Beginners - May 2015 (Page 18)

organize array of objetc in OOP descending
Hi good afternoon, well my program is about of a atraction park (like disneyland) where any atraction have 2 values, 1 string with their name and the fun level,...
[no replies]
blinking text
I had a tutor, but he was horrible and told me you couldn't make text blink. I know have the code for sleep, and understand(I think) what I have to do, but I'm ...
[7 replies] Last: sleep is capitalized, but it seems its not capitalized in some IDE's. ... (by breich2)
Vector sorting base on 2 variables in the object
Hello all, I have a sorting function from lowest to highest, highest to lowest, and sort by the type then highest to lowest for each of its type. ShapeTwoD is ...
[3 replies] Last: Hi there- you can create a custom sort object with an overloaded opera... (by ultifinitus)
by HelenI
Hi....i am given a number K and a string. I have to create K strings from the string i have.To create a string it must not start with the same letter as the pre...
[1 reply] : You should look into using vectors or perhaps dynamic array allocation... (by fg109)
Enum type not declared
Hi, could someone help me figure out where the bug is in this code snippet? Compiler error is: 'A::type has not been declared". Below are the four files that sh...
[8 replies] Last: Include guards by themselves don't solve the problem of recursive incl... (by AbstractionAnon)
Adding elements to dynamic array
Hi, I want to add some elements to an n*n array that the user specifies at the beginning. However, I'm getting a C2540 and C2440 error. Here is the code: ...
[1 reply] : What do you mean by "add elements"? Your code seems attempt to "set t... (by keskiverto)
organize array of objetc in OOP
Hi good afternoon, well my program is about of a atraction park (like disneyland) where any atraction have 2 values, 1 string with their name and the fun level,...
[2 replies] Last: n and h I expline before, n (the most popular atraction) and h is a va... (by JOSEluis2796)
Greatest Common Divisor's Array
hello all, i could not find any mistake on the problem that finds the pair of numbers with maximum gcd. for example: array is {16,24, 50, 4} output should be...
[9 replies] Last: @ Momothegreat OP is not trying to find the GCD of four numbers. Read... (by Duthomhas)
by savanh
hello, i have this code ,the problem with the part implimntation i dont know why does not run ,please help me with it //as interface #include<iostream...
[3 replies] Last: 24 ,25 is correct cuz in implimintation not heder file No. The as... (by AbstractionAnon)
Need help fixing program.
The point of the program is a guessing game. The program chooses a number between 1-100 and the user guesses. If they guess too high it says 1, too low it says ...
[3 replies] Last: It checks if 'guess' is greater than or less than 'number', and if it ... (by CLman94)
Find volume and surface area of a sphere
I made a program to find the surface area or volume of a sphere and it works, but my teacher says its not object oriented and does not use classes. Can someone ...
[4 replies] Last: (by mutexe)
wrong result in bill calculation
I don't know what's wrong with my code, but the output isn't quite accurate. The question is that the first 30 minutes are free and 0.20 is charged for every...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! It works now! (by jasperchin)
by HG319
reading a file--deleting numbers and punctuations
I am writing a code which reads a document and I have to keep track of the line number and how many times the word appears in the document. Then I have to outpu...
[2 replies] Last: thanks for your response. To test out program our prof told us to use... (by HG319)
Storing content within a vector into another vector?
Is it possible to store individual members of a vector within another vector? Allow me to elaborate: Let's say I declare a vector of vector<string> myVect...
[1 reply] : Have a look at combining vector iterators with the string + operator. (by shadowmouse)
dev cpp graphics
Dev cppp wont let me link libraries like cairo or opengl. Project drop down menu is gray and not clickable
[no replies]
Counter Isn't Working For My Game
I don't understand why my counter(In my display function) is giving me weird numbers. I will post what the output should be in the comments. #include <ios...
[1 reply] : Check line 55, what are you meant to be comparing with here? In func... (by Codermik)
[C++] Run function every 30 seconds
So basically, i need to make a function that will be activate every 30 seconds, but the trick is that i want it every 30 seconds in a minute so like 07 : 58 : 0...
[1 reply] : You need to be looking at creating a thread. (by Codermik)
by kunz
how to call random function in main
how can i call a random function in main function please help
[5 replies] Last: Have you seen this tutorial? Functions (by andywestken)
Histogram help
Can't seem to figure out how to output the histogram in this form: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 for an input of - 1 ...
[no replies]
determine if numbers are prime
need help with changing it so that its only the numbers between, not including the numbers the user chooses. I cant seem to figure it out. It works right now, b...
[2 replies] Last: Hi Kevin, Please don't double post - I provided an answer in the othe... (by TheIdeasMan)
May 2015 Pages: 1... 1617181920... 40
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