whenever I call "ls" from the ftp command prompt, It always returns a 425, as seen in the relevant if statement in th...
[no replies]
Lookup table
This seems simple, but i am struggling with it. I have coded a decoder from Hamming to Grey to Binary. I then need to take the resulting number I get from this ...
[1 reply] : Loop through all the numbers, the loop variable and the loop variable ... (by Peter87)
by Aideux
Formatting help (iomanip)
I'm working on a program that will allow an unknown number of people to input their information in a file, and then that information would be output in a new fi...
[1 reply] : Note that setw sets the width of the next output. You are not settin... (by Peter87)
by Gohmer
readFile array problem
Hi I'm trying to make a program that reads data from a text document and allows me to modify it. I am stuck with the display() function I can get the printf sta...
[no replies]
I'm having some trouble understanding when you can and cannot cast between pointers. For example const void* head = static_cast<void*>(new int ); const voi...
[1 reply] : I'm having some trouble understanding when you can and cannot cast be... (by Disch)
Fibonacci/Factor Comparison Statement
In my code I calculate the first 30 numbers in the Fibonacci sequence (store as an array) and then take an integer as input ,factor it and store as an array. Th...
[no replies]
Sorting from a file that was read in as a vector
I am trying to read in a file from class Flight which I already made. I believe I've read in the file correctly, but when I go to sort it by departure time, it ...
[1 reply] : I realize, I could read in an int, that a char for the colon, then ano... (by bgann2k17)
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