by chris23balln
Reading Text File to Linked List
[no replies]
by Sekkkyyy
changing values in Pointer to pointer and pointer to address
[1 reply] : Why? In your second bit of code: 1. you define a char* variable sti... (by andywestken)
Simple Calculator
[3 replies] Last: Professionally, you're more likely to encounter a situation like your ... (by pnoid)
by kong288
Base class question!
[7 replies] Last: yeah, it looks like it works. // Example program #include <iostream>... (by Gamer2015)
by pardi
[6 replies] Last: Which is a very bad idea, because you'll end up with memory leaks ... (by Codermik)
by MRQ1
Programming small games and software
[2 replies] Last: Well can you help me what should I practice and where can I get someth... (by MRQ1)
by HelenI
[2 replies] Last: thanks (by HelenI)
by frazfraz
Return array from function!
[2 replies] Last: You're going to have to supply more information. Since you say thi... (by AbstractionAnon)
by HellfireXP
Point Structure
[5 replies] Last: I should have been more explicit. The return type of those functi... (by AbstractionAnon)
by wrymn
Header include problem
[4 replies] Last: hehe no problem, you gave me some ideas to think about :D The thing I... (by wrymn)
by TestT
Include Problem
[7 replies] Last: Test1.h #pragma once #include "Test2.h" class Test2; class Test1 {... (by TestT)
by Aye
Help please asap..
[10 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <fstream> int main() ... (by JLBorges)
Adding Conditions for the CIN function
[3 replies] Last: I don't think you need to worry about letters or symbols. Because you ... (by Momothegreat)
by Sekkkyyy
Accessing placement new buffer
[3 replies] Last: This entirely depends on how what exactly you're trying to do. For exa... (by shadowmouse)
by frazfraz
Char array limit
[3 replies] Last: That still does not change anything using this condition: I can promp... (by admkrk)
by AcePaincake
Float Variables
[2 replies] Last: You're adding a new character variable and a third integer which you d... (by Momothegreat)
by chris23balln
Linked List
[1 reply] : It sounds like you need to create a struct in your linked list to hold... (by Bdanielz)
by fpro
How do I use a class as a member of a class and other questions
[1 reply] : Define the first class in first_class.h // first_class.h // include ... (by JLBorges)
Array the best method? |
[3 replies] Last: These are all good questions. Let's start with the most important one:... (by dhayden)
by thevirus
functions what am i doing wrong? Please help
[1 reply] : First of all, I would use else if after the first if Second, why n... (by Homberto)