Beginners - May 2015 (Page 39)

Topological sort of my graph implementation
I have been working on a graph implementation for the last few days. All of this is really new to me. I am implementing a digraph of courses from an input file....
[no replies]
by nruiz8
Issues with Writing and Making Functions
For HW (intro to C++) I had to modify a program that I wrote previously, I will be including that code here. Seeing the output of it will make things much more ...
[1 reply] : I may be wrong but it looks like your over thinking the function. I d... (by SamuelAdams)
Error in program
I have problem in this program, Did not get how I fix this run time error, I am trying to make Josephus game BUT run time error is occurring, please help me to ...
[7 replies] Last: Please Do ASAP, Thanks. I made up Doubly linked list and that is work... (by BillyBob)
What am I doing wrong?
So I believe I messed up somewhere where I asked the user to input the last name of a person. I can input 1 name, and then it spits out the rest of the words. C...
[2 replies] Last: Or use 2D array, like names ... (by LendraDwi)
I'm working on a inheritance project. I need to fix Dog D1; in main and use member initialization instead. Here's my code: #include <iostream> ...
[no replies]
CylinderType HW Programm
Okay I am having huge problems with the output and I think the math part of my program. I am going to put the problem that was assigned to me. Look at Example ...
[3 replies] Last: Yeah, tried different things over the week. Nothing seems to work. The... (by Beginner159)
Displays Only 1 of 10 Test Scores
Hello, everyone! I'm doing a C++ program where you have to prompt the user to input ten test scores via an array of type double. Then, that array has to be p...
[14 replies] Last: I should've thought of that before! XD (by A R Files)
Odd output when passing file stream as reference
In the code below, I am supposed to read the following from a data file: Dean DeFino 88 98 99 Sally Johnson 78 89 82 Bill Benny 75 79 81 ...
[1 reply] : This is confusing... You use std::ifstream but you still use a char-ar... (by Gamer2015)
No idea how to start a program, how can I read a file entry into an array?
I have no idea how to start this somewhat difficult Hangman program. This is how I'm supposed to do the program: "Create a program to allow a user to play a ...
[1 reply] : Here is the link you can find a way to solve the problem http://progr... (by MRKSalman0349)
Need help on how to start this C++ for my class I've only learned strings, loops, char, int, doubles "Simulate the ATM. Start the user’s checking acco...
[3 replies] Last: This is not homework site So go to the following link and you will fi... (by MRKSalman0349)
Hi everyone. I have 5 tasks to do at home. I've been trying to do the first one, but it's not going very well. The assignments are actually short and easy, but...
[2 replies] Last: I'm reading your comment for the 5. time, I don't understand almost an... (by BarbieDaniele)
by Sh0es
Resizing Dynamic Arrays Without MemLeaks
I am using the following code to test how to properly resize arrays. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int* c = new int ; for...
[4 replies] Last: Oops. Corrected. (by AbstractionAnon)
function name after enum
Write your question here. Hello, in teach yourself c++ book I came across the code below enum ERR_CODE{SUCCESS,ERROR}; ERR_CODE Factor(int, int&, int&); ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much for your response, it's clearer now. (by agyBeginner)
3 combinations
so i implemented this short code to do a 3 combination of any number of numbers given, but i think it does not work properly, can anyone suggest something bette...
[9 replies] Last: thanks Sir JLBorges, you're right! what confused me a lil bit is the... (by donvigor)
print first name
I know this is something real stupid that I am not seeing, but when i run this code it says Please enter your first name (followed by 'enter':/n why is the ...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for the help everyone. Knew it was something stupid. That \n is... (by Preddie)
Linked Lists in Classes trouble
Hello! I'm pretty new at coding and am having some troubles understanding linked lists and how they work in classes. My code is going to have a bunch of errors,...
[2 replies] Last: @line 53 you cant call the constructor like that, it was automatically... (by Jaybob66)
definition of basic functions of C/C++
I was trying to understand the header files like "stdio.h", "math.h", etc... but when I open those files I find only the prototypes of functions like "fget()" o...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you very much (by CaMMelo)
by savanh
what the problem with this code ? i try to make that template code can inheritance from spcializtion template code but it dose not run #include<iostrea...
[2 replies] Last: On line 9, you have a parameterized constructor for your student cla... (by fg109)
by Dmytro
As correctly to add a file in the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
Good time day! I attaching files msoftcon.cpp and msoftcon.h in project already happened mouse inserted copying them. Then in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 ...
[1 reply] : Files for addition it is possible to have much. It is that them 10 or ... (by Dmytro)
by wyj216
The Const derived from two other Const can't be used as const in Visual Studio!!(modified)
Below is an example for my problem. obviously, num is an constant int value. However, when I compile it with Visual Studio 2010, an error happens. The error is ...
[4 replies] Last: That "should" work as the compiler can determine the value of num at c... (by AbstractionAnon)
May 2015 Pages: 1... 37383940
  Archived months: [apr2015] [jun2015]

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